
The Lawless Zhao Couple

'Never above you, never below you, always beside you.' ................ "Get out!" " Yes, sir."Long Xia said as she headed for the door. "Not you, Xia. It's them am telling to leave, not you."Zhao Haoran said as he looked at everyone else in the room gesturing for them with his eyes to get the hell out of there. Zhuo Li and Yang Liu followed the rest out but not before giving Long Xia a wink. Once the two were left alone, Long Xia felt as if the room became smaller as she remained standing in front of this powerful male god. "Have a seat."Zhao Haoran offered. Long Xia sat down and fisted her hands on her laps, under the table due to anxiousness. The silence dragged on and this made her more anxious and she finally decided to break the silence. "Is there something you want from me, sir?" "Yes. I want you to be my wife."He answered straight fowardly surprising her to the core. ........ What will happen when two powerful people are bonded in sudden matrimonial union? Cities will be destroyed, their rivals will beg for their lives and they will conquer their world with love, trust and ruthlessness. Long Xia, later Zhao Xia, daughter of a very distinguished family in Japan and wife of the most powerful man in China, is suddenly targeted by a mafia lord, for revenge. However, the man only knows her as Katana, the woman known in the underworld for her prowess in wielding a katana. Here is a twist; this mafia lord is married to Zhao Xia's bestfriend, Yang Liu. What will happen to to their relationship,when chaos thrives? In the end, who will Yang Liu choose? Her husband or her best friend? Another twist is that, there's an even greater enemy waiting quietly in the shadows. After his laid out plans are executed to perfection, he will strike when they all least expect it. *****Book cover does not belong to me. Credit goes to the owner .******

jenna_j · Urban
Not enough ratings
42 Chs


After twenty minutes, Zhao Haoran came out of the bathroom and headed to their walk-in closet. Dressed in silk pajamas, he made his way to his wife who invited him to bed by patting the space next to her excitedly.

He slid in and covered their lower bodies with the soft quilt. He opened his arms wide and she easily glided into his arms and rested her head on his chest.

"How was your cold shower?"

"It was great! You should try it sometime."

"As if."She scoffed.

"But sweetheart, your husband can't just suffer alone while his wife relishes in his misery."

"And what should I do about it?"

"I will leave that question for you to answer."He chuckled.

They fell into a comfortable silence as she drew circles on his chest using her forefinger. After about five minutes or so, she yawned and settled more comfortably in his arms , wishing her husband a good night.


The next morning, Zhao Xia woke up late expecting her husband to be already awake,waiting for her as usual downstairs. However, when she attempted to leave the bed, she couldn't even budge. She turned around to see her husband smiling at her,while holding her in his arms, still in his pajamas.

"You aren't going to work today?"She asked.

"No, I don't have a lot of work today. I did the work required for the next two days yesterday, so that I can spend this day with you."

"Then can we go on a date today?"Zhao Xia asked.

"A date, huh? "

"That is if you want to."

"Of course I want to go on a date with you."

"Just a casual date by the way."

He agreed with her suggestion and pressed a morning kiss on her forehead then her lips."Then let's get ready."


With that they both left the bed to prepare for their date.

They made their way downstairs,with Zhao Haoran dressed in dark blue jeans paired with a white shirt with sleeves folded to his elbows and a pair of leather shoes and Zhao Xia dressed in some cargo pants paired with a black tank top and white sneakers.

They had breakfast before heading out, boarding Haoran's favorite car.However, this time he drove the car in stead of the chauffer. Some cars with their bodyguards, followed the couple's car closely,for much needed protection.

"So, where are we going?"Zhao Xia asked excitedly.

"It's a surprise."He answered as he intertwined their hands.

"You know, I don't like surprises though but I will except this one."


After a thirty minutes drive, they finally arrived at their destination.

Zhao Xia looked ahead and whatever she saw was not was she was expecting but she was excited as she alighted the car. "Of all the places I expected, this was not even on my mind."She commented as she moved closer to her husband and held his hand.

"You don't like it?"

"No, I love it." She answered excitedly as she held his hand and tugged him towards the gates of the amusement park.

He chuckled at her excitement and allowed her to freely tug him.He turned to look at the casually dressed bodyguards."I want this place secured."

"Yes, sir." They spread out,with four of them remaining close to their two bosses, watching them from a distance to give the couple some space.

Because it was a week day, there weren't many people in the amusement park and so, they didn't need to line up for any activity.As they walked, Zhao Xia spotted one of the vendors selling head bands. She excitedly tugged her husband towards that direction. When the vendor saw them, he smiled and asked which one they wanted.

"The Mickey and Minnie mouse pair."Zhao Xia answered excitedly and paid for the items. She handed the Mickey one to her husband as she sported the Minnie one.

"You want me to wear this?" Zhao Haoran asked, seemingly hesitant.

"Yes, let me help you . Bend down a bit." He obeyed and she placed the head band on his head.

"Do I look ridiculous?"

"Of course not, you even look cute."

"Cute? I look cute?"

"Yes, very."

"If you say so." He said as he led her to the shooting stall.

"Though you are good at using the katana, are you good at aiming?"He said as he picked up the fake gun.

"Try me."

He passed the fake gun to her and with precise shots,she hit all the targets.

"Which doll do you want?"The stall attendant asked.

"That big white bear."

The stall attendant passed her the big doll and she gave it to her husband whilst saying.

"Your prize."

He took the bear , carrying it with one hand and holding Zhao Xia's hand with the other.

After visiting other stalls, they finally took a break and sat on one of the park benches and a bodyguard passed them water.

"Let's go have lunch somewhere."Zhao Haoran said as he stood up, stretching his hand for her to take it. They walked hand in hand to the car and Zhao Haoran drove to a members only restaurant.

Zhao Xia observed the way he just entered the place without bothering to show the receptionist his membership card. He walked straight to a reserved private room and a waiter immediately came in with the menu.

"You own this place?" She asked,once the waiter left.

"Yes and I took the opportunity today so that I can show it to you. I actually want to gift it to you."


"Because when we were kids, someone told me that she wanted to build a members only restaurant when she grows up."

"And how is it connected to m....wait."

Zhao Haoran pressed a button when they selected what they wanted to have for lunch. The waiter entered the room, took the menus and left to get them their orders.

" I vaguely remember telling someone my dream of wanting to own a members only restaurant.Wait...You are that kid I met that day and we immediately clicked only for you to relocate the next day."

"Yes. And you also told me that am handsome and wished to marry me, when we become adults."

Zhao Haoran chuckled as he remembered a little girl approaching him with a band aid when he fell down from the swing.When he looked up, she suddenly exclaimed that he was handsome and she had booked him for marriage when they became adults.

"And now my wish is fulfilled."She said, pulling him from his thoughts.

"But I can't believe that you waited all that time in order to fulfill my wish."She added.

"We actually met again in the underworld, but you didn't recognize me.I think you were nineteen or twenty."