
The Last of Chaos

Neyton Greene - seemed like an ordinary person, but after he died, Neyton learns his true origin. After that, he embarks on an adventure to gain strength and return to his family. -----‐----------- I do not have the rights of DxD and other animes that I use in this fan fiction. This is my first novel. I will try very hard. English is not my native language. I translate using Google. Find errors, write to me. ----- Nathan and Neyton- name MC, because of the translator error.

TheGame · Anime & Comics
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13 Chs

Chapter 5-The Last of the Chaos System

"That's a lot of pain." I wonder how long I put up with it"- holding his head rose Nathan. Slowly opening his eyes, he saw that he was in some kind of forest. Nathan saw that he was under a large tree that was surrounded by smaller trees. If you looked around, the forest seemed to have no end. Because of the density of trees, sunlight does not penetrate much into the forest, so it is cool here. Suddenly, Nathan heard a voice.

[Ding! The system binding is complete. Welcome to the Last of Chaos system]

Nathan was stunned.

"Who's there?" What do you want?" "What is it?" he asked, a little startled.

[The host should not worry. The system was tied to your soul and only you can hear it.]

It was only after the system's words that Nathan realized that he was hearing a voice in his head, not from the world around him. When he calmed down, he realized that he had read many novels about the system and knew something about it. But like any other person who got the system he asked:

- System, where did you come from and what is your goal?

[The system was created by a group of elders from the chaos race. Because they suspected that others had started making plans to destroy them, and realized that they would not be able to cope with their multiverse. The system is an assistant for the last survivor of the chaos race and will help him, that is, you, to achieve the power with which you can restore your race]

-Well. I understood that. What about yours?.. Uh, stop the last survivor, but what about my father, Zeon said that he is still alive. " - Nathan asked Anxiously and began to nervously wait for an answer.

[The system doesn't know the answer, master. I was handed over to you, and until you absorbed me, I was in a state of inactivity. Knowledge in the system is accumulated only to increase the strength of the host and help him.]

Listening to the cold voice of the system, Nathan became more and more concerned, but remembering his father's message,He realized that now was not the time to worry. He had too much to do to bother his head with questions that he couldn't get answers to without the force. After a moment's thought, Nathan decided to finish his previous question

- Tell us about your functions.

[The system has several functions:

- Status Function. It allows you to see your brief status and combat power.

- Inventory Function. This feature gives you infinite storage space in which time is stopped.

- Also A Store Function. It gives you the opportunity to get various skills and tools.

- Quest Function. The system will give you periodically quests that will also be aimed at increasing your strength. The reward for them will be both the currency for the store (SP), and various items from it, depending on the complexity of the task.

-The last function is Roulette. It allows you to win items from the store, but you can only spin the roulette for tickets, which can only be obtained for completing quests.]

After a moment's reflection, Nathan asked with embarrassment:

"That's all clear. Now.... Khem...he hoped that the system would help him and that He would be able to dominate the world from the very beginning.

[Master, the System has no right to give you powerful abilities unless you have made an effort to obtain them. I would also like to say that because of your background, you have already gained a lot of abilities.]

"I don't know what you're talking about," said Nathan

[Master, you should review your status and you will understand what I was saying]

-Well. Show me my status, " Nathan said impatiently


Name: Nathan Chaos Green

Age: 25(unknown)

Condition: healthy, an incomplete synchronization of the body.

Combat power: 350*

Talent: Divine rank



Initial body of Chaos (0/1000) (the initial stage of development of the body of the first and most powerful race that ever co-existed. The owners of this body have a direct connection with the primordial chaos, which gives them kinship with all existing elements, great abilities to understand, immortality and the ability to use the energy of the primordial chaos)

Chaos energy(0/5000) (a skill of the Chaos race that allows you to draw and use chaos energy from the void)

Development of Chaos(0/250000) (a skill that allows you to use the energy of chaos to infinitely strengthen the body of Chaos to the state of the body Of the king of Chaos)

SP: 0

[Ding! The system noticed an anomaly in the synchronization of the host's body and soul. The host will be put into a sleep state for 24 hours for complete synchronization and elimination of all shortcomings]

"Hey, Hey, Hey. Wait, I don't even know where I am, and you want me to fall asleep here, and what if I get eaten....."- began to say Nathan, but the system,ignoring him ,fell asleep and began its work.

Before he finally fell asleep, Nathan muttered, " I'm sorry.

"The damn system didn't even warn you. I'll show her when I Wake up. Ha-ha-ha If I Wake up at all-laughed Nathan over his situation.