
The last Heir

During the great war, kingdoms, clans, empires, planets, and tribes from all around the world united to fight against the Boros clan. The war lasted for ages, but in the end, they were defeated. The clan members were brutally tortured for their techniques and technology and ultimately murdered out of fear. It seemed like the end of the mighty Boros clan, but two young geniuses managed to escape. They gave their newborn child, Adam, to a childless family to ensure his safety. Although the family tried to keep the truth hidden, Adam eventually discovered his true identity and the history of his clan. Determined to revive his people, Adam embarks on a quest to find his parents. Will he find his parents?....................... What is the history of his clan?.......... Will he be able to revive his clan?.....

GTCG_6320 · Fantasy
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7 Chs

The exam begins now!

The next day Adam went to the academy as usual but he was very distracted from yesterday's conversation but he knew he couldn't be distracted but he should bur prove himself and his strength. Otherwise, he might not get the right answers and the truth forever or very late in his life.

" What am I doing, I have to win this. I have to find out the truth" He said with determination as he walked into his classroom.

Upon entering his classroom, he could see an exam instructor instead of his regular class teacher. He pondered why it could be but he couldn't think of any answer. But he had bigger things to worry about now.

" Alright class, now that everyone's here let me tell you that that today's exam is going to be different. You'll see the real world today. So, be prepared. Now, everyone has 1 hour of preparation, study, discuss tactics and try to win." He instructed.

Everyone in the class wanted to ask how, and what did he mean by different and why give time to prepare. And in tip of the that their homeroom teacher, Ray wasn't there.

But everyone knew he wasn't going to answer any of that.

So, instead most of them started to study while a few people headed to the training ground.

" Hey, let's together." Adam said to Sam.

" Yeah, I've got a bad feeling about this." Sam replied.

" Your intuition is good, so it has to be something different and in a very bad way at that." Adam shared his opinion.

" So let's revise in 10 minutes and head to the training ground." Sam said to Adam.

" Yeah" Adam replied.

Soon, they both headed to the training ground to have a little spar.

" Well, well if it isn't our little genius and his tailor," A familiar tone mockced in the both which clearly angereg the both. It was a male with black hair and brown eyes who attired in a green shirt and blue trousers with a white skin tone that looked a bit tanned from the sun. He had average looks and a very punchable face according to Sam.

Sam instantly pulled out a dagger and imbued it with magic and concentrated on the tip on his dagger and when the moment he was going to run, Adam grabbed him by his arm and pulled him back.

" He isn't worth the time or the effort, let's go" Adam said and gave a quick glance to the familiar man.

And they walked right past him without saying a word but Sam gave him a clear deathstare which spoke for itself.

" Hey, what was that dude?" He instantly questioned. " I know you and him have a bad blood but he was definitely gonna loose an arm there."

" I've had enough of him and his crap. He's picking on us a lot lately. He needs to learn and I'm glad to do the job." He answerd he was clearly irritated by that certain someone. " And trust me it was just going to be a couple of fingers and a bruises."

" I know I know but still try to keep your cool. He is mostly likely doing this to piss us off and it's really working. But doing this will have consequences and you'd be definitely forced to wait an another year to graduate too. Adam said to Sam trying to calm his friend.

" Yeah, yeah but he'll get one hell of a beating today." Sam replied, although somewhat better but still angered.

" I'd like to join on that one." Adam joked but was still quite serious about it.

Soon after a little talk, they started a couple of times. The first session lasted till a 20 minutes as draw and the second one only lasted 15 minutes with Adam as the winner, although barely.

" That was a tough match, you've improved a lot from the last time." Adam complimented Sam.

" Ofcourse, I do train you know" Sam said to Adam while panting. " I need some rest, perhaps we wasted too much energy and we don't have time to replenish much of our mana here. This probably wasn't the right thing, let's replenish our mana for now." And instantly started replenishment,he had wasted too much mana without thinking.

" Yeah" Adam agreed and started to do the same.

After a few minutes, Adam felt something strange.

" Wait! A breakthrough now of all times. No, this is bad I must stop it. I'd have barely any magicules left I broke through right now." He thought.

Now, he was desperately trying to stop his break through.

" Why does it have to be so hard and the hell is my luck so f**king bad" Adam cursed his own luck.

Now, he concentrated more than ever trying his hardest to try to stop it or atleast hold it off. Soon, a couple of minutes passed and it slowed down by a margin but was still going on.

He was frustrated but he knew even the slightest disturbance could make it faster again. So, in the end he couldn't do anything not even curse his bad situation or luck now.

Then, after a few more minutes he let out a sigh in relief and he finally opened his eyes.

" Hey, you good now?" Sam immediately questioned him.

" Yeah, I managed to hold it off for atleast now but I don't know how long it will lost." Adam answered. " I didn't think I'd break through in the exams."

" Here, take this." He said while taking out his a ring from his finger and assing it to his friend.

" What's this?" Adam questioned.

" It can stop your cultivation for a while" He answerd. " It's just crafted from a few basic tier crystals, so the time period is pretty short but it has a rare passive skill that slows your cultivation a bit."

" What about you?" Adam asked. " I know, you're close too."

" Don't worry, I'm not as close you." Sam replied. " And I have this, so you don't have to worry about me." Same continued as he pulled out another ring from his pocket but the centre crystal was smaller.

" Hey, it's too late. We have to go." Sam said with a slight look of worry.

" Yeah." He agreed and both of them started to run to the ground where the examinations were held.


" We've waited long enough, we will start now." The examiner said to the crowd.

" Can't we wait a little longer." A student asked.

" No, child. I know how you feel but we've already waited and they haven't returned." The examiner replied.

Hearing this, the kid felt a sad but he couldn't do anything.

" Wait, wait. We're here." A familiar tone shouted who ran with another boy. Yes , it was indeed Sam and Adam.

" Sorry for the late." Adam apologized.

" I thought you were scared and ran off." The same boy from before mocked the both.

" That's it..." Sam said while moving forward.

" Silence, everyone." The examiner shouted and their principle appeared behind him.

" The first round of the exam, 'battleroyale' begins now" The examiner informed loud and clear and the ground beneath started to glow in a pattern that looked similar to a teleportation circle.

Hello readers, sorry for the delay. I wasn't feeling well.


1 power stone = 1 extra chapter.

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