
The Last Man: Saga of the Nightmare Invoker

Why did I get mistaken as an alien by those women? Chris was the holder of the Book of Macabre. A grimoire that could summon its holder's nightmare to the real world. But he was just like your average plain-looking guy. There was nothing special about him, at first glance. He didn't use the power of the book to become a hero or gain wealth. It wasn't as convenient as it sounded, and he wanted to avoid trouble. But that was only true until one day when all men on Earth vanished, and he was the only one who survived. At that time, Chris became the first man to live the dream of all men. Sounded cool. A dream come true. Unfortunately, he was soon brought back to reality after several women barged inside his room, put a collar around his neck, and threw him in a cell. He was mistaken for an alien. Why? The reality wasn't what he had expected, and these women didn't act like in Chris's fantasies. Still, Chris wasn't also the man these women thought he was. His survival wasn't a coincidence. ***** Disclaimer: The art on the cover is not mine. If you are the artist or you want it to be removed then please message me. ****** My other works: The villainess shall be mine The Antagonist's Final Ambition: Chronicles of Chaos ******* Discord server link: https://discord.gg/NEVByMMQBq

Kepalozoid · Fantasy
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Chris likes horror movies. He would cover his eyes with his hands, and peek at the screen in between his fingers during the whole movie, but he was still excited to watch one,

And although he couldn't sleep after watching one because of horrible nightmares, sweating profusely all night, he still watched horror movies. Maybe he was just a masochist.

However, that might have been the reason why the grimoire chose him. Deep down, he found supernatural things fascinating, although he was still scared.

The nightmares might be something from his imagination and were given life by the grimoire, but that didn't make them less dangerous. They wouldn't hesitate to kill Chris.

The Devil's Hands was a particularly dangerous nightmare because of the conditions that the invokes must fulfill to use it.

When cut from the outside world, and unable to use their senses, people become scared and begin to panic.

But if Chris were to give in to panic in this situation, he would die instantly.

"What are those? Why isn't it affected?" Frederica panicked, seeing that the Nerves Destroyer didn't seem to have the effect she expected. Moreover, these hands gave her extremely ominous feelings, even though she was just seeing them through a monitor. "Commander, I require the authorization to eliminate the target!"

The green hand was the first one to move. It was a left hand. The hand touched the wall with its plan, and immediately something appeared inside Chris's head, something like a 3D map of the entire structure, along with everything inside them, even moving individuals were shown in real-time. This was the power of the green hand, Hyper Sensibility.

After that, the red hand, which was the smallest of all of the six, a little bit bigger than Chris's, touched the collar on Chris's neck and it immediately stopped working. This hand stopped the movement of everything that came in contact with it. The collar needed electricity to work, but the hand stopped the movement of the atoms themselves. The red hand took the collar off. This was the power of the red right hand, All off.

This power was extremely dangerous, and Chris needed a lot of concentration to control the movement of the hands. After all, if the red hand were to touch him or someone else accidentally, all of their vital functions would stop, because their blood would stop flowing and their neurons would stop functioning.

During all of that, Chris stood there his eyes closed, using the power of the green hand to control the other hands.

The purple hand was the third one to move. It was the biggest of the six, like the hands of a giant. It sank its fingers into the wall and forced the entrance open as if the walls were made of jelly. This was the power of the purple right hand, Hercules's grip.

Chris made his way to the gap that the purple hand made on the wall.

"Wha…" Frederica didn't find the words to describe what she was feeling as she looked at what was happening in front of her. In her life, she saw a lot of strange things, but not this terrifying.

Nonetheless, it wasn't even two minutes since Chris started using the power of the Devil's Hands, but he was already completely exhausted. With the power of the hands, more energy was required from the invoker to materialize them in the real world and control them at the same time.

"Huff… Huff…" It was clear that it wasn't something that was meant to be manipulated by a new human.

As such, once he got out of the cell, the hands vanished, and only the grimoire floated next to him.

[Alert! Alert! A dangerous creature has managed to get out of its cell.]

A voice echoed throughout the entire building, signaling Chris's evasion.

Chris walked on a wide passageway, a straight path that went for a few hundred meters, in which numbered doors were encrusted on both sides of the walls. This sector was a prison. The doors were completely foolproof, at least if a person didn't have a grimoire like Chris's.

And this entire structure was built like a maze to prevent the prisoner from being able to get out. It was simple when using these portals to appear in front of the prisoners' cell, but finding the way out of this maze was almost impossible because the walls and the blocks that constitute the structure continued to move constantly.

"I don't even want to know what's inside those…" Chris mumbled, but in truth, looking at cells, he was a little curious.

And after waking for a while, he heard the hurried footsteps ahead. He was finally close to the first intersection.

"The target is a threat of level 6," a familiar voice said, hiding behind the wall, waiting for Chris to come closer to the interaction. "Shoot at sight!"

"Tch…" Chris clicked his tongue. All of his plans backfired.

In total, he could only use the grimoire for 15 minutes a day. Considering the power that he could use, that was more than enough. Still, it left him completely exhausted.

"I surrender," Chris said, raising both his hands. "As I said, I never had any ill intentions. I just want to discuss this calmly. Anyway, you know where to find me when you make up your minds."

After saying that, Chris invoked the Woman in White. The space in front of him wrapped, and a door happened. It was the door of his apartment.

The women began to shoot him but their bullets couldn't reach him, almost as if he was too far away. This was the effect of using the power of the Woman in White. Chris could only interact with something that was extremely far from him. In other words, he couldn't touch anything close to him.

He opened the door and opened the room, after he put a foot inside the room, he collapsed on the ground. He began to crawl on the ground like a zombie.

"What the hell?" He mumbled. At this point, he should be laying on a bed surrounded by naked beautiful women. Why was he back inside his room?

He forced himself to stand up and walked toward his fridge, grabbed a box of milk, and plopped on top of his beloved gaming chairs.

"Am I cursed to remain a virgin forever, after all?"