
Chapter 19: Destiny Again!

Wenbin Zha picked for Mrs Wang this Hill Ridge, is the so-called "Ancestral Hill", the foot of the hill is surrounded by a stream, flat terrain, although it's not a small dragon, at least better than another place.

Anyway, this person from the underworld came to the human world, must pass the House where the dead lived, which is what we call the grave. To ask whether Wenbin Zha had ever seen zombies before, I'm afraid he hadn't either, in his words, the so-called zombies are just ghosts that don't want to leave their bodies after they die, resulting in a kind of false human state. In Modern Society, it's more popular to cremate a corpse. Once it's burned, naturally it won't become a Zombie, but the House he lives in is still there, this is his home, relatives burned money, tribute is through this small window to the relatives of the underworld to send.

This burning paper money is also about whether you are sincere or not, if you are sincere, relatives in the underworld can get that paper money. If no real, most of the cash pick up by the wild ghost. So if you want to worship ancestors, you need to be sincere.

Wenbin Zha ran to the mountain at midnight, waiting for Mrs Wang to come out at night. The House of the dead is actually the door leading to the underworld after death. Those who died in the wilderness will become ghosts because they have no door to get into hell.

It is indeed a geomantic treasure land. Wenbin Zha sat on the ground and watched stars in the sky. He felt something wasn't right, but cannot tell what was wrong. Tonight, he is going to block the Imp of the underworld and ask them why they take someone from this little village whose life hasn't been expired yet.

When it was near the midnight, Wenbin Zha spread a thin layer of white lime around the tomb and placed seven mirrors around him. The placement of mirrors was very special; every mirror should shine on the corresponding Big Dipper in the sky at exactly midnight. Everyone knows that the earth moves, how to calculate this slight time difference is really not easy, requires real skills. He was the only one going up the mountain tonight, and he made such large formation to protect himself from being taken by Imps of the underworld.

After setting up the mirror, Wenbin Zha again took out paper money and sprinkled it around the grave. This money is for those Imps as if you want to block the Imp of the underworld have to use both money and Weapon. Once everything is ready, it will be easy to deal with them. Wenbin always prepared for every fight.

After all, this was done, another stick of incense was placed in front of Mrs Wang's grave. Wenbin sat in a circle surrounded by mirrors and waited quietly. Suddenly, the pillar of incense lit up for a moment and quickly returned to normal. This slight change, of course, unable to escape Wenbin Zha's awareness. At the moment he closed his eyes, the Big Dipper in accordance with their respective order, one by one arranged in the corresponding seven mirrors, Wenbin surrounded in the middle, which looked very bright…

Wenbin Zha, who had already settled into meditation, he saw two Imps of the underworld dressed in white clothes coming with Mrs Wang. They had always seen things on the road with no surprise and looked at a Taoist priest respectfully bowing and waiting in front, they have stopped.

"Who stands in the way? "

"I am from Zhengyang Ling's sect, current master of Zhengtian Tao—— Wenbin Zha, here waiting for you for a long time," said and made a bow again.

Two Imps obviously were not interested in this little Taoist priest, looked at him for a while, and about to leave.

Wenbin Zha did not stand up, just put out him hand to block: "Please stop, I have a matter to ask, do not dare to delay your business, so..." said, and pointed to the pile of paper money, indicating those money was for them.

They are indeed greedy ghosts, looked at each other, took the money immediately, and malevolent stare at Wenbin Zha: "You, do not block the way, otherwise, we will take you to the underworld together. "

Wenbin Zha still did not speak, made a "please" gesture. Two Imps went forward proudly, just walked to the side of Wenbin Zha, they pulled Mrs. Wang back a step, but it was too late. The light of Big Dipper formation burst and surrounded a bronze knot in the middle. Apparently the step that had brought those two Imps into this big formation…

Wenbin Zha was afraid that he cannot trap these two, so he used the big seal for the base of this formation, which means before this stick of Incense burn out, don't say is the two Imps of the underworld, even the Ox-Head and Horse-Face (Imps who hook away other's soul) also have to wait until the incense burn out can come out. .

Although two Imps did not know who Wenbin Zha is, the bronze in the formation was really the big seal of Maoshan Sect. There is only one in the world. Maoshan has been famous for killing evil spirits, these they naturally understand. The two Imps then toward Wenbin Zha both made a bow to show courtesy.

Wenbin Zha also returned a bow, smiled and said: "I'm afraid if it is not this method, it will be hard to keep you two. Please forgive me, I will sent you gift after for this impertinent act. "

That's a step down for two of them. Of course, money is still very important when having a conversation with ghosts. "So what do you want to ask?"

Wenbin Zha looked at the empty eyes of Mrs. Wang, and turned to Imps: "Two officials, my doubt is that the life for Mrs. Wang obviously did not expire, why she has been taken away? "

Two Imps listened it is this matter, showed difficult facial expression, they did not want to answer. However, Wenbin does not hold back, his daughter suffered a mishap before, he already have hatred in his mind, he is well prepared today. He subconsciously touched the h Seven Star Sword in his hand, suddenly the formation seemed to be stronger…

Ghosts are really tactful, they knew they did fall into the trap of Wenbin Zha, so they have no other choice. One of them opened his mouth and said, "don't blame us for this. It's true that Mrs. Wang hasn't lived her whole life, but this village must have seven people dead this month. Mrs. Wang made a serious conflict that day, and rushed at the moment when we came, so it was her time to die. "

"Why is it that? You two are clearly hooked the soul, who know what did you do under the guise, do you think I can't fight? "He pulled out the seven-star sword, straight ahead toward them as he said.

Wenbin Zha acted so presumptuous, of course he has his reasons. Although person's life and death are not up to him, but they all have to follow rules. Mrs. Wang's fate should very good, she should not get such catastrophe, and there were no wild ghosts to hook her soul. So he thinks it was these two Imps who made it. Because the whole thing happened so fast, if it was not them, he should be able to stop and save the life of Mrs. Wang.

This situation, Wenbin Zha is planning to defy heaven, in fact, he also doesn't have the courage. Although he has weapon in his hand, but his master passed away too early, he only learned a little, plus some books left behind, he has been self-taught for so many years, it is not a problem to pick up a wild ghost, but it was two Imps of the underworld in front of him. According to our human parlance, you are a regular person who has learned Kongfu for several years and to fight with the regular soldier in the army. And it was two, still somewhat afraid. But with this big formation, at the moment he has the psychological advantage, as he knows is lost momentum will loss this fight, as the other side is the real ghosts from the underworld.

As expected, the formation indeed frightened the two Imps, they looked at each other again, just as they made up their minds, bite the skin of the mouth: "You may not know, the three realms Samsara normally should follow rules, but there are some disasters which are out of the three realms. This village——Zhuang Wang needs seven people to die, also not our original intention, besides those already have in life, those left behind are called destiny. ". These seven people in Zhuang Wang are all scapegoats for the village next door, we can only say so much, we can't divulge the secret, but I hope you can let us go."

This kind of dialogue, made Wenbin Zha surprised, what kind of existence is which surmounts the three realms.

In fact, this is our ordinary fortune-telling, fortune-tellers tell us a lot of things, many of which are valid, many of which are not valid, usually the first half of the calculation was right, but not the second half. Outside the three realms, can see through this is also the pursuit of Taoist in their life. How a state it that? Wenbin Zha who read a lot of classics is also the first time to hear about this, which let him into a deep thought…

However, the reality soon did not allow him to think anymore, and seeing that incense pillar was almost burned out, he expressed his apology to Imps and promised will provide them more money once go back. Both Imps nodded: "The conversation we had toninght, do not tell anyone in your lifetime, otherwise after your death…" Wenbin Zha nodded and promised, he put away the big seal, solve the formation, respectfully send two Imps to leave. After a gust of wind, blow off the last part of the column Incense Ash, also blow Wenbin Zha into the abyss of the Tao…

After he came down from the mountain, he burned some gold ingots at the entrance of the village, which was considered a benefit for the two Imps of the underworld. Looking up at the starry sky, Wenbin Zha had a new understanding of the depth of the Tao for the first time. Only those who transcended the three realms could be regarded as the true Tianzheng Tao. This is not easy to talk about, from the past to the present and even to the future, how many of the monastic people, many people spending their entire life time in pursuit of this Heavenly Tao. Wenbin fell into a deep thought and unexpectedly fell asleep there.

He had a dream that night and dreamed that his daughter was saying "hello" with him. This was the second time after his daughter had drowned. She told him that she was cold and was suffering in the river. She asked Wenbin to save her, looking at her from a distance, beside her there is a beast, it is called Taotie (A mysterious monster in ancient Chinese mythology). Wenbin Zha want to reach out to pull his daughter, but was woke up by the loud roar from Taotie. Wenbin Zha rubbed his eyes, found that at the moment the sky is almost bright, there were a few tears in his eyes, he wiped away tears, sighed, and walked toward Mr. Wang's House.