
The Last Tears

Emerald Castle... Jemmy sat lonely with his laptop hosting an online meeting with his staff. When he heard a slight movement, he looked at the bed attentively. "Send someone to protect Marina. She's my sister." Naysa said while still asleep. Jemmy didn't understand whether she was dreaming or meant what she said. When he tried to wake her up, she was still sleeping. But anyway, Wade was send off to Polar hotel. Evening, Naysa opened her eyes and stared into the black shiny eyes. Jemmy was too happy when she woke up. Though the doctor just said she was ok, Jemmy could still not believe his words. "How do you feel?" Jemmy asked. Naysa wanted to sit up but the strong hands held her back. "You'll hurt yourself." "Am fine I can sit ok?" She said but Jemmy didn't let her go. "Naysa there is one thing we have to talk about. The way you do take rush decisions is alarming and that's endangering your life. At least, wherever you go, take the guards with you. For the sake of your protection." Jemmy said. Naysa, with Jemmy's support sat up and looked at him. "I just don't know what came over me. Am sorry." She said, lowering her head like an obedient child to the parents. It was too cute that Jemmy stared at her admiringly. Even at her weakest point, she's still never lost her beauty. "I'll make you something to eat." He said as he stood up and headed to the kitchen. "Hey, some wonders here today!" Adrian started. "He's going to personally cook for her." Another guard said. "Wait, does he even know how to cook?" Stenson couldn't help laughing. In a matter of five minutes, the kitchen looked like a tornado zone. Broken pieces of glasses and plates were all over. Flour was all over the place plus in his face. His whole clothes were covered in flour and other kitchen ingredients. When he came out, Naysa who sat in the living room burst out laughing. Stenson couldn't help it as he took pictures. The other guards went out the couldn't suppress their laughter any longer. "Ooh my God! What were you doing?" Naysa held a mirror close to his face but Jemmy closed his eyes. "Do I look terrible?" He asked in a cute deep voice. "No... Not really. Who said my husband can look terrible? You look cute and funny. You've won a suit to the kitchen? I can't help it." Naysa laughed again. Looking at his suit, Jemmy couldn't help frowning. "What did you prepare for me?" She asked. "I made instant noodles." He said. "And how did you have your whole body covered in flour?" She asked. Jemmy kept quiet. "Can I go to the kitchen and have a look?" "No... Don't go there!" Jemmy stepped forward to stop her. "Can we go together then?" Naysa asked. "If you insist." He replied while leading the way. Naysa followed. The whole kitchen was a mess. The trash can was full of spoilt dumplings, pan cakes and many other goods he tried to prepare. He looked at Naysa innocently. "Ok you did a good job, but you're a pretty bad cook." She said. Jemmy stared at her as if digesting what she just said. "Ok, don't be mad at me for that kind of a comment. Can I be your teacher then?" "Sure." He replied. "But there is a fee to pay. Are you ready?" She asked. "How much is it teacher?" He asked eargerly that Naysa laughed. "It's not about money. It's something else." She said. "Whatever you want, I'll do it for you." Jemmy said. "Good, now take a guess before I tell you."

Dragon_2120 · Teen
Not enough ratings
88 Chs


"Roderick you're joking right? Don't dare do such a shitty thing." Diana warned.

"What do I do? I have no choice and if they don't help me, I have no other way out." Roderick said.

"She helped you, she did everything to stay by your side, including leaving her friends and doing everything to please you. If she is willing to stay with you, you have to let her stay." Diana begged.

"Diana leave yourself out of this!"

"Roderick, are you serious? You want to kill me, right? Go ahead!" Livia shouted. "I did everything for you, all the worse things I never thought I could do. You turned me into an evil being, all in the name of staying and dying for love. The fate of The Caskeys was never my fault. What if everything returned to its rightful owner? Am I to blame?"

"Livia will you shut up?" Roderick shouted.

"Not in front of you. Roderick, I tried. If our family promise to help you, that doesn't mean we will sacrifice everything for you're a hundred percent comfort, ok?"

"Brother kill me instead, because we share the same pain." Dian stood between the two.

"Diana am more than just desperate. Everything is making me run mad. Am desperate to have the debt paid. I need financial help."

"Very good." Livia clapped. "Its too good you know what you want but you're too stupid to seek the help you. If you think you can get what you want by killing me, then go ahead and have it."

"Don't… don't talk to me like that!" His eyes were blood shot. "Or I'll shoot."

"Go ahead! If you think I'll bow down to you for being a beast, then forget!"

Then, the sound of a bullet startled everyone, got Livia was caught off guard. She closed her ears tightly with her hands. When everything died down, Livia first thought she must be in heaven, but looking at herself, she was unharmed. Blood was sprayed all over her and on her feet laid Diana in a pool of blood.

Roderick had his back turned towards them, probably thinking he killed Livia, or whatever.

"Diana!" Livia knelt on the ground and called her. "Diana wake up!"

Roderick turned abruptly and saw his sister in a pool of blood.

"Sister!" he was going wild and now he had killed his own sister. Quickly, he pushed Livia far off, hard that she hit the trees some meters away. And that's when the cars arrived and Charles saw his sister hitting a tree and descending to the ground.

At least the men came out of the car with swollen faces and scratches all over them. Charles had given them a life time beating while they were driving over. Charles jumped off the car and ran to Livia who was crawling on the ground with a broken arm.

"Livia, are you ok? What happened to you?" Charles held her hand and wanted to pull her up.

"No… it's broken." Livia cried. Charles picked up his sister. "She is dead."


"Diana…. Huh! It hurts!" Livia cried.

"Diana is dead? How? What happened?" Charles asked.

"Shot dead by Roderick." Livia said supporting her broken arm. "Am bleeding out… please help me."

"Diana killed by Roderick?"

"Look out!" a voice came in time for Charles to block the bullet meant to kill his sister. It went through his left side just below the ribs and he descended to the ground, showering his sister with his own blood. Forgetting her own pain, Livia fell on top of her brother.

"Are you dead?" She was too confused to think.

There, Roderick stood restrained by men in uniform and soon, an ambulance siren sounded form a distance.

Livia could feel, hear, but not move. The three were carried into an ambulance as the police van disappeared with Roderick.

She heard what was said.

"What about this?" a voice asked.

"She's not dead but needs urgent blood transfusion. She will also need a heart transplant."

"This young man has a few broken ribs but the heart is in a good shape."

"I'll give out the blood…" That's the last thing she said before she fell into comma., out of stress, exhaustion, blood loss and pain.

"Get me that phone." Jemmy said to Stenson who did as he was commanded.

"Larry, what do you mean Hank is sick?" Jemmy asked.

"You and I know about Hank's disorder, not forgetting his carelessness." Larry said.

"Get him back in K nation."

Hank had followed Larry to country Y. whatever happened, Jemmy will demand an explanation later. He was also wondering why Hank went to country Y when he was being waited to give a speech to the public as a political aspirant.

"What's wrong?" Naysa asked.

"It's about Hank, don't worry." Jemmy said.

In a rented apartment…

Not knowing what to do, Cindy started packing her belongings. Not just police from K nation were looking for her, Phil's parents send police form LA and they were to come in person. The doctors gave her the report, the piece of flesh, which was once Phil could not be rescued because most of her vital body parts were destroyed, including the spinal code.

She had tried calling Livia but no one picked up. When Roderick's phone went through, she was told by the sergeant that he was arrested and awaiting trial. That was enough to for her to throw away her phone, and that was exactly what she did.

And minutes later, Cindy left the apartment.


Mr. Augustine came back from Starton company very tired and headed straight to his study room. Since when his son shut every connection with him some times back, he had never had peace, but also, he was not ready to let his wife go.

He opened the family group but as it was, all his sons had left.

They no longer used the family email. What a boring day for him.

But today, there were two messages.

Jemmy: (it was a picture of a published story of Cindy.) your daughter in law's fate.

Hank: if your wife came in K nation to stir up trouble, am in for her.

Then, they were both unavailable.

Throwing away the phone angrily, Senior Augustine stormed out of the study room.

"Where is she?" he shouted at the guards.

"Left for K nation earlier sir."

"Hack her account"