
Chapter 1: OUTLINE

There story will open up on Stanford, 55 GUC, when he turns twenty. This is an important time for Stanford due to House Lionsroar determining that 20 is the age when one is suitable educated, cultured, and trained to represent themself and House Lionsroar. It will open on Stanford finishing a sparring practice with the Général de division of the guards. The manor-castle was not expecting any attacks that day, so he was cleared to spar with Stanford. After finishing, he gets a notification that his chain scythe skill has increased by one level to 49, and therefore he gets 1 point to both strength and agility. This doesn't surprise him, as he realized since he was young that this was a special peculiarity of his. When he was young and first told his mother about his status screen all she heard was mumbles. She chided him and told him to speak like a true member of House Lionsroar, and he repeated himself. He was again scolded and that's when he suspected foul play. Over the next two months he experimented with what got transferred into magic, and he eventually was sure that it was a strange magic. This is shown through a flashback, which ends with Stanford fondly thinking of his mother. As he is walking along a parapet, he notices the guards below, and falls into a philosophical debate about underlings and their purpose. There is a lot of Stanford's vanity shown in his musings and eventually his thoughts are cut off by the underlings raising signal fires. Stanford shows some of his skills while also reflecting later in life, about 10, when he would play on the walls. As he makes his way to the front of the castle, he reflects again and again, each one more and more recent, until he arrives at the battle, which is present day, obviously. The combat then goes into detail, where Stanford's capability is displayed, asking with his unique metgod of combat. Stanford, the Général, and the guards win handily, and procede to search the bodies for any identifying marks or documents. Stanford faintly hears a scream from the keep just as they're about to check the attacker. He races back up, and the key surroundings build up suspense, now the flashbacks are in reverse order as he passes them, but now they are brief points, the emotional ones tied to his mother. All of this builds suspense as the timeline winds back to his mother, just as he opens the door. He then sees his mother's head on the ground. Close Scene.