

Author: M_Faiz_Akbar
Ongoing · 13.4K Views
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Read ‘THE LAST STAR’ Online for Free, written by the author M_Faiz_Akbar, This book is a Fantasi Novel, covering Fiction, Light Novel, Internet Novel, and the synopsis is: Pada tahun 2050,dunia telah berubah baik dari segi pengetahuan maupun kemiliteran.Tingkat teknologi yang berhasil dicapa...


Pada tahun 2050,dunia telah berubah baik dari segi pengetahuan maupun kemiliteran.Tingkat teknologi yang berhasil dicapai umat manusia pada saat ini adalah yang tertinggi dalam sejarah.senjata laser,mesin hologram,robot dengan emosi,bahkan sampai mesin teleportasi antar ruang dan waktu berhasil diciptakan oleh para penemu. seiring meningkatnya teknologi bukan berarti tidak ada kejahatan di dunia,setiap hari lebih dari 100 orang meninggal di tangan para anggota organisasi bawah tanah bernama "DARK". "DARK" adalah organisasi kejahatan yang punya tujuan untuk menguasai dunia melalui perang dan penjajahan. Tetapi dimana ada kejahatan juga pasti ada kebenaran.sekelompok manusia dengan kemampuan unik yang disebut "skill" yang menyebut diri mereka "player", membuat pergerakan untuk melawan organisasi "DARK". Mereka mengumpulkan semua player memiliki skill bertarung untuk bertarung bersama mereka melawan "DARK", tetapi mereka tidak tahu bahwa organisasi DARK juga memiliki player yang punya skill bertarung tingkat tinggi. Hasilnya perang penuh darah terjadi antara pihak player dan pihak organisasi "DARK" selama berbulan-bulan,perang tersebut dikenal dengan nama "Perebutan Mahkota".pihak player berhasil mendesak organisasi DARK dengan membunuh semua player organisasi DARK.Pihak DARK yang merasa terpojok melakukan upaya terakhir mereka yaitu membuat perjanjian dengan "IBLIS" dari dunia lain. pihak player tak bisa mengalahkan Iblis yang tak terhitung jumlahnya dari pihak DARK,para player yang tersisa mundur untuk bersembunyi.para player yang selamat kehilangan harapan dan dipenuhi dengan rasa putus asa.Sampai mereka mendapat bantuan dari "Dewi Cahaya" dari dimensi lain.sang Dewi cahaya menyegel para iblis kedalam dunia pararel bersama dengan sisa-sisa anggota organisasi DARK.sekali lagi,dunia dipenuhi dengan kedamaian.Tetapi kedamain itu tidak abadi.... Kisah ini mengisahkan tentang MC bernama Rei, yang punya skill bertarung yang luar biasa,yaitu "Black Star". kisah tentang Rei dan teman-temannya berpetualang di dunia pararel,penuh dengan komedi,aksi,drama,dan keseruan lainnya.

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"We have travelled by wholly different paths, but eventually, we come to the same destination." In every life she lived, there was one similarity... World A; she stole the female lead's song during the competition in order to gain the empress' favor and win. The female lead wrote an impromptu poem that stole the hearts of the empress dowager, the emperor, the crown prince and the masked general. World E; she dumped her poor bamboo horse for a rich second generation sunshine boy. The female lead picked him up and he became the feared mensao of the business world that cherished only the female lead to his grave. World Z; she, surprisingly, fairly beat the female lead in getting a highly coveted internship position with a genius scientist. The scientist dealt with some unstable substance that caused the zombie apocalypse. The result was that she was one of the first zombies. She was like a black hole that sucked in all the world's bad luck so that the female lead could shine brighter. Not surprisingly, the universe chose her to suffer again, allowing her to be reborn for all her lifetimes. (Her) low IQ supporting role; I will not let anything go. Random male character; is it not easier to lick my tofu? *displays tofu* Her; ??? A/N; This definitely has romance and is a 1v1 bxg. There will be some mature themes. [SPOILER; the fl and ml are not named because their names will keep changing with the arc.] Cover picture is not mine. Otherwise, thanks!

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The Ascension Of The God Of Destruction

Every being recognizes the name, Heaven. Humans have looked to the stars since the beginning of time, dreaming of a place beyond Earth. Mankind evolved over time into beings capable of shaking the sky with a wave of their hands. These beings were known as cultivators and thought to be powerful enough to control their own destinies and shape the world around them. They were also said to be capable of reaching the same heaven mankind had dreamed of and unlocking its secrets. Many people attempted to defy Heaven over the centuries, but they all failed. Many great figures who made their names in the world were brought down by Heaven's wrath, and it seemed that no one could truly stand up to Heaven's almighty power; they were unable to surpass the limitations that Heaven had imposed on mankind. Years have passed, and while Heaven remains a mystery to this day, people have come to accept it as an unstoppable force, and many have given up. Until one day, a person came forth who dared to defy Heaven and fight against the limits set by it. .... "Hahaha, I may have lost this battle, but remember, Heaven!" A young man yelled as he took a step toward the sky. "Rumble" As if in response to his cry, the sky rumbled and a bolt of lightning flashed across the heavens. "You can be certain that the next time I return, I will be the one to put an end to you." ....... I will upload when I have free time, so I can't promise daily chapters. If you enjoy this novel, please vote with Power Stones; this will greatly assist me. The cover is not mine; I found it on Google.

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