
The Lazy System's Path

The System Association is an overpowered hidden aid made for the prosperity of worlds. It creates systems to aid protagonists in achieving strength to lead their worlds to a better future. There's a total of 1000 system as its members and rankings are also present. Every time their hosts die, they will meet the same fate. Newly born systems will replace their spot in the association. The SA did it this way to let the systems take their job seriously. Killed for being too useless and lazy, Argen, an 18 year old from Earth, suddenly finds himself becoming a system to a protagonist of a world where magic and strength reigns. The association's mission to its systems is to lead their protagonists to the pinnacle and strive to achieve the 1st strongest system title. But Argen didn't want these and just wanted to slack off. But did he have a choice? Nuh-uh. Like how the system gives missions, rewards and punishments to its host, the System Association also gives these to its members. [System no. 901, you will be entitled to punishment #5 if you continue to slack off until 12 pm] "Sh*t okay! Okay! I'll do it! Geez! So annoying!" But little did anyone know that his attitude would actually be the trigger to him acquiring capabilities beyond what an ordinary system could wield.

IntrovertScribe · Fantasy
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18 Chs

Simple Plan

"I am grateful for your thoughts however, I will repay what I owe. My debt was not all about the other day's food." Argen said and gave a slight bow.

Just as the old woman was about to speak, Argen added. "I am from a large family who is vested in handling and making businesses prosper. I think I could help your problem as a sign of thanks for providing food and shelter when I needed it" It was a blatant lie anyone who knew better.

"But..." The old man hesitated. "It was not like we invited you to stay because we pitied you or something. Really, you do not owe us anything!"

"I know that you did that because I am your employee, and as the boss, you had the obligation to do so after you had heard of my story. However, despite that reasoning, I am greatly thankful for what you have done. Therefore, I wanna help your problem. I have a plan in mind." Argen smiled

"Grandma! Grandpa! Let's hear what older brother Argen has to say" Jonathan persuaded.

"Un. Okay"

After their approval, Argen began to talk.

"First of all, is there any other restaurants who sell the same kind of food as yours within the area? I haven't quite explored the place when I came here you see." He inquired

"Well, yes. Just about 30 minutes walk from ours are several restaurants. Their businesses are doing good, to be specific." The old woman answered

"So tell me, what do you think is the reason why your store's situation is different from theirs? What makes their shop filled with people and here desolate?" Argen questioned straight to the main point, disregarding the fact that this question directly opens up healed wounds.

The old couple's words were stuck in their throats and only Jonathan was able to answer.

"The taste, the location and the atmosphere?"

Argen nodded. "Correct. Not to be mean though but first, I think you need to work on your menu. Create specialties which best describes your store! The theme of this restaurant is quite mundane and people would not be tempted to buy."

The old man approved however he then shook his head. "Even though that's the case, we don't have any ideas that could rise the food's taste up a notch or create new dishes!"

The young man smiled. "It just so happens that I have an idea" Argen then paused and looked at the old woman. "Uhm...ma'am may I trouble you to come with me with some money to the market to buy some ingredients tomorrow?"

"Of course. Also, call me Grandma Mei instead and my husband is Grandpa Chao" The old woman nodded.

"How does improving our business help our problem about that Franko bastard?" The old man asked.

Why would we need to improve our business when Franko would just own the place soon anyway? Wouldn't we be giving him a gift instead?

"Naturally, through the help of the public!" Argen smiled knowingly


But hasn't Franko already has the majority of the people's favor? Does this kid has a screw lose in the head or something?

As if hearing their thoughts, to confirm Argen's answer, he first asked. "When Franko decided to buy the place, was the people willing to compromise at first?"

"Actually no. There was even a rally going on about it. Where would we live after he buys the place? It wasn't until he said that he prepared a place for us to be renovated that the people's doubt softened---temporarily. However, when we think of it, would the place be much better than our current spot? If yes, then why would he need to buy our location? So definitely the place is much worse than ours and even the town mayor confirmed of it" Said Grandma Mei

"After that, Franko increased his offer and included a Low-level Mortal cultivation pill for Earthly Martial 7! All of the people, except us were tempted. I mean, who could resist a pill? Pills are quite rare in these parts you see." Grandpa Chao sighed

Meanwhile a random thought occurred to Argen. 'What if…'

He stared at every individual and uttered a command in his mind.


[Name: Chao Romeo

Age: 63

Race: Human

Gender: Male

Stage: Earthly Martial 8]


[Name: Mei Romeo

Age: 62

Race: Human

Gender: Female

Stage: Earthly Martial 8]


[Name: Jonathan Romeo

Age: 7

Race: Human

Gender: Male

Stage: Earthly Martial 2]

'Hmm...according to what I've read in SA, this kind status panel will give out more information when I upgrade. I thought I could see their talent or techniques they train. Oh well' Argen shrugged. The old couple really does not need that pill. Jonathan was also still far from reaching that rank for him to need it.

Grandpa Chao continued talking. "They signed a contract but until today, Franko has yet to pay. I think he will use this as threat to us that unless we sell them our property, he won't pay the people. Public pressure or ire will then arise against us making even the market refuse our presence."

His words confirmed Argen speculations.

"Okay. My train of thought is quite simple. We wage a psychological war against Franko. By improving our business, we will sell products that will make the people think that it is more beneficial to stay here than to move. With their positive opinions and help, this shop's position in public would be greatly strengthened and Franko would need to think a hundred times before trying to make a move against us."

"But how do we do it?"

"We sell delicious food which spiritual essence is present of course! Not only would the tonic be more beneficial and cheap, the taste would be superb compared to that tasteless pill! Also, Franko's threat about Jonathan will be nothing more than spittle if I remold Jonathan that would make the sects rather fight over him than listen to Franko's words!" Suddenly, Argen's enthusiastic expression froze.

'The hell! Why did I include solving the little punk's problem?!' He lamented in his mind. He just wanted to improve his living quarters and didn't want to do additional work more than upgrading the business. However, he had already stated the words and it was already too late to back down. As a system, he naturally knows how to improve the potential of an average person.

The old couple, even Jonathan, doubted his words. He sounded childish and impractical. Jonathan even wondered whether he was the child or him.

First of all, Jonathan's potential is nothing more than average.

Second, food nowadays despite even the most basic ingredients containing spiritual essence, lack the latter. This was because even the crappiest cooking and preservation techniques on how to do so were mostly prized possessions of high-class people or restaurants that naturally the common public has no qualifications to access. Commonly, the ingredient's spiritual essence would usually dissipate by time or by the wrong method of handling or cooking.

Like fruits, you could also eat the ingredients raw and absorb the spiritual essence contained on it. However, the desired effect would not be achieved and there is the possibility that life-threatening complications could occur because of improper handling. There is also the 'taste' to take note of. It is within human nature to be picky and sometimes choose taste over health like how we choose chocolate over broccoli. That's why the populace prefer to eat delicious food without spiritual essence that to eat a tasteless one present with it.

Although Argen's words felt naïve to their ears, they do not know that after the repetitive lectures of his trainer back in SA, a miracle scrap of knowledge retained on how to prevent the dissipation of spiritual essence from ingredients.

"Believe me. I have my ways!" Argen proudly banged his chest.

He also went as far as to think of how to handle security when the store's business thrive.


Argen went inside his room while feeling exhausted from all that talking. His enthusiastic expression was nothing more than a sham to persuade the trio.

How easily would his lazy self disappear?

"Gosh! I wanna sleep in a more comfortable bed!" He tapped his small wooden bed while complaining.

If this place wasn't crappy for staying for the meantime and wasn't subjected to changing ownership, he wouldn't even give a d*mn about their problems.

"Wait...sh*t! I forgot that if the business goes well, I would be even more busy state cause I'm an employee! Dumb self! Why don't you just go ahead and die?! What's the use of good bed when you won't even have enough time to spend the place with?!" Argen wracked his brains for answers. He was elated when he remembered a loophole.

"Oh yeah! After Grandma Mei said that I was relieved of my post, I never said that I will help their business by being an employee! I could help them by teaching and guiding their shop to prosperity! Naturally, they will offer some shares of the shop because the idea was originally mine. Why would I do effort when I won't receive rewards for myself permanently? Duh, if I upgrade the bedroom, they still own the place. Therefore by teaching them, I could buy a house while living off from their efforts! Hahaha!" Argen laughed, not realizing he worded out rightful thoughts into shameless ones.

Suddenly, a pop-up appeared indicating that the countdown for the forced acceptance of the cultivation mission has finished.

"Urgh...time to train!" Argen grudgingly lifted himself up from his magnet and sat cross-legged.

Earthly Martial 4 Advancement

[Extra Accumulated EXP: 16

Mission Progress: 0/300 EXP

Time left: 72 hours | 59 m | 52 s

Penalty for failure: Unable to receive rewards points beyond the time limit ]

"Tsk. So cheeky. 200 EXP more than needed in advancing Earthly Martial 3?" Argen complained.

Extra accumulated EXP are points that is earned by Argen when he trains or cultivates more than the past mission's points requirement and hasn't started the current one. He earned the 16 EXP when he first trained in Body Control.

Argen could also use these accumulated EXP to the mission's required amount of EXP.


System Association

Investigators' Work Quarters

"How's the case in Planet Hiarga doing?" A random individual, wearing the IWQ's white uniform, asked a colleague.

"System 901's trace, along with two anonymous individuals, disappeared in Bloodstreak Forbidden Forest and we can't make any further progress than that. We don't even know whether they are dead or alive! Also, we already had apply for Planet Investigators for this case a long time ago. However the available ones were rank C's and D's which are quite inadequate for a case of this rank. Only A's or B's are eligible, but they are taken already! Rank S, although available, is making a molehill out of a mountain or in simple terms---overkill. Sigh. We can't afford to lose anymore time!" Said the individual's interlocutor.

"Oh. That's quite troublesome. I mean, how many days has already passed by since the former SA's Informant disappeared." He shook his head

"I know. This is by far the most delayed case of the year. Usually, we would immediately dispatch Planet Investigators on the scene after a day or two." While saying this, the person sitting next to the speaker spoke.

"Rank B, Planet Investigators no. 60 and 59 have reported back! They are available for Planet Hiarga's case!" He said

"Assign the duo to Planet Hiarga and send them as soon as possible. Prepare the materials and resources needed for their investigation!" The team leader of the group announced and everyone then immediately did their designated works.


[Extra Accumulated EXP: 16

Mission Progress: 96/300 EXP

Time left: 64 hours | 32 m | 21 s

Penalty for failure: Unable to receive rewards points beyond the time limit ]

"Sigh. Training indeed reaps greater EXP. However despite only spending 4 hours of it and using another 4 hours to sleep, I still feel exhausted." Argen yawned and scratched his head. His progress last night had enabled him to control his hair about 70% already.

He washed himself clean and donned in another set of new clothes----as delivered by Grandpa Chao last night----before he made his way to the dining area. After eating breakfast with the old couple and grandchild, Grandma Mei accompanied him to the market.

Of course, he was wearing a scarf to hide half of his face. While walking, he was writing down some ingredients on paper before he handed it to Grandma Mei.

"Grandma Mei, is our budget enough to buy these stuffs?" Argen asked


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