
Chapter 15: Missing Girls

Wenbin Zha had these two treasures in hand, which provide him with confidence: "If I have to take it away" said, his action is like holding the big seal about to smash it down, the two Imps of the underworld saw his work, immediately protect their head, they seem to be scared. Wenbin built confidence after their action, he then put away the big seal, looking at the two Imps.

The two Imps looked at each other and said, "If you must take this one, you have to provide us with another soul. We need something to hand over, if our leaders knew about this, I'm afraid you can't get away from it either. "

Wenbin Zha nodded his head and promised, "tomorrow, please go to Hongcun again. I will get it sort for you. "He put away the big seal and sword, walked over as he said. Then he pulled out a handful of underworld money and passed it to the two Imps. "take it to buy some wine, and when I go back, I will definitely provide you more. "

"No,how can we dare to accept the things from the master of Maoshan. "After a refusal, the two Imps took the money and let the ghost go. They agreed to go to "Hongcun" the next day to bring another soul back to hand over. After saying this, they walked back together. On the way, naturally, the hapless ghost was beaten by three people. After knows that Wenbin is the master of Maoshan Sect, the spirit was afraid that Wenbin would give him a result which he cannot enter reincarnation forever, and confessed that he had fallen down and died at the foot of the Mountain of Cow-Head when he was collecting herbs. Not surprisingly, Wenbin found the soul of great-aunt there. Wenbin thanked the two Imps again and back to the human world.

Just after the incense was burned, Wenbin Zha woke up from his meditation and went straight to the foot of the Mountain of Cow-Head. Everyone took the lantern. Finally, he found a rotten white bone under a disorderly stone hillock. Some of them recognized it as the herb gatherer from a neighbouring village and said he has been missing for a long time. Then they went and told the family immediately.

After the family has arrived, they cried sadly. Wenbin Zha didn't mention too many details, only tell the family, go back to find a right hole place to bury, and burn more incense paper. Then they went back to my great-aunt's house, this time all people are not allowed to go in, all stand at the front door.

Wenbin Zha asked to put great-aunt to her bed, others cleaned up the scene and restored it to as there was nothing happened. They didn't know why he did these things, but they had to follow it. Then they agreed to come before dawn, in fact, Wenbin is afraid that when great aunt wakes up and see herself in the funeral, will get frightened.

After the first cock crowing, the day gets slightly lighter, Wenbin Zha and all others went, the big cousin went in first, where great aunt was still lying in bed, Wenbin Zha signals him to ask her.

The big cousin, called in a low voice: "Mum", great aunt firstly moved her hand slightly, then opened her eyes, rubbed her eyes with her hand, and then answered: "What's the matter?"

The crowd grew restless, how come the dead came to life… Is it the sudden movement of a corpse ?When everyone was about to run out, Wenbin said: "don't worry, your mother just fall asleep before, not dead, if you do not believe, you can touch her."

Some brave people tried to touch great aunt's hand and found that her hand is warm, great aunt looked at a group of people inexplicably…

In this way, the great aunt was saved by Wenbin, but this story did not end…

After Wenbin Zha left, a few days later, an old man died. In fact, the life of this old man was not expired yet, according to Wenbin's counting, the old man was the person in the whole village who will pass away the earliest. So Wenbin wrote his date of birth and the Eight Characters to be burned at the entrance of the town, which means the old man died before his actual life has expired.

After the old man's death, Wenbin Zha differently than before performed a ritual, which enabled the old man to rise to the Elysium, but it also made him feel very guilty. In fact, this kind of work will be punished, which leave him a lot of misfortune in the future.

A few days later, the two Imps sent a dream to Wenbin Zha, told him that this kind of "exchange of life" have to pay the price. Wenbin Zha thought that they just ask for more money, and burned a lot of money for them. However, he never thought that the price for "exchange of life" will come that quick, dangerous, and substantial…

Wenbin Zha had a son and a daughter. His youngest daughter was brilliant, and he liked her very much. Because his wife passed away early, Wenbin Zha stayed at home and only went out of the village once necessary. He was both a father and a mother, wanted to bring them up because he lost his parents when he was young. So his son and daughter are the only emotional sustenance for him, and the youngest daughter was very well-behaved, even though she was young, she helped with the cooking and washing, and did an excellent job of housework. Whenever Wenbin came back late, his daughter would leave a hot meal on the table for him, making him feels guilty about his daughter.

On the day of Chinese New Year Eve, at noon, the daughter carried a basket to the river to wash vegetables, suddenly she fell down and drowned in the less than knee-deep river… Until somebody to inform Wenbin to the river, she has already no breath, Wenbin Zha did not say anything, held her body went back home, closed the door, straight went down the underworld to save his daughter.

He rushed on the way to the underworld, has not yet arrived the "helpless bridge", he met the two Imps of the hell, got angry immediately, took out his weapon and rushed up. The two Impsa begged again and again for mercy, told Wenbin Zha they did not do anything wrong for his daughter. Wenbin Zha didn't believe, he was incredibly rage, he needs to take back his daughter even to bury himself here today because her daughter's life did not also expire. Those two Imps saw the begging did not work, then they could only tell the truth: the daughter of Zha's family was punished because Wenbin Zha had crossed the "border" and the God from heaven was angry, this was a punishment from the God in Heaven, it was not their business at all. If he wanted to keep his son safe, it is better to put an end to it. Even Wenbin has such tremendous ability, also impossible to go against God. If he goes down the underworld again, his son will be the next person to pay for this."

Ah, Poor Wenbin Zha, a hero for a time, paid for a moment of recklessness, and against the God, do you have such colossal ability? You are only a little Taoist Priest… Until he came to his senses, he was already back from the underworld. Looking at the wailing son beside of his sister, Wenbin Zha tightly held him, clenched his teeth and tightly hold. Then he and his son buried his daughter next to his wife's grave in Chinese New Year Eve. What's so kind of being a Taoist Priest? Parents died early, wife died first, now even the daughter died, looking the son at the side, Wenbin Zha vowed to protect him well.

People say that if the King of Hell (The "King" in Chinese folklore who is in charge of life and death) wants you to die in the third shift, never leaving you to the fifth shift, so if he wants you to die, you're going to die. After the accident happened to his daughter, it was clear that his daughter's life did not end, why would die in the river unnaturally? Wenbin Zha received a dream from his daughter and told him that she was paying the debt to Wenbin Zha six months ago. Wenbin Zha took back the ghost halfway in the "helpless bridge" will be punished, the price is his daughter died in the Chinese New Year Eve.

This is also a warning to Wenbin from the King of Hell, the human world you can take control, but in the underworld, everything has a cause and result, if you asked for something it must be paid.

This matter was a big blow to Wenbin Zha, he shut himself at home for a long time, and began to ponder the meaning of Tao, which also led to many of his commendable achievements and stories later.

That year, after his daughter drowned, he shut himself in the house for three months and didn't leave the house. Once we visited, he just closed the door to let visitors leave. Three months later, Wenbin Zha broke through the door and went straight to the provincial capital. Since then, the first person of the story cannot be "me", the protagonist has wholly become the last Taoist: Wenbin Zha.

Wenbin Zha knew that he had made God in heaven angry, but he was not convinced in his mind. Why should happiness be able to control the fate of man? Why shouldn't against the sky? And the only way to solve the problem now seems to be the "Ruyi Book of Magic". Where is the book in the legend, whether the book exists or not is all unknown, but the message left by the murals in the underground palace of the Temple of Generals still provide him with a glimmer of hope? The writing left on the temple may be a clue, and he went to find Leader Wang of the archaeological team.

He entrusted his youngest son to my grandmother, let her take care of him for some time. Of course, grandmother agreed, he left some money, but the grandmother refused to accept. At the end grandmother reluctantly accepted the money as Wenbin said to use the money to buy some clothes for his son.

Wenbin rushed to the provincial capital, where Leader Wang had already waited at the station for the Taoist Priest, who was half-man and half-god in his mind. Supposedly, as an archaeologist, he should have been an atheist, but there were many things that science could not explain, the drowning of Zha's daughter, he also knew about this. Leader Wang received Wenbin, firstly arranged for him to stay in the guest room of the unit.

After Wenbin Zha sat down, he did not have time to have a chat about their previous story, asked Wang straight away to take him to find Mr He (The scholar mentioned previously who is an expert in ancient Chinese characters), he eager to have a clue. Leader Wang is also a hospitable person, after contacting Mr He, the three people agreed to have a drink together in the evening.