
the Late Bloomer

Alex starts out on his pokemon quest late in life. Actually when he turns 18. But because if this his mind is lo longer pure

Rheannah · Anime & Comics
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5 Chs


Alexander had a late start to becoming a pokemon trainer. He was 18, not 10. Having to wait an extra 8 years due to family issues where he had to work at a local shop to pay for his mother's medicine. Unfortunately his mother passed but her wish was for him to follow his dreams so that's what he planned to do.

A small male Eevee was relaxing in a field. Others of its evolutions were sleeping around too. His brothers were playing. One wanted to be a flareon while the other wants to be a glaceon. Eevee didnt have a decision yet

Alex walked through a field he still hasn't caught his first pokemon yet. He was too old to get one from a professor but they gave him a huge about of pokeballs

Eevee got erred by the others that there was a trainer nearby. A lot of them went to go hide bit he was curious

Alex heard scuffing sounds on the brush and wentnto go check it out

Eevee stayed, he honestly wanted some spice in his life and having a trainer just might do that

Alex saw the eevee and walked cautiously up to it "Hey little guy"

Eevee looked at him. He was nervous but walked over to the human

Alex knelt down and held out his hand

The little brown pokemon walks over to him and puts his paw in his hand

"Aww how cute" He said

The eevee smiled at that.

"Wanna come with me?"

Eevee nods

He holds out the pokeball

He touches it with his nose and gets sucked in

"Nice, my first pokeslu- pokemon" he said correcting himself.

Inside the poke all wasn't how eevee expected. His limbs started changing his paws grew into hands and feet his body becoming more human like. He kept his tail and ears though