
To the Capital page 3

After the ambush it was clear that that can area was a common feeding ground, for caravans and other transports. With the amount for unmarked grave stones and burials, it was clear that many have been killed here just as Terry was. As we morning came we packed up camp, and took what we could from the beasts that attack us. With a clear path to the capital we had arrived just after noon. I took my time to get to the shopping district and selling the portion of the loot I received. The bear claws sold well at 4 silver, and the hide for 6 silver coins. Moving just over to the armory, I picked up a armored leather duster that costed 3 silver. As well as a pair of leather leg guards, that strap to the back of your legs. They protect the front of your legs well. however don't really protect the back at all besides where the straps are.