1 Prologue

A sigh ran through the room, it was finally time to leave a place she dreaded and once called home, her father passed away 2 years ago and for that fact she couldn't bear packing up his things, she waited for that long, hoping for a miracle to help her move on, but miracles are hard to come by.

She folded her arms across her chest and sighed once more, she looked at the filled up carton boxes in her father's bedroom, she swore inwardly that she won't go through it until she was ready.

She sat down on the floor sobbing quietly, she finally broke, a true beauty she was, even in her state of mind. She won't say she was purely Asian or Black, she was mixed, her mom's grandfather was black so she has distinctive hair, and a mesmerizing skin tone, sharp features and a tall structure.

She wasn't girly or boy loving as other girls her age, she was far too busy for a husband and certainly far too busy to date, she wanted to marry but not be someone's wife, she wanted to be independent at her own free will. Something she didn't think any man would want his wife to be in the 21st century, most girls want men to take care of them, while she utterly despised that notion.

At last after a few minutes of sobbing she stopped, straightened her clothes, took one of the boxes and left. Grief was not a word anymore, it was how she felt.

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