
The Laughing Swordsman

Only when all the living perish, will there be peace ... Apollo was a bratty noble. Using the power of his father, he did many mischievous stunts. However, he would never go too far. The worst he did was steal someone's shoe, while on the average, it would be poking them in the back and running off. That's why he found it so absurd that someone would assassinate him, in his own room no less. He was stabbed in the back and left to die... But then he was back in his room, completely fine. Yet, he was stabbed in the back once again. Once he was stabbed in the back for the third time, the cruel reality began to sink in. That this would repeat itself for an eternity. The only thing in his room was his bed and his bokken, a wooden sword. At some point, Apollo picked up the bokken. He took his first steps to break out of the cycle. And swore to bury the person who called for this assassin with his own hands. ...But also calls a lot of things mommy for some reason.

Disgrace · Fantasy
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372 Chs


There was a bright light up ahead, shining on their faces.

Apollo didn't know how he didn't notice it earlier.

"What is that?"

Layla giggled.

"I don't know! Let's go take a look!"

The two of them ran towards the overbearing glare from their front.

They got over the crest of a hill and had a look.

They saw a small village.

Black wooden walls about three meters high surrounded the place. There were countless holes in these walls that had been patched over.

It was clear this village had suffered through countless battles.

At the center, was a giant white flame. It rested upon some strange monument and tyrannically lit up the surroundings.

Apollo furrowed his brows.

"There are people living here?"

Layla giggled.

"Yeah, come on!"

Layla grabbed onto Apollo's wrist and dragged him along to the village's entrance.

The village entrance was composed of two gates. It was almost like an airlock, but a rudimentary version.

Layla waved her arms around.