1 Memories

My memories from my early life are blurred but I still have them. I grew up in a strange place that looked a lot like the movies from Ninja films. I remember when I was around three a weird blue screen appearing in my view and a kind woman's voice in my ears asking me to choose. A the time I didn't know what I was choosing and I still don't remember what my choice was but whatever happened it shocked my family.

A few days later my uncle arrived at my house during the night to take me for sweets. This I remember clearly, we walked out of the house to avoid waking my parents which I was happy to do to get sweets. My uncle was very careful to not touch me and let me walk on my own. After waddling for about an hour we reached a shiny scar in the world. I was confused, I couldn't understand why sweets would be near this thing in the middle of the woods. My uncle told me to walk into the scar and I would get my sweets. I nervously walked towards it and felt a suction before I was pulled into the scar.

The event was traumatic which I think helped me remember. When inside the scar I was in a world of colors, falling. I heard the woman's voice again then she said " Host in danger, analyzing the threat, emergency action taken to prevent harm to host. World energy excretion beginning 5% 40% 100%. World energy removed to avoid attracting harmful energy. Not enough energy to run the system, beginning hibernation" I think I must have passed out at his point I remember waking up in the woods and trying to walk home.

My mom found me wandering the woods in the local park in Ravensdale not long after I woke up. She was only eighteen when she found me but after a lot of shouting and appeals to the public to find my real parents, she was allowed to keep me. Unfortunately, I didn't speak any language they recognized and assumed I was blabbering or that my parents were foreign. Its been around twelve years since that day and my life's been good. I go to school do my homework and think about girls far too much. That was until the day we moved to the other end of town to be closer to Moms work.

We finished moving in quickly and had takeout for dinner. It had been a long day and we didn't want to cook. I was half asleep at that point so I went up to my room. My room was full of boxes and my mattress. I had not built my bed yet but I planned to do it tomorrow. I got comfortable on my mattress expecting to drop off quickly. It was then I head the voice and my life changed.

"Local energy levels reach minimum requirement, restarting the system. Hello, host, may I start your world energy cultivation process. Please note energy reserves will run out in 10 seconds unless you choose to cultivate"

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