
The Law of Attraction

It all started with a stolen kiss on their first encounter. [Warning: Mature content *NO rape and NO major misunderstanding!] Status: COMPLETED ****** “Miss Lana Huang… Expect a notice of harassment on your doorway soon…” That was what Lana got for kissing a stranger to save herself from an unwanted arranged marriage. “As far as I remember, you kissed me back fiercely and even dominated the entire kiss. You clearly had enjoyed your moment with me, so please don’t make it sound like I took undue advantage of you! And I told you, I’m ready to compensate you!” “And how do you plan to do that, huh?” Liam stepped closer, trying to intimidate the proud woman who did not even bat an eyelid under his suffocating pressure. Lana stepped backwards a few steps, raised her hand and growled, “Stop right there Attorney Sy if you don’t wanna taste the pain of getting kicked on your balls after getting kissed!” ***** Meet Lana Huang, a proud woman who climbed the ladder of success in her career. A lawyer and a bold woman, exceptionally beautiful to make men dream and drool for her. Love was the last thing on her schedule because she was a man hater… But fate wanted to play a trick on her as she unintentionally kissed Liam Sy, a wealthy, powerful and arrogant man. A lawyer by profession, fame and success followed wherever he went. A fierce attorney who won every case he put his hands on. Pride ran in his blood and love was not on his agenda because he was a woman hater... What would happen when these two... handsome and beautiful, proud and stubborn, woman-hater and man-hater... come together and get involved into a marriage? Welcome to a whirlwind of romance between these two - a roller coaster ride of love when it got mixed up with pride, jealousy, stubbornness and hate… Face slapping? Why not!  Surely you would love to follow their journey where both took the risk of falling in love… A journey of hate turning into love... ================ Author's Note: Hope you enjoy reading this ORIGINAL novel of mine. This is absolutely a happy ending. Many thanks in advance for your support. With Lots of Love, EUSTOMA_reyna Other Books: The CEO Who Hates Me (completed) The General Who Hates Me (completed) The Doctor Who Loves Me (completed) Kiss Me Not (in writing) The Untamed: Game of Hearts The Crown's Entrapment contact me at: Discord Link: https://discord.gg/PNGkTUy twitter: @EUSTOMA_reyna instagram: eustoma_reyna Facebook Page: @eustoma.reyna Book cover is mine... cover art by ava_arts38 (instagram)

Eustoma_Reyna · Urban
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727 Chs

For Now

Lana felt that was a hefty accusation from Gale on Liam. She looked at Liam to see his reaction but it felt as if he expected this coming from her, but he remained quiet with an expressionless face.

The entire communication between the two of them kept making it clear to Lana that they were enemies. She couldn't understand why he was helping Gale. Lana felt like being crushed between the two and could only think of one thing at that moment, to go ahead with the case enquiries... 

Lana sighed and then nonchalantly commented, "Miss Gale… based on Atty. Sy's personality, he will surely pull you out of the jail before settling that grudge he has, that you are talking about. Like making your life more miserable outside of the prison is more his style, I think? That's how he probably plans to settle the grudge against you, so let's pull you out of this mess first. Getting you out of here is the top priority for Atty. Sy FOR NOW. So let's begin and not waste anymore time talking unnecessary stuff that is not related to your case." 

She pressed heavy diction on the words 'for now' because from what she heard about Liam, he wanted his enemies to have a bittersweet moment before ending them in one fatal blow. That was courtroom rumors, of course, and she had yet to witness it. Then it was safe to assume that the same applied for his quoted 'grudge' with Gale as well.

Hearing no response again from Liam meant she was right. 'Who knows? I could be right again?' Lana mused. If Liam had a grudge against Gale, it was going to be a huge slap for Gale having Liam control her life under his palm. He had all the power to squeeze Gale and could make her do anything he wanted, like even having her sign a slavery contract for life, once he won her trial.

She was curious though… What kind of grudge did they have between them? 'Could it be that Gale was Liam's first love?' she morbidly thought and gave Liam a terrified look at the thought of him being a straight guy.

"What Lana? Don't stare at me like that and proceed with your work properly now." Liam barked. 

Erasing the morbid analysis of Liam being a straight man in her head, Lana started opening the files on her tablet. 

Liam had already handed over everything related with this case to her, like doing the talking and questioning to Miss Gale while he simply sat in his chair and observed her work. He would only butt in whenever Lana would miss some important points in the interview. That was why she had jotted down notes and studied everything pretty well.

Gale observed the two, though she tried to avoid making eye contact with Liam because she knew she was guilty of hurting Liam by not holding onto him and letting Gilbert in her heart.

Liam on the other hand was quiet and only observed Lana keenly, doing the interview of Gale. His gaze turned a little softer and Gale noticed how he would correct Lana nicely any time she missed and minor details.

Gale started having a glimmer of hope in her heart and could not hide the positive ray that had suddenly built inside her. Lana's constant words of encouragement were helping her to see another light, despite the fact that she had already accepted her drastic fate. 

Her eyes shifted towards Liam, who looked aloof and showed as if he had no connection with her, but would occasionally give her a blank stare. She wondered why Liam was helping her. She wanted to know the reason, why? But it was inappropriate for her to ask anything in front of Lana, who probably was unaware of the relationship between them. 

'Could it be just as Lana stated before?' Gale could tell that Liam wanted their past relationship to be buried behind and was not willing in telling Lana about their personal matters because obviously Lana did not know a thing about them being acquaintances even.

"Fifteen minutes more..." The officer beamed inside the waiting room, giving them their warning of time.

Liam handed the car keys to Lana and said, "Go in the car first and I'll follow shortly."

Lana nodded and quickly left the room with the files. She paused as the door closed and turned around. She tilted her head a little and a complicated look came and went on her face. She stood there for a few seconds before letting out a long-frustrated sigh.

She turned and walked towards the car with pouty lips, wondering what was the real deal between the two.

Mass Release 2/11

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