
Chapter 565


Enjoying some green grapes on the table, Eun Jiho replied, "No, once the intro is over, they'll send out some commercials."

"Oh, really?"

"We didn't miss it yet. Look."

As Eun Jiho turned on the TV and switched the channel, a fried chicken ad was on the screen, just as he said. The logo of <Black Rain> in the top left corner came into my view.

"Oh my God, this isn't a dream, is it? Holy moly! Unbelievable!!" I made a fuss.

Watching me jump around in excitement with an apathetic glance, Eun Jiho replied, "Why are you so hyper?"

"Can you believe that this is real? I don't at all," I uttered. Swinging my arms, I continued, "You know, about a year and a half ago, we were watching a drama here, talking about the actors and actresses! But now, Yoo Chun Young is there, on the screen, when we gathered here to see him on the show!"