
The last summer ...

I don't know 🤷‍♀️ why I still remember, like an overplayed movie 🎥 scene by scene you and I starring in each other's eyes 👀 stuck in disbelief, you see, It seemed we were finally in the same world 🌎 together,

No complications there you were and there was I, Shaking in my boots 👢 at the site of you, Stomach feeling like an elevator 🛗 bringing me up or down, feeling confused without reason on your existence. and why we hadn't meet before, Your name I forgot my love..

Or perhaps 🤔 I didn't hear 👂 ya. Since I felt as though I was in a trans.. Traveling 🧳 through time with you by my side.. because I never imagined I'd feel so drawn by another soul such as yours,

I didn't expect anything of ya. I thought 💭 then you'd just be passing, through like all the rest of the human species I'd encounter, Only to later realize that you were more then passing through,

You had arrived to steal my heart ♥️ and proof me right...