
The Last Sorceress

200 years after The Great Cataclysm, Terra-born Atelier Rosche learns that she is meant for something far greater than anyone from her world can even begin to comprehend. She will be the one to reclaim lost peace, to restore glory to a broken realm. She is Tierra Gloriosa's 49th sorceress, and she will be the last.

lhylhyric · Fantasy
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83 Chs

Always the Knight

They didn't sleep for very long, though Atelier currently has no real way to keep track of time. Despite feeling tired still, she follows as Sephyrus leads the way. Soon, the caves transition into plains, vast and beautiful. The suns are barely up, but there is enough light to keep going, so they do.

As the dawn progresses to noon, her footsteps falter, the back of her feet sore and her breaths heavy. "Can – can we take a break?" she begs.

Sephyrus swings around and looks at her with disgust, his lips parting to give way to insult. But when he realises she is on the verge of collapsing from overexertion, he shakes his head and groans. "Five minutes."

Atelier falls onto her knees.

"Ugh. Terrible," he spits. She has to squint to look at him due to the glare from the suns. "Look at you. Your stamina is terrible. At this rate, just how are you going to keep up?"