
The Lazy Dragon: The Slothful One

This is my first cultivation novel, so forgive me for making mistakes. >>> A Story. A Legend. An Adventure. This is the tale of a Dragon—a reincarnator—whose ultimate aspiration is to become a true Dragon. He yearns to plunder kingdoms, kidnap princesses, and engage in battles against knights who dare to rescue them. However, there's a twist to his character: he is incredibly lazy. >>> Read the first chap and see if you like. Comment how you want the story to progress.

Zereeo_Ak · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
35 Chs

34. Windtooth

It is better to trust in the LORD than to put confidence in man.

( Psalms 118 : 8 )


"I found something really amusing."

The growling voice spoke again.

But to the speaker's dismay, Lijen was too occupied with the ideas of affinity that he didn't hear. He was too focused, to the point of entering a meditative state. As he pondered the mysteries of the cosmos, his pure Qi was oscillating in resonance to his thoughts.

The beast who had spoken looked at the little black lizard before it in an increasing amusement. His flaring presence unnoticed even though he was suppressing it. His nascent soul core that made everything near him feel pressure and bow was fully ignored.

He didn't know how the lizard was doing it, but his interest only increase. Especially, the lizard's burning Qi that pulsed like a star to his senses. He was attracted due to it. He didn't know how a small beast could contain that much power and be at a lower rank. Then there was the fluctuations of different Qi he felt as he moved towards it.

From fire, wind, lightning and light and finally shadow.

He saw how the beast was struggling as its hand stuck to its shadow. From his shadow Qi dicepating and returning to a unnatural state. One without any nature to it, a pure nature not observed in nature.

Unlike the untamed Qi that was a mix of multiple affinity.

He saw that little lizard move away from the shadow, and concentrate on something. He saw his Qi fluctuate as it shifted its nature, more like gain a nature. He saw the unnatural Qi turn to one he was familiar with, Lighting.

Sparks igniting it the air as the static increased. He then saw the pure Qi shit and condense, moving fast as lightning sparked around the black scales of the little lizard. He then saw as it moved its limbs at speeds beyond norm, nearly throwing himself off.

Then the lizard turned to the tree next to it and and slicing it with ease, even its lighting causing a bit of burn damage.

This only intrigued the beast more. A lizard who can use different affinities and a core that pulsed with power comparable to him. Things were really getting more interesting as he watched the little dragon. He even forgot why he came here.

He then saw the dragon return to its contemplation, its Qi returning to its weird state as it fluctuated again. He waited for a bit, waiting to see what more the little lizard could offer. But the lizard only sung into more contemplative state as he was comprehending the universe itself.

He waited for a bit, wanting to watch more interesting things. But to his dismay, the little dragon sifted and groaned, his Qi fluctuating weirdly as he drooled. He didn't know what the little dragon was thinking, but he had clearly moved away from the subject of understanding his attributes.

He waited for a moment but the dragon was clearly out of it. It didn't seem to be returning to show him some interesting things. So, after feeling bored, he lifted his hand and tapped on the black lizards head with his claw. The sharp claw which could slice through bolder with each, and could easily negate defense of a rank three felt resistance as it touched the void black scales.

Lijen's scales had strengthened with his cultivation level.

The slight top on the head bought the little dragon out of his daze. He wiped his drool and lifted his to see what had hit his head. Lijen's twisted head met with the massive paw that was hovering above his head. Lijen then tilted his head to see whose paw it was only to meet the image of a massive white tiger with two lone canine poking out its mouth.

Lijen gulping at the vicious image, leaned back, hiding his body behind the hovering paw.


Something is really wrong here.

Did I just see a massive white sabbertooth stareing at me menacingly?

I gulped, I knew that it was. I could see already see its massive paw floating above me. The paw was big enough to grasp my head and crush it. Its sharp claws glistening in the sun. I can only curse my luck.

I am so dead.

Why do I keep running into people who can kill me in an instant? Why do I have to face death again and again in the eye?(┬┬﹏┬┬)

I really shouldn't have drifted my thought to food. I couldn't help but imagine at the prospect of eating burger after mastering spatial displacement. If I can find a way to cross this plane and reach one similar to mine, I should be able to enjoy my favorite food again. Heck, maybe I will be able to find my home.

But my wandering thought have put me in danger.

I was caught by another expert. Just this time its a tiger. Is he going to eat me? Or is he going to play with me and then eat me? I don't want to die~ I am still young. I don't want to die.


I couldn't help but cry. I already lost my wings. Now I am going to lose my life too. What with this protagonist level unluck. Does the fate want to kill me that bad? I just wanted to chill as a mighty evil dragon. Is it so bad to have a dream? Why me? I didn't even ask to be reincarnated. I was okay with my lazy life. What sin have I committed for me to be sent to hell?!

*Sob* *Sob*

Tears started to stain my scales as all the suppressed emotions from being thrown into this shitty world broke loose. How many times have I face death now? I already had enough, Okay! I will just die, and get reincarnated again.

F this world.


The saber-tooth lowered its hand and saw the lizard bust into a crying mess.

Seeing the lizard busting into tears, the massive saber-tooth was taken aback. He had expected some reaction from the lizards when he decided to introduced himself. He expected the lizard to be panic or cover in fear, maybe even fight to survive. Not to being crying.

So, seeing the little Lizard crying. He felt as if he was somehow at fault. He felt that he need to do something to calm the crying child.

"Hey, kid," His voice boomed.

But to his dismay, the lizard only begin to cry harder at his beastly voice. He was now feeling even more guilty about sneaking up on a small lizard.

"Don't cry, I am not going to eat you," He tried to speak in a gentle voice, he tried.

But the lizard burst into a larger fit of crying. Tears now flowing like river from his eyes. His whole face was now covered in tear and snort.

Seeing that talking gently was not working, the sabertooth hardened its voice and decided to use his mothers technique.

"Stop Crying," He said forcefully,

At his pressuring words, the little lizard instantly froze. His wailing mouth shut but tears still rolled from its eyes. He looked at him with his golden eyes, with a gaze that was asking why he was shouting at him.

"Kid, I am not going to kill you," the saber-tooth responded.

The little lizards gaze turned to doubt, he was clearly not trusting him. He knew that the little lizard was not going to trust him. Even he wouldn't trust him. So, he decided to make things interesting.

"Fine, lets do this. If you entertain me, I will let you live," He said with a ferocious grin.

The lizards scales tightened in fear, but his eyes changed to a burning determination. He could only feel more amusement. The frighten lizard was ready for his challenge. He couldn't help but grin ferociously. He had come here for a fight and he would have it.

"It you manage to land a hit, I will let you go," The beast grin in estasy.

The little dragon backed away in fear of the aura he was releasing.

"Do not worry, I will suppress my rank to 2."

He then suppress his qi output to that of a rank to beast. His presence also diminished, only by a little bit.


Lijen saw the reducing aura and was baffled.

This guys is really thing I am stupid! Do you think that just suppressing your level would make this fair?

You are still a rank four even if you suppress your rank!

Lijen screamed in his head while looking at the quest that had popped up.

[ Quest: Avoiding death is really hard! ]

[ Rank 4: Gale-Reappear ]

[ You have been challenged, now use everything in your arsenal to survive ]

[ Reward: Live another day ]

[Good Luck! ヾ(⌐■_■)ノ♪]

I am so dead.

Why am I so incline to meet death every time I walk outside my home. If I escape this, I am never leaving until I am the strongest in the the realm.

But since it had come to this, lets see what I have. I have the

[} Skills {]

[ Dead bite ] [ Stupid charge ] [ Rattled brain ] [ Death Dive ] [ Tail Whip ] [ Berserk ]

Hey, there is a new skill!

I focused on the skill, trying to check how it works. But to my dismay, the skill was locked. I couldn't even see what its was.

"Quit dazing,"

The growly voice boomed next to me before a earth shattering impact threw me off the feet. My body arced through the air as my eyes locked in with the saber-tooth. The beast with a ferocious grin looked amused as its body was withered in wind.


Forgive me for giving headache.