
The League of Heroes

It's all it takes to be the number one hero

wallen_mukumba · Anime & Comics
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2 Chs

Chapter 2: Reaper

The night was beautiful, it had revealed Tokyo's outlook better than ever, the glamorous lights and the busy street could be all visible at Adrian's view, he stood at the third floor of the campus, his eyes fixed at the window.

"I guess this is our life from now on?" Adrian murmured without intention, "Heroes of the city" he continued, turning towards Levi who had been cooking at the kitchen section of the room.

"Doesn't that scare you?" Levi responded closing the pot, now glaring back at Adrian.

"What does that mean?"

"Death Adrian, doesn't death scare you?"

Adrian was quiet for a moment, "I never really thought about it, I never even thought I'd come this far." Adrian now said viewing the massive room they had received.

"And yet you have, like many other, but the truth is, heroes die Adrian, that's something I keep in mind" Levi said darkly while he disposed the water from his pot.

"If you had such a mentality, then why did you join," Adrian quickly countered, "I don't know what may happen to you Levi, but one thing is for sure." Adrian locked into Levi's eyes now, even though their distance. 

"I'm going to be the best there is" he smiled, Levi smiled back at him, "Good, now I know that this might not be as bad as I thought, after all, you are my opponent."

Before Adrian could reply the door suddenly burst open, it was Lily, she had a clip board in hand and was accompanied with another guy, he had rough light brown hair and brown eyes.

Levi's eyes narrowed, "Is this your brother or something? and what's with the collar." that's when Adrian noticed it, a large Mechanical collar was on his neck, he was wondering how he could breathe.

"No, this is not my brother," Lily glared, ''it's our fourth partner, Alvis."

"Fourth!" Adrian and Levi voice erupted together. 

"The head of the league introduced a late newcomer and asked which team would be fine to aid him." she quickly explained.

"And you were first to pick a random?" Levi replied.

"You don't even know his ability, and you just chose him? Look at him, he looks like he's on a leash!" Adrian turned to him, "No offense."

"None taken." Alvis sounded hurt.

"Come on guys, having four people will make our missions easier especially the one we just got."

"We got a mission!" Adrian rushed to her grabbing the clipboard, his eyes set on their assignments.

"Find Reaper? who's Reaper?" Adrian looked up at Lily.

"I don't know that yet and seer didn't give us any hints, so I guess we have to find him from scratch."

"The seer? you mean that guy today, the announcer today?" Levi spoke up.

"Yea, he's one of the heads of the league." Lily replied.

"Well then when do we start searching for this guy?" Adrian intervened.

"I guess we have to start looking tomorrow and see if we can get any leads," Levi ended turning towards Alvis.

"Welcome Alvis to the tier 3, from now on this is your compound, my name is Levi."