
Our new beginning page 1

It all starts somewhere. For me it starts in the red wood forest that starches between the hive and almost up to Sanitu. it was me and two other mages on the ride up as well as the horse care taker and the horses them selves. All was fine up tell the third night of the journey. As we were setting up our tents and making a fire just before dusk Terry our water mage was slaughtered in seconds by a earth enforced wolf. With the wolf was a bear and blood rabbit, both enforced by the same earth spell as the wolf. It was just me and Sherico as well as the horse handler. We each decided to take on one each. I would take on the bear. Shercio would take on the wolf, and the horse handler would try to take on the blood rabbit. With Shericos beginner fire magic she could only really cast flame bolt, however she was also trained from a kid to weald a sword. from what I saw before the attack she only had a short sword, her spell book and some light leather armor just above her cotton cloths. The horse hand never spoke nor told us his name. However he seemed well equipped for the Journey. He was equipped with a normal hive light spear and a sword as well as light platemail with leather strapping. As for me, ofcorse I have... nothing just a spell book and some cotton clothing. Terry though didn't seem as if he was or has been a mage. He didn't have a spell book and never showed any use of magic. He wore very run down clothes and looked half dead before he was killed.