
Chapter 572


"Wow, what's going on here? Am I dreaming right now?"

Lucas sounded bright and witty, as usual, over the phone; I was able to release tension in my body. He even reacted like a native speaker when dropping the exclamation 'wow,' which made me laugh.

"Why are you being so dramatic?" I giggled.

Lucas replied, "Because I thought you'd never reach out to me even when I'm thrown in the desert or jungle."

'Yikes, does he still have that in his mind?' I slightly hunched my shoulders.

"Come on, I didn't have your number at the time," I replied.


"And I bumped into your mother in front of E-Mart around that time, and she told me that she had taken all your communication equipment."

Lucas sneered, "No way! I, of course, hid extra equipment for emergencies. That's how Reed's successor survives in this tough world."

"Yeah, yeah, awesome," I grunted, but there was a giggle over the phone.