
The League of Warriors: All's fair in Love and War

A teen assassin finally escapes the HQ of the Russian Assassins Club wanting an ordinary life but what he doesn't know is that he has a lion spirit inside him that gives him the powers and skills of a ninja when he finds out he knows that he must never tell his friends about his powers and use them to protect his friends from the forces of evil, on his adventure to stop the forces of evil he found out that there are more people like him and ends up falling in love with a specific girl

SamsongAlis · Fantasy
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2 Chs

Chapter 1: The Origin

Once upon a time in the magical realm of Eldoria, where mythical beasts roamed freely and ancient powers thrived, there existed an elite group of warriors known as "The League of Warriors."

This league was comprised of Powerful Humans, each possessing unique abilities and skills of different warriors.

There were the Blazing Splash Ninjas whose powers were Fire and Water, the Vine Struck Samurais whose powers were Vine and Thunder, and others.

At the heart of the story lies an Evil Creature named Oniaca, who wants all the magic of the realm and uses it to rule the kingdom. The League of Warriors found out about this and a huge battle started between them and Oniaca.

Oniaca was a tough opponent for the league, so they had to combine their skills with mythical beasts to gain more power. It worked, and they finally defeated Oniaca and his army of Zemon soldiers. However, it came at a terrible price - almost half of the League of Warriors was destroyed and Eldoria was in chaos.

The League of Warriors had to find a way to stop this chaos, so they took everyone out of Eldoria, trapped Oniaca and his Zemon Army, and made Eldoria a restricted zone to trap Oniaca there.

So they all went to Earth to start their new life there, but they made a rule that they should never tell humans that they have powers or about their past. They should use any other story that won't be suspicious.

With that, they set off to start their new life with humans and they later bonded with them. They never told the humans about their past, so their generations never knew they had powers that protected them.

So, 500 years later, we meet a boy named Stark Light-wing, a Russian Assassin who has the skills to kill anyone they send him to. Lately, he has been feeling tired of this assassin's job, so now he is planning his escape.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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