
The last Heir

During the great war, kingdoms, clans, empires, planets, and tribes from all around the world united to fight against the Boros clan. The war lasted for ages, but in the end, they were defeated. The clan members were brutally tortured for their techniques and technology and ultimately murdered out of fear. It seemed like the end of the mighty Boros clan, but two young geniuses managed to escape. They gave their newborn child, Adam, to a childless family to ensure his safety. Although the family tried to keep the truth hidden, Adam eventually discovered his true identity and the history of his clan. Determined to revive his people, Adam embarks on a quest to find his parents. Will he find his parents?....................... What is the history of his clan?.......... Will he be able to revive his clan?.....

GTCG_6320 · Fantasy
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7 Chs


He still tried to run and he was being chased by the wolf, the distance between them was slowly closing in so, he would occasionally thrown fire or lightning bullets towards its injured eye which was blocked everytime. It even started throw out a couple of attacks of its own, it seemed like it had only fire element but it didn't make it any less dangerous the fire element had a great attack power and it would burn the armour or skin or it would atleast leave a burning sensation. Adam dodged most of its attacks because blocking even one attack would require a great amount of mana. He looked for any other beasts nearby but none of them were at the wolf's level, he tried searching for humans too but he didn't find them either.

He summoned his daggers and threw them at the wolf which the wolf easily blocked but instead of falling they were continuously attacking the wolf over and over again and most of the times they would be aimed for the injured eye. This enraged the wolf even more and it threw a large fireball but Adam used lightning feet and managed to avoid it.

He hid behind a tree and some more weapons appeared in his hands. These were weapons he created right now. With his weapon magic he could create and control weapons, it was both strong and versatile. Although, the weapons he created right now were not strong as his daggers or his Scythe they would probably break the instant the wolf attacked them. Adam knowing this had a plan he searched his pocket and took out three small bombs and a paper bomb. Although, these bombs wouldn't do any damage to the wolf but with these attached to the weapons, they could serve serve as a great distraction.

He attached those bombs to the weapon and threw those weapons along with his scythe. He threw scythe a couple of seconds later and imbued in with lightning. The moment the wolf of saw these weapons it instantly attacked them but they exploded the moment they broke. These explosion acted as a distraction for the scythe. The scythe wounded the wolf, however, his attack missed its eyes. Enraged by this, the wolf led out a loud howl. It searched for Adam and it didn't take much time for it to find him. It looked right into Adam's eyes, it almost felt like it was staring into his soul itself.

Adam instantly used lightning feet and ran with a great speed. The wolf chased him and it's speed was even faster than Adam. The distance between them was slowly decreasing. However, Adam did something unexpected. He ran with a jumped on to a branch of a tree which was comparitively shorter than the rest.

He jumped from one tree to the other with a great speed. He was trying to move towards the wolf's blundspots but the it didn't allow him to. Fire started to accumulate in its mouth and a beam of fierce flames headed towards Adam.

" Lightning leap." He said out loud in the heat of the battle. And a lightning started to accumulate and it covered his feet and he quickly appeared on the branch of the next tree.

He was panting. This was a technique Adam developed completely on his own but he didn't use it regularly because it used up a large of amount of mana but with his breakthrough his magicule capacity increased. But even with this increase he was reluctant as it still took a lot of mana to use it and it also tired him out if he used it multiple times.

Adam gulped when he saw the tree he was previously on was completely burned. He almost thought of dismissing the plan he came up with and try to run away. But he knew the chances of outrunning so he dismissed the thought and continued.

He used lightning feet once again and jumped from a brach to other. He was using the momentum of the jump to increase his speed and it was quickly adding up. He got towards the blind spot of the wolf and his streched out his hands. The daggers which were following Adam after he ran instantly appeared in his hand. He imbued one with lightning and the other with fire and stabbed the wolf. He tried to drag it all the way to it's head but the swift moment of the wolf's turning around made him fall on the ground. Now, he was put in a dangerous situation. The wolf was staring and him and started to accumulate fire in its mouth once again. But he quickly thought of a plan. He held his out and the scythe which was still in the wolf's head was going to deeper and reopened it. The attack was instantly called off and the wolf backed off too but the scythe still didn't stop. Understanding this, the wolf beared the pain and threw out a fire ball in the direction of Adam. Adam already managed to get up and he dodged the fire ball.

" Lightning leap." He mumbled once again and he appeard right in front of the wolf. He used his weapon control and the scythe dug his skin and this time the same happened with the daggers. It ground in pain but Adam didn't stop. He quickly jumped on it and grabbed his daggers which were still digging into its skin. He imbued them with lightning and dragged them across its flesh until he reached the wolf's head. With this, the wolf died however he also fell on his knees only after a couple of seconds. The continuous use of lightning step drained his reserves and all the running and the use of lightning leap tired him out too.

He painted heavily and regained his breath after a couple of minutes. With him all tired out, he not only wanted but also needed to have some food or atleast some water.


I also had an idea of creating another novel, I didn't create it yet but I'll try to so please try to support it to when it's released. I'll keep you updated about it.

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