
Chapter 487


Meanwhile, Yoo Chun Young was having a little chitchat with Lee Nara. Everyone in the filming set knew that their families were close, so the two talking to each other didn't attract that much attention.

Only a few staff, who weren't used to the situation yet, were looking at them in admiration. The two, just standing beside each other, surely captivated people's eyes that it seemed worth enough to even pay for viewing them together.

"You've improved so much."

"Really?" Yoo Chun Young's response sounded too unruffled to a veteran actress's compliment, which even looked somewhat rude. However, Lee Nara laughed cheerfully.

While other people whispered something like, 'They seemed to be really close,' the stunning actress tapped Yoo Chun Young's shoulder a few times.

"Taking acting classes, right? Good job."

"Thank you."