
The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen

Meet Wiaji or most known as "Skull Glory" one of the six shades of darkness from a notorius also the most feared organisation on earth called "League of Extraordinary Gentlemen" the only organisation with a 100% clean success mission for anything, the ultimate catch is you cannot employ them, they will come to you if any of your possesion piqued their interest..

Mio_Smiley · Anime & Comics
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28 Chs

Margareth the Huntress

In a wilderness far from the reach of human hands, near to the equator lines stands a magnificent building that resembles the forbidden city of China, although surrounded by mountains and hills and primieval forests that have never been explored by any humans, but its grandeur is clearly visible.

And a blue portal suddenly appears in front of a gate to enter the building and then a silhouette of 3 people walks out of the portal.

"Woaaahhhhh, where are we?" Wiaji asked, immediately stopped walking and was amazed while looking around.

"Welcome to our guild headquarters, Greenwood," answered Arah while walking and stretching out both hands

While Fei just shook his head looking at the two of them and whispered softly "I'm home" while looking nostalgic at the buildings with Chinese architecture with a melancholy face as if he wanted to say a lot but got held in his mouth.

The gate which reached 10 meters high was decorated with reliefs of fighting dragons and tigers that seemed so majestic and radiated a thick heroic aura

"Come on, little boy, Margareth must have been tired waiting for us for a long time," Fei said as he walked and pushed the gate with one hand.

The 10 meter high gate appears to be making a creak sounds when it opens and Wiaji becomes more shocked when crossing the gate because the difference view outside the gate and the view inside the castle gate is very very different.

when the gate opened, what was in their view was a large field and there stood a woman in hunting clothes accompanied by a white wolf with the size of a sedan car that was lying behind the woman and looking at them with a fierce gaze

"Took you long enough, what happened?" Asked Margaret in a cold, indefferent attitude

"Well, we got a little problem about that Margareth, but before we have a guest, this is Wiaji and he has just been reincarnated," Fei said while pointing Wiaji on his side

"Hmm .." Margareth said, glancing at Wiaji who came without having time clean his body or to change his tattered clothes with a cold and indifferent attitude.

"Then how about you, Arah do you have anything to say for yourself?" asked Margareth while still speaking with a cold and indefferent attitude to Arah

Unconsciously, Wiaji stood there and stared at the woman in front of her. Arah and Fei said that this beautyin front of him were called Margareth, she was really a mature young woman with a rather eastern beauty with a very proportionate body and black eyes that seemed to be able to suck the souls of those who looked at her, not forgetting her white skin looked very contrasted with her black hair tied in a ponytail.

"Err .. I'm sorry Margareth, but the mission was successful, err... this is the dragon crystal from the dragon corpse" answered Arah while removing a red crystal the size of a chicken egg from his shirt pocket and giving it to Margareth.

Margareth took the red crystal and looked at it for a while then put it in her waist bag then said while staring coldly at Arah

"Only this time I forgive your mistakes. Arah, if there is a second one, then I myself will hunt you down"

"I know that, sorry margareth," said Arah, wiping the cold sweat on his forehead

"Then for our guest, take him into the main room I will call all the other members for the initiation ceremony for new members, let's go Grimbold we need to go to Deejay's place," said Margareth, while rubbing the head of the white wolf who immediately woke up hearing the commands of his master, Margareth immediately climbed onto Grimbold and sat on his back, then with one beat the white wolf immediately jumped and disappeared from the view of the three of them.

"fiuhh, that was close.." said Arah

while Fei seems to be remembered about something and suddenly cried out loud "ah.. my rewards.."