
at a loss

" shut up"

- leam growled at the woman who always did dispise anything that wasn't beneficial to her -

" excuse me? do you want to lose your job. all I have to do is say you attacked me and who will thay believe? me or you "

-the womans words made leam sick -

" me "

- leams Hart skipped a beat when he heard maxes voice.-

" and me "

- a nurse stepped out of the bathroom with a tape recorder-

" I had a bad feeling when you walked in the room with a vile of cyanide"

- at leams house-

" Max i-"

- Max cut leams sentence off with a kiss before going to his room-


holy shit

did he just kiss me

God his lips are good

why tho?

ugh this kids gonna kill me


- leam layed down on his bed. his thoughts running a mile a second-