

I know what he is doing. He wants us to be married because of my son, but I don’t want that. Maybe Riggs can understand that Ridge can be his father without us getting married? It’s already 21st century and a lot of family is like that.

Ridge left my room after that. He sighed heavily after hearing my disapproval. I don’t want him to tie the knot just because we had a son. And he has a girlfriend. That is my thought the whole time I’m cleaning myself in my bathroom.

Because of tiredness I slept in my bedroom, I didn’t even checked last night if Ridge went home or he stays? I’m not even sure how I managed to sleep at all. I got woke up when I heard Riggs’ noises. Maybe Ridge is early too.

“Mama, wake up. Papa cooked us breakfast! Let’s go Mama.” He told me when my eyes opened.

I remember what happened last night and I can’t even stretch my lips to form a smile.

“Good Morning!” he said happily before giving me a hug and kissed in the cheeks.

“Really?” I said.

“Of course. We should eat now! He’s already done! Come one Mama, get up.”

“Riggs, can Mama shower first?” he raised his brows. His judgy and serious eyes are here and I wish he remained innocent and jolly. He went out so I quickly shower and change my clothes. With a white long sleeves and dark pants I went to the kitchen.

Their giggles filled our small kitchen when I came. I smiled at Riggs and he smiled at me too.

“Mama, did you agreed that we will stay at Papa’s condo in Manila?” my eyes went wide after I heard that, I was about to say no but the hopeful eyes of my son is evident.

“Of course, Riggs.”

“Yes! I want to!” Riggs smiled at me before smiling at his father. I called Kirsten to ready Riggs’ bag because Ridge decided we should go to Manila before this day ends.

After we ate, Ridge went to my room to shower while Riggs is with Kirsten to ready hid things. The bathroom door opened. I saw Ridge in my peripheral vision when he came out. Damp hair curled on his collar and some water dripped on his chest. I quickly busy myself by putting my clothes in my suitcase.

“You even got your clothes here huh?” I said while literally pretending that I am checking the clothes on the hanger rack. I saw him undressed his robe at the corner of my eye. My throat dry up and I can feel an invisible force pushing me to look at him. but of course I fought he force bravely and continue to busy myself with my clothes.

“Um, actually I think Riggs and I can compromise. Instead of moving out of here, you can visit here..” my last attempt to be non-submissive.

“Did you talk about him about that?” yeah right, I remember Riggs wants to go to Manila with his Dad too.

He is now changing in his clothes. My eyes were greedy so it shamelessly went for his body. The three buttons of his white long sleeves are not yet buttoned and his collar is not yet fixed. His pants also are not yet closed. His black hair was disheveled in a seriously hot way. His hooded eyes was staring at me darkly and then noticed a clean jaw. He shaved! I swallowed so hard and obviously.

“You used my shaver? I mean you shaved your stubble.” I said it difficultly.

He sneered. I blushed when his eyes remained on me while fixing his collar.

“Why? Do you like me better with it?” I cleared my throat, he rolled the ends of his long sleeves until his forearm. He smirked at me while he walks towards the door.

“Don’t worry. It’ll grow back days from now.”

With a mocking gleam in his eyes, he gazed at me arrogantly waiting for a reaction. Wow, this arrogant man. His eyes went my clothes. He licked his lower lip and said…

“I just go to our son. Continue packing.” He said and turned to leave the room.

I went to my bed lazily. Argh I can’t believe him. My phone rang and the number is not registered. I answered it without hesitation.


“Dad” I am surprise when I heard his voice. I look at the number again and realized it was a local number does this mean he is…

“Where are you? I’m here at Manila already. Tell Ridge that I have a job for him. I will be waiting in his company.” Company? Ridge has a company in Manila? Oh gosh, I don’t even know that. The events came to me too fast.

I went to Riggs’ bedroom and was about to go in when I heard them talking.

“I love your Mama so much Riggs.”

“I love Mama.” Riggs said

“I love her more. I’m sure of that.”

“No! I love Mama!” he shouted to his father. I went back at my bedroom. Ridge loves me? I can’t believe it, but how? I mean he said that he waited for me for seventeen years. He really knows me? How can I not know him?

Silence filled the car, we are going to Tandag airport our flight is at eleven in the morning and it’s almost ten. He drives my car. I can sense his glances towards Riggs who is now on the back seat. Making sure his son is secure.

When we arrived I thought we will ride the public plane but to my surprise he has a private plane waiting for us there. After parking my car, he went outside to open my door. I opened the backseat to get Riggs while Ridge gets our baggage.

I carried Riggs while our baggage is on Ridge. His hands went to my waist while we went inside the private plane. The cabin height of a mid-sized jet is approximately five feet eight inches, which gives some passengers room to stand up inside the plane. It has a width of about five feet nine inches and the length varies between styles of jets but is typically between 17' – 21'.

His plane has a glass table with a four seats. The inside screams elegance with its white, black and gold theme. I put Riggs beside the windows I thought he will be okay sitting beside me but he stood up and went to Ridge’s side.

I know I deprived Ridge but I’m jealous now, but that’s okay they need time for each other. I cleared my throat and move to the seat beside the window.

Riggs giggled when the plane went up probably he felt something tickling on her stomach.

The flight attendant put a juice in the table. I poured it on the glass and gave it to Riggs.

“Thank you Mama.”

I put my left hand is my cheeks while my arm is on the table. After a while I felt someone’s hand putting something in my right hand.

It is my bangle I lost when I was doing my last mission on Ridge. I remembered the conversation they had earlier. My eyes got teary but I looked up to prevent my tears from falling. I remember what my Dad told me earlier, I cleared my throat.

“Dad said.. he is waiting for you in your company.” he holds my hand and caressed it with his thumb.

“Yeah he called me earlier.” I nodded to him but his eyes were on my hands.

“You have a company, Papa? And who is your Dad Mama?” Ridge’s forehead creased while looking at me after he heard about Riggs question about my Dad. I bit my lips and looked at the afternoon sky through the plane’s window.

“Yes, big boy. Papa is an Architect and when we land in Manila we will go there and we will meet your Lolo there.”


“Yes, he is your Mama’s Papa” my son nodded when he heard what his papa has said.

After an hour and fifty-five minutes we arrived at Manila. I thought someone will get us from the airport but Ridge’s car is already on the parking lot.

His hands went to my waist once again, while Riggs is on my arms. I realized for now that Ridge and I has the same outfit. We really look like a couple now and Riggs is on his white polo shirt too. People are staring at us like we are some actress and actor walking towards Ridge’s Aston Martin.

After a few minutes, we arrived at Makati. I don’t know where we are in Makati, but I saw some store’s placard saying its Makati.

All eyes are on us after we went inside the huge building. Some greeted Ridge when they saw him. I was about to fasten my pace so that he can’t join me but his legs were long so he caught me right after I went inside the elevator.

“I know what you’re doing.” I closed my eyes when some of his employee looked at us after he whispered that to me.

“Is this your company, Papa?” Riggs asked him innocently.

“Yes big boy, Papa own this building and soon it will be yours.” My son giggles after he heard that.

I was surprise when I saw Dad already waiting in Ridge’s office.

“At last, you arrived.” My Dad said when right after he saw us.

“Is this my apo?” he asked when he saw Riggs and my son is just looking at my Dad intently. I put Riggs down so he can go to my Dad.

“Hello big boy.” My son went to my Dad and they are already talking.

“Mama, can I go to the mall with Lolo?” my eyes went to my son quickly. He’s serious? It’s a miracle. He doesn’t like noises of the city but he agreed to be with Ridge here and now he wants to go to the mall with my Dad? Maybe he wants to be with them?

I nodded to him. I know Dad will take care of my son.

“I’ll see you in your condo later, Ridge.” My dad said that to Ridge.

“Okay, tito.” My Dad went outside with Riggs after that.

I scanned his office. I can see the tall buildings in the city through the big glass. Ridge was about to walk towards me when the telephone in his desk rings.

“Yes Lauv. I’m already at the office.” Love? See? He has a girlfriend how can he offer me marriage?

I stood up and went to the glass window. My eyes went to the busy street below. I heard ridge puts down the telephone. I heard his footsteps towards me. But I can say he is right behind me when I smelled his fragrance. His fragrance hypnotized me so I try my best not to look at him.

“Marry me.” He whispered to me after he wrapped his hands around me. I breathe in deeply.

“No.” I said firmly.

“Why?” what does he mean by that?

“You have a girlfriend, how can you offer me that?” his hands went to my shoulder and turned me around to him.

“What girlfriend?” I scoff after he asked me that. Who else, of course the Love he is calling through his phone.

“Then who called you just now?”

“My secretary?”

“So you called your secretary love now?” he laughs so much after I said that my brows rose.

“Baby, you thought my secretary is my girlfriend? Lauv is her name, L-A-U-V. And he is old enough to be my grandmother.” I am embarrassed now.

“I love you so much. I have known you even though you are still nine and I have love you since then. Your snobby attitude towards me when you are just a kid… I can’t forget you and your Dad always inform me about you.”

His big hand cupped my breast. I looked at him angrily because of what he did.

“What are you doing? We are at your office for heaven’s sake!” he chuckled after I said that, he grabbed me towards his desk. I am surprise when he opens a room just behind his desk. He has a secret bedroom here.

I closed my eyes when I felt his lips touched mine. His hands went to my breast once again. His lips left mine and went to one of my peak.

“Oh” I bit my lips after his warm lips covered my buds.

Heat gushed in between my thighs. Foreign feelings filled my head.

“Please, I beg you.” I could no longer recognize my voice. My hand when to his hair. Pushing him to do more.

“Calm down. I might explode before you if you don’t hush, Baby.”

He lifted me gently and put me on his bed. I got irritated, I don’t want him to stop!

He throws his clothes. I can’t get off my eyes on his body. Properly chiseled, almost like a statue works by the artist in the past.

He undressed his pants too. Freeing his massive friend. The full blast of his maleness hit me like the rays of the blistering morning sun.

He attacked me with foreign and lustful kisses. I can’t put myself down. I stayed high because of his kisses.

His arms went around my neck. While his other hand undressing my long sleeves. Freeing my whole upper body, I heard him curse and I blushed after that.

He undressed my pants too and throws it somewhere together with my underwear. He touched me where no one else touches before. My body reacted instinctively because of his touch.

“Fuck it, baby.”

Liquid heat came gushing down as I felt his fingers in between my folds. His went down and kissed my stomach until he reached me there once again. His lips grazed the whole of me. I want to stop him. I have never been kissed right there, damn it. And this kiss sent my senses at the corners of the universe.

Waves of unknown feelings came crushing down as I gasped for air. My legs turned to jelly after that.

“Ridge!” I called him right after he put his maleness inside me.

Ridge filled me harder and faster again. He filled me to the brim, forcefully and frantically. Looks like my hot and wet insides made me mad.

My body convulsed. He poured out all his frustrations, longing, and his love inside me. I love every bit of him and I need him in all my life.

He hugged me while calming ourselves. He kissed me while he continues to hug me. Beads of my sweats caressed his skin.

“I love you Alessia Calista. I’m gonna change your name and our son’s name.” I pouted after he said that.

“I am madly in love with you, Alessia. I can’t even describe it with words.” I cried whenn he said that.

“I love you too, Ridge.”

I realized that my last mission is to accept the past and live the present. My last mission is to love Riggs and accept my Dad's flaws and trust Ridge's love towards me.