
The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen

Meet Wiaji or most known as "Skull Glory" one of the six shades of darkness from a notorius also the most feared organisation on earth called "League of Extraordinary Gentlemen" the only organisation with a 100% clean success mission for anything, the ultimate catch is you cannot employ them, they will come to you if any of your possesion piqued their interest..

Mio_Smiley · Anime & Comics
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28 Chs

Lover's Quarrel..

"ehehehe.. no can't do.. ehehehe.." Little Star said while smiling

again Yani begun to sigh this time with more dramatic vibe, and after hearing this Fei finally stopped smiling

"can she not come, i need more freedom if you want me to do this mission you know, besides i don't have any obligation to attend this mission, i already have enough points to buy myself out from any mission for 1 century ahead" speak Fei while being dissastified about Little Star joining the mission

hearing what Fei has said Yani looked at Margareth while enquiring her with a question " is it really the case..?"

hearing the question Margareth nodded her head while saying "we got an idiot who always messed around in every mission i gave him, so we need some Mass Resurrection Spell from Fei, for the rest of the story i assume you can guess what happened.."

hearing this Yani suddenly felt his head spinning

"Oh, Right.. here's your reward Fei, i forgot about giving this to you earlier.." said Margareth while smilling evilly and tossing a brown envelope to Fei, seeing this Fei got excited and wanna grab the envelope first, but before he can catch the envelope, another hand suddenly sprung out of nowhere and catch the envelope first

"what is this my dear Fei..??" said Little Star while staring daggers at the foto inside the envelope,


"ah... it's all over... i forgot about Little Star.... again..." said Fei inside his head

"a collection of mine Little Star, can you give it to me? i really need it.." said Fei while sweating bullets in his back but in his face a smiling face was prominent.

"are you collecting Margareth sexy photo instead my photo..?" Little Star still asked Fei with a smile

"err.. yes.. i mean no... err.. yes.. no.. NO.. NOOOO!!! trust me, its just a collection i have, you know i am a huge fan of Margareth and Grimbold since their little, you know that my love is only for you.. only you.." Fei seeing Lttle Star smiling like this hurried to explain while stuttering in his words


"marry me right now to prove it.." said Little Star

" yes.. i will marry you.. errr... NO.. NOOOO.. I GOT MISSION TO RUN..." Fei said still stuttering in his words

"you lied to me.. again.. just now you already forfeit the mission.." said Little STar menacingly, meanwhile behind Little Star back A Hannya Mask started to emerge from the void

"w.. ww..whoo.. who said it.. im still joining this mission, i need more points to prepare our honeymoon" said Fei with a great difficulty..

"really..?" ask Little Star with a great sparkle in her eyes..

"Yes.." Fei said with reluctance

'go get a room will'ya, i can still hear you.." Dirk said while frowning

"just leave them be, hey Skull that "SIGHT" its not the original right, you added something in that spell right? also what with that "SIGHTHRASHER" skill you just used, it can even track me after i used "Shadow Walking"" MiamiVice who's still drying his outfit asked Skull with great interest

"nothing special i guest, i just make it more combustible also more hot and the colour turned deep blue from the original orange colour, also for "SIGHTHRASHER" it's a skill i devise on the spot only to find you" said SKull nonchalantly

hearing this Yani and the guys even the quarreling lover's turned their head with astonishment

"what..? is it something in my face" asked Skull with puzzlement in his face

do leave reviews or comments and critiques for me.. i also appreciate some power stone..

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