
The Last Primal

Darkness. The ultimate ruler, the true One-Above-All. Everything starts from it, and everything returns to it eventually. People say that in your final moments, darkness seeps in your very existence, engulfs your whole being. They say it’s an incredibly relaxing feeling that takes you on your journey to your afterlife. They say that in the very darkness, the ‘nothingness’ your weary soul will finally be able to rest and relax. This brings up some very philosophical and existential questions. Do you even exist? Follow the epic journey of Aiden, the last primal, a unique and ancient race as he finds his place in a strange, new world, filled with threats and violence. ----- UPDATE: A supportive reader has created a Discord Server. Here's the link if you would like to reach out to me and/or join the community: http://discord.link/Shaele ----- If you would like to support me and leave me a personalized message, you can buy me a 'coffee' at Ko-Fi: https://ko-fi.com/shaele ----- This story (and the world itself) is something I started writing and creating 15 years ago, while I was telling stories with my friends in our regular D&D sessions. The world is a hand-crafted fantasy world, filled with history and lore that we created over the course of years. While I may be new to the writing scene, I will do my very best to bring you an enjoyable experience. Hope you enjoy the journey just as much as I enjoyed creating it.

Shaele · Fantasy
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1127 Chs

World Legends

Note: This document will be gradually expanded as we encounter more and more legends, myths, and stories during the main story. These serve as a sort of collection for those that wish to dive deeper into the world of Eora.

There's a little game I'm playing here: There are literally more than 200 pages of lore that is already written (although it will take me probably days to organize them), if we reach any of the different milestones and/or goals I have set, that will unlock more of the currently hidden/locked content.

Remember! This section is entirely optional and is just meant to provide more 'color' (so to say), to the world. If you wish to immerse yourself and learn more about it.

Also, please note that these are not edited (they might be in the future if people show enough interest, but these take way too much time, I have to translate them, digitalize them, and then organize them from all the mess :D)


*** LAST UPDATED: August 9th, 2020 ***


Table of Contents

A) Kingdom of Draquilea

a1) Higrove (Unlocked: 1/15)

a2) *HIDDEN*

B) The Organization

b1) *HIDDEN*

b2) Executors (Unlocked: 1/13)

b3) *HIDDEN*




Tales from…

A) The Kingdom of Draquilea

a1) Higrove Tales

The Rise of the Leons, The story of Maximilian Leon. (Part 1)

1st day of Abaddus, The Year 452, Capital City of Elsaid

It was the first day of the New Year. The start of new chances, and opportunities.

A short, red-haired and bearded young man was running across the busy streets. A wide smile was blossoming on his face, as he zig-zagged across the residents.

He was closely holding onto a large brown leather bag, that he held close to his chest.

He soon arrived in front of his destination, a large luxurious gate, that barred entrance to a similarly lavish-looking mansion. 2 guards dressed in blue uniform crossed their lances in front of the gate.

The guard on the right looked at the huffing man, and in a stern and raucous voice he called out to him.

"What do you want this time Max? Master is not receiving any visitors, especially not you."

The man raised his right hand as if he wanted to say something, however, as he was still recovering from all the running, his voice was breathy and staggered.

"*Huff* *Huff* I *Huff* did *Huff* *Huff* it, finally! *Huff* Tell your master *Huff* that I completed the *Huff* recipe!"

The guard had a dubious expression as he looked at Max.

"Are you sure? Master is still mad at you because of the last stunt you pulled. If you lie once again, he will disown you, and you can no longer claim that you are his apprentice."

Max vehemently nodded his head in response. He was very eager to show his results to his master and finally earn his recognition and with it, the title and respect he felt he deserved. He spent all his life to his craft and got nothing back so far.

But today, everything will change. He finally completed and tested the recipe. He was sure that the potion will earn his master's respect, and he will finally give him the title that would be the foundation of the Leon Family.

"Yes, I'm sure! Now, report to him, and let me enter!"

The 2 guards looked at each other, and after a sigh, they lifted their lances and opened up the gate.

"You know the way. I do hope we won't be forced to throw you out this time…"

Max didn't bother responding to the taunting looks and words, as he stepped inside his Master's residence. As he walked towards the mansion along the marble pavement he kept gazing at all the small statues that adorned it on the sides.

He stopped before the fountain and watched as the marble mermaid statue sat atop its rock and spewed out the crystal clear water relentlessly.

"One day, I will have all of these and more! I will get all the respect I was denied, and I will pay back all the humiliation and suffering you caused me, you old coot… Just you wait…"

A single tear raced down from the corner of his left eye as he thought about all the humiliation his master's rough treatment has caused him. Today is the start of a new year, a new era, and a new day.

This year is his year, the Rise of the Leon family, and the downfall of all his enemies…

He gazed at the statue one last time and as he gripped the leather bag, he continued to make his way towards his master.

Today will set in events that will still cause tremors decades later. After today, everybody will know of his name. The Master Alchemist Maximilian Leon.

B) The Organization

b2) Tales about the Executors

The legend of the Reaper

The Reaper, or the famed Number 0 the very first Executor, or the Captain of the Executors, was a mysterious entity inside the ranks of the Organization. Dubbed as the "Grandmaster's shadow", many myths surrounded his name.

The fact that nobody ever saw him raised lots of questions. Even his very existence. Many thought that he is simply a motivational tale, that the higher-ranked members tell their newest initiates during their first few sessions to scare them and make them fall in-line.

In fact, other then a select few, not even the other Executors saw the Reaper. They heard the stories about how he appears on the battlefields only to reap the fallen souls.

The large shadowy figure, with the skull-faced mask and ruby-red glowing eyes, carrying an incredibly huge staff that had a similarly crafted skull on its top. Whenever the Reaper raised the staff, the skull opened it's mouth and sucked in all the lingering souls that perished during combat.

Nobody knew the Reaper's true strength, but they estimated that it is probably at the Grandmaster's level.

In fact, nobody even knew what it was, or how old it was. One thing was sure, it was very ancient. It has been with the Grandmaster ever since the creation of The Organization, 10 millennia ago.

There were rumors about that the Grandmaster and the Reaper might be either brothers or the last surviving members of a long-extinct species… However, nobody dared to ask, nobody wanted to earn the Reaper's Wrath.

His last "public" appearance was at the Great War in 451 on the plains outside the Draquilea's capital city, Elsaid, where claimed thousands of lives in seconds, practically ending the war for all sides. The massacre that one wave of his staff caused actually earned him his latest nickname...

I'm still organizing and digitalizing all the scribbles that I have about these, but I figured that I add these 2 as we have already crossed 2 milestones. (500 Collections and 150K views).

I will add an Author's Note to the latest published chapter every time I update this chapter so if anybody is interested, he/she will know there's new content here.

If you are not interested in these, you can simply skip them, they will not hinder your enjoyment of Aiden's journey.

Shaelecreators' thoughts