
The Last Sorceress

200 years after The Great Cataclysm, Terra-born Atelier Rosche learns that she is meant for something far greater than anyone from her world can even begin to comprehend. She will be the one to reclaim lost peace, to restore glory to a broken realm. She is Tierra Gloriosa's 49th sorceress, and she will be the last.

lhylhyric · Fantasy
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83 Chs

Her Nightmare is Over

Lucem feels his breath hitched in his chest. Is he already overexerting? No way. This is only the beginning.

He prepares to show the Elders more, but he finds it hard to focus. He's seeing things, things that don't belong right there and then. There's that feeling again, struggling to break free. This time, he realises what it is. Fear. The sorceress' fear. It creeps into him and paralyses him.

As he fights to regain control, more images flash past. Raging fire. A house engulfed in angry flames. These aren't his memories. They are all hers.

"Sorceress?" Koan calls, but Lucem isn't there anymore.

He's no longer in control. The sorceress has awakened, but the mental link is unbroken. He is trapped in her mind.

/Your highness, please, calm down./

His words to her are powerless. Flames seem to spread throughout the arena, the walls burning into ashes to reveal a dark, empty room. This isn't real. He needs to get out. He can't get out.