
The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen

Meet Wiaji or most known as "Skull Glory" one of the six shades of darkness from a notorius also the most feared organisation on earth called "League of Extraordinary Gentlemen" the only organisation with a 100% clean success mission for anything, the ultimate catch is you cannot employ them, they will come to you if any of your possesion piqued their interest..

Mio_Smiley · Anime & Comics
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28 Chs

Skull Glory the Death Bringer

Unbeknownst to Wiaji, the blood-red liquid called "Ambrosia" begins to react in his body and starts to change all cells in his body to the molecular level, his green bones such colour as jade and strong nerve fibers get stronger but the most noticeable is the limiter of brain ability that ordinary human possessed has been increased far again, compared to when he still spinning inside the swirling wind also the total capacity of the brain is increasing higher and the most frightening is the disappearance of the brain limiter found in the brains of ordinary people to feel pain, emotions and affection that distinguishes humans from robots or animals.

wiaji's black hair began to turn to whitish silver not to forget his eyebrows also turned to whitish silver, his pupils that are brown like the characteristic of southeast asia, turns red like blood with a little gold accent, wiaji brownish skin also turned white typical of Europeans.

all of these transformations took place in seconds without the slightest pain and instead Wiaji only felt a very beautiful pleasure flowing throughout his body.

"Ah, sorry, am I late?" a voice without form suddenly appeared

all of them in the room were amazed then hurriedly bowed and knelt down without any command they started the greetings simultaneously

"Welcome to GREENWOOD, Your Excellency Archangel Michael, may you always be blessed by God and have a long and prosperous life"

"Ah, is Wiaji's transformation process already complete?"

"Not finished completely, Your Excellency" said Yani still in a bent position to the golden crystal that rotates and hangs above the altar

"Ah, where are my manners, please stand up all of you, okay, thank God I'm not too late, thank you, Yani, let me finish this procession for Wiaji"

"thank you Your Excellency"

all those who had knelt down and bent down straightened up and stood up while looking at the golden crystal with a deep adore and reverence in their eyes

"with this, you a human child being born and named "Wiaji" has left your past and is reincarnated in your world as one of the guardians of your world from all kinds of threats that affect human survival, and also with this you have been reborn with complete ability that has been bestowed upon you from The Almighty God so that you can use it properly and in harmony with your own destiny, are you able to do that? " asked the formless voice to Wiaji

"Yes, I can" Wiaji answered curtly by opening his eyes and looking at the golden crystal that spun on the altar without any emotion implied in his blood red eyes.

"Good and with this you will be granted a name "Skull Glory" which will be your new name that you will always carry until you die or successfully reach moksa* and rejoin us here"

"All Hail the arrival of Skull Glory The Death Bringer" said the formless voice which was then echoed throughout the room.

"I hereby give you to the Mages to guide you until you master your abilities and with this I also grant you 3 items that will be your friend as long as you live and fulfill your destiny"

"The first item is a magical wand called "Icy Hell" which you will always hold in your left hand to accompany you in every battle until your destiny is fulfilled"

"The second item is a robe named "Ragamuffin Manteau" that will always protect you on every journey to fulfill your destiny"

"And the third item is a blindfold called "Holy Blinker" to cover all the aura of destruction that radiates from your eyes everytime because if it is not covered then you will immediately lose your sanity and be in accordance with your nickname "Death Bringer" do you understand that Skull Glory?" said the formless voice

"Yes, Your Excellency" replied Wiaji who has now changed his name to Skull Glory

"Yes, finally our Shades of Darkness will be able to get a new members again after all this time," said MiamiVice towards Minda with a happy smile.

"Yeah, finally we will get new members who will immediately join the "Aura Force" without having to train for centuries" Minda answered with a smile

"Now I declare this ceremony finished and congratulations to Darkness for your newest members and for the members of "Aura Force" I have a new mission for you to carry out, Margareth please wait for Azrael or Mobius's instructions on the details of the mission"

"Yes, Your Excellency," Margareth answered, bowing to the golden crystal that continued to spin above the Altar

"Okay then, goodbye everyone" said the voice without the form

where is the comment or the critic everyone..?

*Moksa is a state of life where the person is vanished and reached ascension to heaven in Javanese Folklore

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