
The Last of Humanity

Basamesis, the final city of the world with the remnants of humanity and life itself from trees to animals. war, greed, and carnage has destroyed the earth. Lush green fields of jungles to grasslands reduced to brown never ending dirt and mud lands. The ocean, reduced but rumored to still exist. Basamesis started as a small united community of people in the thousands. As time went on and the population of the once small human survivors grew, they discovered underground lakes beneath them, even starting to farm, improving the way of life for the better. Eyeing the brown land beyond, thinking of expanding it. But they had to improve the city itself, advancing and upgrading the farms to boosting freshwater production from the underground lakes to further help the future populace. To do this, the leaders of Basamesis formed the "Academy of the future" tasked with teaching the children of each generation the ways of life, and basic skills all must know in Basamesis, from basic maintenance of utilities like toilets and showers. To cooking and the basic things to know of life all must know to live. Once the students graduate after 18 years of being taught the basic requirements to survive, they are all given choices, specialized occupations for working inside the city or outside. The students will undergo varying amount of years of specialized training for these jobs. From scientists to explorers. 10 years with the implementation of this system, the academy began creating a research department wishing to prioritize advancing their technology further. As time continued, technology advanced and the academy grew stronger and stronger. Until they became the new leaders of Basamesis. 40 years after all this, Edmund Corin finally graduated as the 50th batch of students of the city, witnessing the city he grew up in advance as he aged. He always dreamt of seeing what's beyond, if there was anything other than brown dirt, see if there are any other signs of life be it hostile or friendly to them. Now the only thing that stood in front of him and his wish to see the world beyond is joining the explorers branch and spending 2 years to finally become an explorer with his 2 best friends.

Razemaker · Urban
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10 Chs


A new day today, I quickly get out of bed to check the schedules. Today, there's no lunch. Below the time of dinner is the words "Friday best day" wonder what's so good for today that they remove lunch. But our class today is languages and archaeology. Languages about what? What's this class about? I flick the lights on.

Oliver and Josh soon woke up as well, the bell hasn't rung yet. Woke up early I see? What should I do for the time being then.

"Ed, what's the class for today?" Oliver questioned, I passed the schedule to him.

"What is it." Josh asked Oliver, after staring at the schedule for a few moments, he hands the schedule to Josh, emerging out of bed after.

"Well, today is the last day of the week. Don't see any classes for saturday and sunday.

The bell rang it's distinct tone, moved out. Heading to the cafeteria for our breakfast of today.

Starting the day with bfast, we await the arm to give our breakfast.

Receiving the food, it was... Different, the food was different than the others. A row of fried salmon bellies, sliced vegetables on the side, some rice, a small stack of waffles, and next to the coffee is a cup of water. So this is why friday is the best day. This food looks far more delicious than our normal breakfast. The food itself was mesmerizing, i wanted to eat it. The scent itself put me into a trance, i haven't even eaten salmon belly before. Only saw other people eat it, mainly the higher ranked of the city.

I stabbed one salmon belly with the fork. The heat still emanating from it, putting it in my mouth. flavor and taste, an unimaginable feeling of satisfaction from just this one salmon belly. A flavor not thought of before, just delicious beyond comprehension.

I continued eating this delicious breakfast, feeling more nourished and satisfied from the meal.

"Damn this is far better than the food from the last days." Oliver commented, also looking satisfied from his food.

The bell blared like before, signaling us the end of this great breakfast. Swallowing the last bites of this dish. It was time to head out, the trays hoisted up by the arms leaving the tables empty again.

"Ok, that was far better than the food we got these past few days." Oliver said.

"You got that right, i haven't even tasted something that delicious before. They treat their people here well." Josh replied.

The classroom for languages was back to the same look of the classes before. But lining the walls were long texts of different languages, languages i can't understand. Below the texts were pictures of varying things, chairs. Pictures of places, places i also don't recognize.

We sat in our seats, i stared at the texts and pictures running along the walls.

"As you can see on the walls. This class is meant purely for the possibility of finding life or abandoned cities that are found by your team." The teacher started his lecture.

The screen went through pictures of other places not shown on the walls, large magnificent beautiful structures.

"When you go back to your rooms, you will find another device, that looks similar to the temp reader. The difference being that it doesn't scan temperature. But scans archived languages we managed to recover. All that must be done is to scan the text and the language reader will browse through all archived languages in its system and not only determine the country it came from but also what it reads. If the language isn't in it's system, well it can't read the language but may try mixing the text with other languages to find any correlation. Starting off is this language on the screen." The screen showed a line of text, after showing the picture, the teacher pulls out the language reader. Like he said, it looks similar to the temp reader, but with a small square on the top. Illuminated, possibly to show the translation of the text.

"This language is one saved in the archives of the academy, it is a language they said that's far from this city. As you can see it doesn't follow the normal way we speak. The symbols used are different from what we use. But with the language reader," He scans the screen with the reader. A long thin white light scanned the whole screen, the teacher moving it up and down. Maybe helping the reader scan the entire text.

"After a few seconds, it will show the translation of the text scanned." The teacher looked at the screen of the reader.

"Here it reads "Welcome to our city." After being scanned. Now if it isnt text but verbal communication, there is a button at the bottom of the handle in this scanner. All you have to do is let the person or anything else verbally speak into it. If you however need to translate your speech to them. The last language the reader read, it will translate your speech to that language."

"And that's the gist of languages, that reader is your best tool when your team finally stumbles upon a city like us, or finds the remnants of the past like buildings in the brown lands. Speaking of buildings, it's time to talk about archaeology." The picture shifts to a line of explorers holding shovels.

"Now you may already been told that explorers also have the job of digging and mining, if the commander warrants it and the charted route used, is blocked. But this isn't the only reason to dig and mine. When the area shows signs of an abandoned structure of the past. The commander may order the command to all explorers to dig up the area to find any remnants. Maybe when all of you become a fully trained expedition group, you may find an artifact, structure, or anything else that came from the past. If it's a structure, you are expected to mark it on your mapping systems, for objects or relics of the past. They must be handed to the group commander so he or she may bring it back to the academy for research on it. If we find these artifacts of the past, perhaps they can benefit us further as a city that has lost most connections to the past. Finding remnants of the past is one of our smaller missions as explorers. As our main objective is mapping the grey uncharted area beyond what was already mapped. And this concludes are class of archaeology as well as languages. Next week we will see each other again on friday." The bell started ringing, letting us know it's now lunchtime. Time flies fast.

"Enjoy the food that will be sent out later, it is far better than the other days. Dismissed." The teacher concluded, excited for the new dinner the students moved out faster than normal.

"Let's see what's for dinner today." Oliver said eagerly.

On a cafeteria chair us 3 sat, the arms descended down. The trays, had food different than before. Fries, juicy looking steak, gravy on top of the fries, mashed potatoes, some more vegetables on the side, scallops, shrimp. This dinner is excessive but so mesmerizing to look at, I almost don't want to eat it, like the breakfast earlier. I started eating the steak, even in my mouth the heat and taste of this steak is extremely flavorful, just from one bite I felt more hungry somehow, hungry for more of that steak and the meal itself. Oliver and Josh seem to have also fallen to the alluring food, eating it faster as well. Following them, I started eating this food. Still being more and more hungry from each bite, this food is too delicious. You can bribe anyone to do your job if you hand them this. Or even make an army of people to do your bidding if you offer this to them.

In just minutes time, the tray was now empty. I finished every single food on the tray, feeling more energetic from the meal.

We leave the table, it's contents taken away by the arms.

"The lesson today was fascinating, and the food today was just far better than what what dinner we ate before." Oliver praised the dinner we ate.

"Indeed the food itself was delicious, the lesson was also nice." Josh replied.

Yup, the food is just delicious and far better than what we ate before. And the lesson itself could help me in my goal of seeing if life really exists beyond here. It's even a fully fledged class on what to do when we find it, hope we can really find life beyond the borders.

Back to our rooms, i check the schedule for tomorrow and sunday, nothing. There's nothing. So we get 2 free days of then. Wonder what we can do in those times.

Oliver checks the schedule as well.

"Oh sweet we got sunday and saturdays off!" Oliver exclaimed.

"It's better that we just relax in our rooms then, does it say if we get lunch and other periods to eat?" Josh questioned Oliver.

"Yeah, says here on the sched, we got all 3 periods but no class." Oliver answered Josh.

"Well, let's sleep now then."

We rushed to our beds, ready to sleep to have 2 days off. I close my eyes, a busy day ends and 2 days of relaxation begins.