
Chapter 144

Early in the morning, we will depart to the South. We are going south to the Lost Tongue Overlook to make sure the dragon that killed yesterday is the dragon that watches over that place. If it is not, and there is still a dragon in there, I will kill it.

"Once again, thank you, Sir Ryan. Without you, Riften will be nothing but ash because of the dragon."

I smile at her and say.

"Think nothing of it, My Lady. I'm glad that I am not a minute too late."

"Me too, Ryan. Me too."

She then turns around to the captain, who will come with me, and says.

"Captain Maerig, I will leave this matter in your hands."

"Leave this matter to me, My Lady. I will not disappoint you."


She turns to her court mage, and I notice a change in tone in her voice.


"My lady?"

"Make sure to focus on this matter. I don't care if you are busy experimenting back in the keep, but in this mission, I need you to be focused and make sure to perform your duty as court mage perfectly."

The Bosmer, Wood Elf, nods her head and says.

"I will, my lady. I will not disappoint you."

Jarl Laila nods her head and takes a deep breath.

"Go and perform your duty to the land and the gods. May the divines bless your journey and the incoming fight."

I nod, and we depart. Usually, it will take us a day to reach Ivarstead from Riften using a carriage, but we are using Riften Steed, one of the fastest horses in Skyrim. The only downside is that the horse cannot carry too much. Because of this, we ride light and put the rest of the supply in my requip magic.

It only takes a few hours for us to arrive at the Lost Tongue Overlook and eight to nine hours more to reach Ivarsteed. I hope no bandits make that place a base by the time we arrive.


"Nothing there. I did not see any dragon on that mountain."

I can hear Captain Maerig say while looking at the peak above us.

We arrive at Lost Tongue Overlook, and I nod my head. There was no whisper or word in my head letting me know there was a dragon nearby. I nod my head and say.

"Let's get close. We did not know if a group of bandits was making this place a base."

"It is too open, but I suppose that wall over can make a decent cover."

Captain Maerig nods his head, and we get close to the Word Wall. As I get close, I can hear a whisper of a word appear in my mind. A second later, I can see a light in the middle of the word wall. I unconsciously walk toward the wall and touch the wall as I read it.

"HET NOK KOPRaaN DO SONaaN ROMERIUS WO UNT RU NOL OSOS GOGIL NUZ MOTMah [Here lies (the) body of Bard Romerius who tried (to) run from some Goblins but slipped]."

I blink a little and focus on the 'RU' word. I can feel a power coursing to my soul and empower the word 'RU' out of many words in my mind.

"Sir Ryan? Are you okay?"

I snap from my thoughts, look at Captain Maerig, and say.

"I am okay. I am just reading the content on this wall."

"You know what they mean, sir?"

I look at Wylandriah and nod.

"Aye. The word is in the language of a dragon, and as a Dragonborn, I know what they mean."

I even hear the voice of the one engraving these words in the back of my mind as I read the words.

"Can I ask you to translate an old book that might be written in the language of a dragon?"

"After this, sure. For now, we need to reach Ivarsteed while also checking on the Burial Mound near Autumnwatch Tower."

"Great! I am looking forward to it."

I nod, look at Captain Maerig, and say.

"It looks like we are good. Let's go so we can reach Ivarstead before the sun goes down after we are done investigating the Burial Mound."

"Aye. Let's go. I don't want to pass the Darklight Tower when the sun goes down. That place gives me a creep."

I nod, and our group rides once again.


"Sir Ryan, you are right. I can feel the foul magicka in this area, and it comes from that place."

Wylandriah suddenly says while pointing at the ground, which is not too far away from us. The others take out their swords as we walk toward the massive circle in the middle of the woods. The circle is broken, but a lot of stones and wood cover the entire hole.

The soldiers slowly walk carefully toward the Burial Mound and stand around Wylandriah and me to try to protect us in case something comes out of the mound. As we get closer, I frown as the stench of death gets stronger.

"We need to create a barrier around this place to make sure the foul magicka did not affect the wild animals in the forest nearby and resurrect them as undead."

I look at Wylandriah and say.

"Can you create the barrier? I will add more barriers to prevent anything from the inside from going far away from here."

"Leave it to me. However, I need you guys to watch my back. I need to concentrate for a few minutes."

She looks at Captain Maerig while saying that.

"Don't worry, the boys, and I will protect you."

She does not take a deep breath and starts to chant. I can feel her magicka start to come out of her body, creating some sort of star above her head. While watching her, I felt the warmth coming from her magicka. A familiar warm feeling. What she is doing is Restoration magic.

I enter Sage Mode and use my Dragon Slayer Magic to sense the movement of her magic. Each time she chants, it creates a unique movement inside the ball of light above her. After three minutes of chanting and concentration, the ball above her expands and explodes.

I can see the magicka she controls creating a net around us. Wylandriah looks at me and says.

"You say you want to create another barrier, Sir Ryan?"

"Ah, yes."

I take out a scroll from my requip magic, open it, and place my palm on the scroll. I push my chakra into the scroll, and a second later, the seal appears above me and expands. After a few seconds, they disappear, but the energy is still there.

"The barrier will last for two days. We can go to Ivarstead for now and gather more men to make sure no undead manage to go through."

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