
The Last Tears

Emerald Castle... Jemmy sat lonely with his laptop hosting an online meeting with his staff. When he heard a slight movement, he looked at the bed attentively. "Send someone to protect Marina. She's my sister." Naysa said while still asleep. Jemmy didn't understand whether she was dreaming or meant what she said. When he tried to wake her up, she was still sleeping. But anyway, Wade was send off to Polar hotel. Evening, Naysa opened her eyes and stared into the black shiny eyes. Jemmy was too happy when she woke up. Though the doctor just said she was ok, Jemmy could still not believe his words. "How do you feel?" Jemmy asked. Naysa wanted to sit up but the strong hands held her back. "You'll hurt yourself." "Am fine I can sit ok?" She said but Jemmy didn't let her go. "Naysa there is one thing we have to talk about. The way you do take rush decisions is alarming and that's endangering your life. At least, wherever you go, take the guards with you. For the sake of your protection." Jemmy said. Naysa, with Jemmy's support sat up and looked at him. "I just don't know what came over me. Am sorry." She said, lowering her head like an obedient child to the parents. It was too cute that Jemmy stared at her admiringly. Even at her weakest point, she's still never lost her beauty. "I'll make you something to eat." He said as he stood up and headed to the kitchen. "Hey, some wonders here today!" Adrian started. "He's going to personally cook for her." Another guard said. "Wait, does he even know how to cook?" Stenson couldn't help laughing. In a matter of five minutes, the kitchen looked like a tornado zone. Broken pieces of glasses and plates were all over. Flour was all over the place plus in his face. His whole clothes were covered in flour and other kitchen ingredients. When he came out, Naysa who sat in the living room burst out laughing. Stenson couldn't help it as he took pictures. The other guards went out the couldn't suppress their laughter any longer. "Ooh my God! What were you doing?" Naysa held a mirror close to his face but Jemmy closed his eyes. "Do I look terrible?" He asked in a cute deep voice. "No... Not really. Who said my husband can look terrible? You look cute and funny. You've won a suit to the kitchen? I can't help it." Naysa laughed again. Looking at his suit, Jemmy couldn't help frowning. "What did you prepare for me?" She asked. "I made instant noodles." He said. "And how did you have your whole body covered in flour?" She asked. Jemmy kept quiet. "Can I go to the kitchen and have a look?" "No... Don't go there!" Jemmy stepped forward to stop her. "Can we go together then?" Naysa asked. "If you insist." He replied while leading the way. Naysa followed. The whole kitchen was a mess. The trash can was full of spoilt dumplings, pan cakes and many other goods he tried to prepare. He looked at Naysa innocently. "Ok you did a good job, but you're a pretty bad cook." She said. Jemmy stared at her as if digesting what she just said. "Ok, don't be mad at me for that kind of a comment. Can I be your teacher then?" "Sure." He replied. "But there is a fee to pay. Are you ready?" She asked. "How much is it teacher?" He asked eargerly that Naysa laughed. "It's not about money. It's something else." She said. "Whatever you want, I'll do it for you." Jemmy said. "Good, now take a guess before I tell you."

Dragon_2120 · Teen
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88 Chs


After their meal, the two retired to bed earlier before Emma came back. Earlier the next morning, they woke up earlier than morning to catch the earliest bus to Wave valley university. It was on a Tuesday and they didn't want to miss the lectures, not after Naysa missed yesterday's classes. Just as they walked out of the gate, Naysa stood right in her tracks. There at the gate, she saw the familiar cars and a familiar figure leaning backwards on one of the cars.

"Good morning." Jemmy greeted.

"Naysa? Is he... The CEO?" Marina asked. Naysa was too shocked to say anything.

"Naysa what made you leave that early? I did want to meet you." Jemmy walked towards her. Naysa smiled awkwardly.

"Meet my sister Marina. Marina, this is Jemmy Grant's, the CEO of Red State Company." Naysa dodged the question and did a casual introduction.

"Good to meet you sir." Marina replied smiling happily. Jemmy forced a smile back, all his attention on Naysa. "I think I should leave you two." Marina looked at Naysa.

"Drive her to school please, then we can talk." Naysa said.

Without looking back, Jemmy gave the order. Adrian led Marina to one of the cars and it drive off.

"Can we go to my house?" Naysa asked. She wanted to throw a tantrum, but not here, not in front of the guards. Silently, she walked into the car. Jemmy followed and they headed to her apartment.

"Are you satisfied? Acmfter planning all that happened, and later having me meet your wife?" Naysa started immediately they stepped out of the elevator.

"What plans? What do you mean my wife?" Jemmy looked at her confused.

"Jemmy you better talk. You planned all that happened at Caskeys hotel, so that you would be the hero that saved the poor girl, then still had the guts to have me meet your wife right? Jemmy I hate you." Though she emphasized the last statement, in heart she knew she didn't hate him.

"Where did you get all those lies?" Jemmy asked.

"You're the lier..."

"Calm down and explain everything slowly to me." Jemmy asked. Naysa breathed hard and told him everything. After all, whether they were lies or not, only Jemmy would tell her. Jemmy explained everything, denying the fact that Cindy was his wife. Since when? After they reached an agreement, Jemmy made a phone ca and ordered for female maids to be hired.

Just then, Naysa received a phone call from uncle Tarran who asked her about her fiance. "Uncle what are you talking about?" Naysa asked.

"Am asking you about your fiance." Uncle Tarran said.

" Uncle I don't have a fiance... Can we please talk later? I will come home on the weekend." Naysa cut off the reciever and turned back to Jemmy who remained calm looking at her. She wasn't sure what she should tell him, and whether he heard the call. She didn't know which fiance her uncle was talking about.

"Don't mind uncle Tarran, he's funny at times. " She said to ease the awkwardness in between them. She was then driven in school.

Today, both Livia and her boyfriend Roderick didn't come to class and they weren't in school either. After lecturer Josue had a private talk with Naysa, she went to the room and explained to Marina everything that happened. It was in time for Ridden to pop in.

"Did you go home?" Naysa asked without greetings.

"Home? No, why?" Ridden looked confused.

"I mean my home." Naysa asked.

"Your home? For what?"

Naysa lowered her eyes and looked down. She had thought Ridden and gone to meet uncle Tarran and that's why he was asking her about her fiance but it turned out the person wasn't Ridden. She excused herself and left.

In her apartment that evening;

Naysa stood in the shower for a long time. She had finished bathing Pearl and was taking her time in the shower. She felt the cold water run down her lithe body. She felt refreshed. There was only one thought taunting her, who was the fiance uncle Tarran was talking about?

After the shower, she started drying her hair. The blow-dry machine was making some noise she didn't hear the door being knocked.

Jemmy knocked several times yet no answer came. He walked into the empty living room and after waiting for about five minutes with no one coming, he thought she was still mad and was locked in the bedroom. He walked to the bedroom door, but before he could open, the bathroom door open and Naysa, in a towel, rushed to stop him.

"No... You can't go inside."