
The Last Tears

Emerald Castle... Jemmy sat lonely with his laptop hosting an online meeting with his staff. When he heard a slight movement, he looked at the bed attentively. "Send someone to protect Marina. She's my sister." Naysa said while still asleep. Jemmy didn't understand whether she was dreaming or meant what she said. When he tried to wake her up, she was still sleeping. But anyway, Wade was send off to Polar hotel. Evening, Naysa opened her eyes and stared into the black shiny eyes. Jemmy was too happy when she woke up. Though the doctor just said she was ok, Jemmy could still not believe his words. "How do you feel?" Jemmy asked. Naysa wanted to sit up but the strong hands held her back. "You'll hurt yourself." "Am fine I can sit ok?" She said but Jemmy didn't let her go. "Naysa there is one thing we have to talk about. The way you do take rush decisions is alarming and that's endangering your life. At least, wherever you go, take the guards with you. For the sake of your protection." Jemmy said. Naysa, with Jemmy's support sat up and looked at him. "I just don't know what came over me. Am sorry." She said, lowering her head like an obedient child to the parents. It was too cute that Jemmy stared at her admiringly. Even at her weakest point, she's still never lost her beauty. "I'll make you something to eat." He said as he stood up and headed to the kitchen. "Hey, some wonders here today!" Adrian started. "He's going to personally cook for her." Another guard said. "Wait, does he even know how to cook?" Stenson couldn't help laughing. In a matter of five minutes, the kitchen looked like a tornado zone. Broken pieces of glasses and plates were all over. Flour was all over the place plus in his face. His whole clothes were covered in flour and other kitchen ingredients. When he came out, Naysa who sat in the living room burst out laughing. Stenson couldn't help it as he took pictures. The other guards went out the couldn't suppress their laughter any longer. "Ooh my God! What were you doing?" Naysa held a mirror close to his face but Jemmy closed his eyes. "Do I look terrible?" He asked in a cute deep voice. "No... Not really. Who said my husband can look terrible? You look cute and funny. You've won a suit to the kitchen? I can't help it." Naysa laughed again. Looking at his suit, Jemmy couldn't help frowning. "What did you prepare for me?" She asked. "I made instant noodles." He said. "And how did you have your whole body covered in flour?" She asked. Jemmy kept quiet. "Can I go to the kitchen and have a look?" "No... Don't go there!" Jemmy stepped forward to stop her. "Can we go together then?" Naysa asked. "If you insist." He replied while leading the way. Naysa followed. The whole kitchen was a mess. The trash can was full of spoilt dumplings, pan cakes and many other goods he tried to prepare. He looked at Naysa innocently. "Ok you did a good job, but you're a pretty bad cook." She said. Jemmy stared at her as if digesting what she just said. "Ok, don't be mad at me for that kind of a comment. Can I be your teacher then?" "Sure." He replied. "But there is a fee to pay. Are you ready?" She asked. "How much is it teacher?" He asked eargerly that Naysa laughed. "It's not about money. It's something else." She said. "Whatever you want, I'll do it for you." Jemmy said. "Good, now take a guess before I tell you."

Dragon_2120 · Teen
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88 Chs



Immediately after the evening class, Naysa ran out. Marina hadn't arrived but had promised to be in before the class started. She was worried about her. What did her step sisters do to her this time? Or why would she delay?

Ridden, who felt rejected when Naysa turned his request for a toast ran after her and caught up with her.

"Naysa what have I done to you to deserve all this? Why are you doing this to me? Since that day you disappeared from school and you don't seem to be concerned about me." He said. He was handsome yes, his facial figures were attractive, but not to be compared to the god, Jemmy.

"Ridden am sorry ok? I already told you I had to go home." Naysa lied again.

"Is there something wrong?" Ridden asked.

"Home? Nothing is wrong. I just feel like uncle needs me more since he's lonely. With you? No. Ridden you're perfect and am not doing anything to upset you ok?" Naysa answered. "Why do you so much insist on the dinner?"

"Because I wanted to tell you my true feelings. Naysa I love you. I just want you to say yes please... I want you to love me. You've been the girl in my dream for years since I met you, and my heart bleeds for you." Ridden held her hands so that they looked into each other's eyes. Naysa blinked. She didn't expect this, not too soon. She didn't know how to reply. Besides, I feel more comfortable with Jemmy but he doesn't love me, he's just being friendly. Ridden, I love your company, but how can I say yes when I don't want to get intimate with you?

Naysa was lost in her world of thinking. Ridden obeserved her face closely.

"Are you in love with someone else?" Ridden asked. Naysa snapped out of reality.

Yes, I just realized I loved the CEO who is just friendly and doesn't love me. Aah... My poor self.

Before she could cook up a story, Marina ran over. She quickly withdrew her hands and turned to Marina. "You... Why didn't you come back early as promised?"

"Am sorry... Take this." She held two cards out to her. The black card with golden edges and another card with an address. Ridden saw the black card and he had previously seen the man with the Grant's logo some days back.

"Do you have anything to do with the Grant's?" He asked Naysa who quickly hud the cards in her pocket.

"Umm?" Naysa bit her lower lip. "No why?" ... "Sorry Ridden, we'll talk. I have to discuss something with Marina."

Naysa quickly pulled Marina away. Ridden stood there sadly looking at the disappearing figures of the woman in his heart and her sister whom she loved dearly.

Naysa and Marina walked into the room. Naysa heaved a sigh of relief.

"Thanks Marina you came at the right time. You met Stenson? Where?" Naysa asked. Marina and Stenson were strangers to each other, but she had seen him that day before he disappeared. When she saw a Bugatti Veyron with the Grant's logo parked outside the school gate, she thought Naysa was in. She had gone to peep calling Naysa's name and Stenson realized that she must be Naysa's friend, so he gave her the card.

In the room, Marina saw Livia first and when Naysa, who hadn't seen Livia asked the question, Marina just kept quiet. Livia clapped.

"Wow... Congratulations Naysa... You got a sugar daddy called Stenson? Why don't you just live Ridden instead of getting yourself in the troubles of finding sugar daddies?" Livia said.

"Huh! Livia you're here? I heard Roderick's brother got hurt, is he ok now?" Naysa cursed inwardly at Livia's words.

"So... Who is Stenson?" Livia didn't answer the question, he instead asked. Naysa bit her lower lip and smiled awkwardly. Marina whispered something to her, then walked out. Naysa ran out after her.

"I don't trust Livia even though we've been roommates for long. Now, why don't you look at the card?" Marina said.

Naysa pulled out the card and the two looked at it. The normal Grant's card was an indicator that no other person send the card but Jemmy himself. The other card was an address to a place, the time indicated she was supposed to be there in two hours time. Naysa and Marina exchanged looks.

"You love him?" Marina asked.

"Well, I think he's just being friendly. Marina look at my background. Am a nobody. How can a whole famous CEO as Jemmy love me. Stop joking with me, that's an expensive joke." Naysa sighed. But she indeed was slowly falling for him. Heavens! Am I loosing myself?

"Take care."