
The Last of Chaos

Neyton Greene - seemed like an ordinary person, but after he died, Neyton learns his true origin. After that, he embarks on an adventure to gain strength and return to his family. -----‐----------- I do not have the rights of DxD and other animes that I use in this fan fiction. This is my first novel. I will try very hard. English is not my native language. I translate using Google. Find errors, write to me. ----- Nathan and Neyton- name MC, because of the translator error.

TheGame · Anime & Comics
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13 Chs

Chapter 11-Lilith

After 3 days, Nathan finally came out of the woods. There weren't many wolves on the way, so he got there quickly enough. Walking slowly out of the woods, Nathan came across a group of young devils who were just in time. He approached them and asked in which direction the nearest city was located. The devils noticed it, failed to feel its power and decided not to try their luck, so they told everything they knew and quickly left in another direction.

After a short rest, He walked toward the city. After spending 4 hours on the road, he reached the city. This was the city of Lilith , the current capital of the underworld. Currently managed by Sazex Lucifer.Has a medical facility with the most advanced technologies around the world Underground Memorial hospital Serafol. This information Neyton learned after viewing anime and reading ranobe. But when he got close enough, he realized that the atmosphere here was different from the one described in the anime. People didn't look happy, and it was kind of dark. Seeing these differences, Nathan realized that there are differences from the anime. In order to find out more information, he decided to go to the loudest and drunkest place in any city, the local pub. After asking the first passer-by, he was immediately told the direction and Nathan quickly found it. Once inside, he immediately heard loud shouts and conversations. Finding an empty seat, Nathan began to listen to the people around him.

After listening for a while, Nathan heard nothing but drunken songs and screams. But after a while, he heard something interesting.

- You heard what Mr. Sasex again proposed Grafii in the prison clan Naberius."

-What, again?

Yeah, remember how many times he tried that already from a time when a faction of the resistance seized power and destroyed the old faction. And all the while they kept her as a criminal. But Mr. Sazex tried and tried.

"It seems to me that soon he will give up trying and take her by force.

During the conversation, they were approached by a young devil, who looks about 15 years old and asked .

- Hello, seniors, I heard your conversation and apparently you are very interested in this issue. Could you tell us more about what happened at that time?

- If the younger generation is interested, how can we not tell them?

After hearing the conversation, Nathan realized that this world of DxD is not as good as it was shown in the anime and a lot has changed here. This story is very interesting to him , because greifia is one of the favorite female characters of Nathan, so he is very interested in how she got into this situation.

After a pause, the Demon continued his story.

-During the time when the old Satan faction was in power, but the resistance faction had already appeared, the most powerful representative of the younger generation was Sazex Gremory, who belonged to the resistance faction. Old Satan's faction feared that he might turn against them and assigned Greifia Lucifugus to watch over his actions.

Over time, they became friends. But after a while, when Sazex invited her to his house, it was a trap and she was kept locked up. One of the members of the resistance faction took her place in the family,changing his appearance with the help of magic. Thus, the Lucifug family was destroyed from within, but no one knew about it until members of the resistance faction began to act and seize power, destroying families that supported the old Satan faction. Then the resistance faction put Sazex as Mau and he became the ruler of the underworld. Since that time, with Grafia treated as the're a criminal and kept locked up. Every time Sazex Lucifer comes to her and makes an offer, she constantly refuses him, saying that she would rather die than become a wife, such a scum. She knows that Sazex has fun with every girl he likes, and if the girl does not agree, he takes her by force and destroys her life and family.

On this not very good note, the devil finished his story and downed his drink at once. Many surrounding devils listened to his story and managed. Their opinion of the UIA has clearly changed and not for the better.

Nathan listened to this story and realized that he had to save her. He was neither a good man nor an evil one, but something deep inside him screamed that he must, just must, and that was it.

Nathan left the pub and immediately went to the prison on the territory of the family Naberius, which lies Grafia.