
Chapter 33: The Cloud fairy bridge

Perhaps he was tired from the journey, and after climbing into the tent for a while, Wenbin Zha fell asleep. When he was in deep sleep, he heard the sudden whinny of the mule outside. Suddenly, he woke up and immediately rushed out, except the burning fire outside, Xiong Zhuo is leaning on the fire doze, Wenbin Zha calm down, feel under, but nothing happened, he glanced the surrounding, the two mules also no movement.

Wenbin knocked Xiong Zhuo's shoulder, he embarrassed to touch the head said he might be a bit tired, actually fell asleep. Wenbin Zha said you go in first to rest, then he came on duty, until the latter half of the night, nothing but the mountain wind. Yichao He woke up, found that Wenbin Zha did not call him, he looked at the time, then went out. After coming out, with the blow of the mountain wind, Wenbin Zha didn't feel sleepy. Two of them took out a bottle of wine, started drinking.

Mention Yichao He's mother-- Mrs Wang, it is a sad story. Wenbin Zha did not explain too much, just patted him, make him strong. Yichao He had excellent grades at that time. He could study in a good university, but boys at that time always thought that military uniforms were the idols, so he went to the army. Because of his good health condition, they actually became a Tibetan soldier, which he ended his study. Mr He was unable to control, and let him go.

The sufferings of the Tibetan soldiers were not for ordinary people. Years of living in a lake on a snowy plateau had made him strong. Besides, he had also seen a lot of incredible things. The mysterious Tibet was indeed beyond ordinary people's understanding. He opened his memory, Yichao He told Wenbin Zha about some strange things that happened in Tibet…

Wenbin Zha did not know much about Tibet, especially Tibetan Buddhism. Yichao He, who had retired from the army in those days, could have been assigned to a place as a civil servant because he was a Tibetan soldier. But because of Mr. He, he was arranged into the archaeological team, and start this job ever since. Fortunately, Mr. He was an expert and trained him for another two years. Gradually he became an expert too because he has good health, so he always assigned to take the lead in a difficult place by the institute.

It was dawn before they realize it, they looked at the dying fire, smiled at each other, they felt they could meet each other earlier. He prepared their breakfast and went to wake them all up. The air in the Mount Qingcheng was really fresh, it was simply a treasured place full of nimbus. Those people who got out of bed breathed this fresh mountain air and suddenly felt very energetic. They swept away the fatigue of the previous night. Leader Wang stretched his body lazily and twisted his neck to go to the side of the mountain to exercise. He had this habit very early. "Oh, my God, look at that." Leader Wang suddenly called out loudly.

The small village that had been in the moonlight last night was gone, replaced by billowing clouds, and the crowd seemed to be standing on the clouds. In the distance, there was a high mountain, looming high into the sky, Yiran Leng clapped her hands and shouted, "wow, this is a fairyland on earth! It's so beautiful!"

Leader Wang looked at Wenbin Zha and said, "the weather has been very good recently. There was no rain last night. How could there be such a big fog here?"

Wenbin Zha was also shocked by the scene he saw, he spoke in a low voice after a while: "Gather Heaven and Earth nimbus, enjoy the essence of the sun and the Moon, riding clouds, flying dragons, not eating grain, drinking the wind and dew; I never thought there was such a wonderful place in the world besides Kunlun Mountains, the three sacred mountains, and the mountains of size Fang. I don't know which immortal discovered such heavenly abode..."

Below the mountain is billowing clouds, cannot see the bottom half of the mountain. It seemed that they could not go down for the time being. Originally, they wanted to have breakfast first and wait for the sun to come out before going down, didn't expect such a big change to happen here.

When the sun shines on the clouds and fog, a brilliant rainbow rises across the whole basin over the sky, like a fairy bridge. And now those people stand on the bridge, the other end direct access to the Qifeng Mountain.

"The fairy bridge..." Wenbin Zha has nearly crazy. If the cloud they saw when they got up is the zenith, then this rainbow is not just the fairy bridge? Then what is there at the other end of this fairy bridge? Wenbin can't wait to go down the mountain, he seems to see the hope... "

By the time the sun had risen, the clouds had become so billowing that had begun to roll towards their campsite, and in an instant, they were lost in a white mist. They could not see each other and can only distinguish one another by sound.

Wenbin Zha cried: "all sit down in situ, don't move, the sight is not good, in case you fell down, immortals also cannot save. Wait for the sun gets brighter, dilute the fog, then it will be fine."

Everyone can only have sat on the ground, and soon began to drip water from their hair, which is enough to see how strong the fog here. In order to prevent accidents from happening, every 5 minutes Wenbin need to roll-call, check everyone's situation. Fortunately, there was nothing but the fog. After an hour, the power of the sun began to show and some things began to be seen. After the fog had cleared, it had been two hours after. They looked one another, everyone is wet through appearance, especially that girl, she wore less, so the body shape is perfectly highlighted. She was embarrassed with face in red. Luckily there were some camouflage clothes in the bag, apart from Wenbin Zha, everyone put on dry clothes.

Once again, he came to the cliff overlooking, now that the fog had cleared, the village in the moonlight last night had been fully revealed. He took a look through the telescope, it was clear: this was a village of approximately a hundred families, and from a distance, the houses were made of wood. The village surrounded the central well, but there is one thing, no matter which angle you look at it, this seemingly unobstructed village is always blocked by either trees or houses. Which means the whole picture of the village cannot be seen. It is like someone did it on purpose, but can't tell.

Wenbin Zha in the mind quickly turned a variety of classics Geomantic Omen Positions, but cannot be connected.

When they were ready, according to the memory provided by Laohan Zhuo, they found a small mountain road not far from the campsite, winding down to the bottom of the valley…

It is said that this is a road, in fact, no one has taken it for decades. There are brambles and weeds all over the place. Xiong Zhuo and Yichao He makes a way in front with machetes, plus it is slippery and the progress is very slow. It was about 100 metres down the mountain, several times the men and mules came close to being in danger, and they had to move cautiously, one by one.

After another 50 meters, the ground began to clear there is no mud, the soil began to dry. Apart from some unknown flowers and plants, there were also no trees or wood sticks that block the way.

"Can it be said that this cloud and fog only at the top, in fact, there is no below the mountain?" Leader Wang towards Wenbin Zha asked.

Wenbin Zha looked at the flowers and plants around him and said, "I'm afraid so. Can you see that as we go down the valley, the lower the vegetation distribution? We seem to have gone from a dangerous place to a safe place. This village is so strange. We'd better be careful."

Yichao He and Zhuo Xiong listened and checked the gun, one leads the road and the other stay at the rear. Wenbin walked in the middle, and they walked for another hour before the terrain gradually smooth, it seems to have been close to the bottom of the valley…

Along the way, except for one or two butterflies that occasionally flew by, not even a mosquito was seen. Although it was a hot season at this time, however, the valley bottom was quite cool. But usually the safer the place, the more dangerous it was, so everyone was walking carefully, and they did have time to appreciate the beautiful scenery, only wanted to rush to the village as early as possible. After a couple of hours, finally, they arrived at the village entrance, the two stone horses had become mould and burnt, two stone men stood next to them, which are majestic and solemn. It is like the village's patron saint, let people do not dare to have a little neglect. A few archaeologists were really interested, especially leader Wang and Yichao He, they are running towards those rocks quickly…

The stone man and the stone horse were built completely according to the real shape. Leader Wang studied the stone for a long time and said that you look at the stone material, it should be granite. Therefore, it was able to withstand for the thousands of years of wind and rain and still be so well preserved. The stone man looked similar to the average person in size, it was just that the head was square, and what stood out, in particular, was a pair of eyes, which were unusually large and had an incredibly postmodern art feeling. Judging from the dress, there should be no doubt that is the ancient people of Bashu, but as for the exact age, leader Wang could not be determined at the moment. He let Yichao He took a camera to take pictures from various angles, suddenly them two have fallen into the passion of archaeology. Which provide time for Wenbin Zha and others to have rest, so they rest upon the roadside.