
Chapter 520


While I leaned against the headboard reading other comic books, Yeo Ryung walked around the room in a circle for quite a while, then she suddenly went outside to the living room. Feeling bored to stay alone in her room, I followed her with the book in my hand.

As I shoved myself into the opposite side of the couch where Yeo Ryung was sitting, I picked up the remote control and turned on the TV just to see if there was anything to watch. But as expected, nothing seemed to be interesting today on the TV. Well, it made sense since today was Wednesday, not a day on the weekend nor a day in summer break.

Having those thoughts in mind, I just fixed my gaze apathetically at a movie that failed at the box office a few years ago. Yeo Ryung's voice then reached my ears.

"Donnie, once you finish reading that book, let's go outside," she said.