
Home In Progress

Warm coldness, bright darkness, deafening silence. Those are the only 3 ways I could possibly describe the place I am in right now. I have never seen any of this, but it feels like I belong here. All I see when looking around is stars, small shiny white dots littering my surroundings and of course, Vi! A small little window floating in front of me, made out of thin, softly glowing white lines.

Thinking about what Vi just told me, I tried wording my next question when I realized, I have a new body! Meaning, I could talk again! Preparing myself to hear my voice that I will likely have to live with for a long time, I finally speak.







(Hey Vi! What was that?! I'm sure I spoke in a normal tone, but it feels like my voice traveled for millions of miles! And it's so soft, too! It's almost like my words are fluffy, soft clouds!)

[That's called having divinity! And the voice you just used is called 'Command'. Every god used to have that ability. It lets them execute thoughts and ideas in their specific domain through words infused with their own divinity. You would usually be able to tell the kind of domain a god has just by the sound of their voice but, I do not recognize yours, which has never happened before. I guess we have to find out what you are capable of another way.]

(That's... REALLY COOL! When making my body I already found out that I can imagine things into the tiniest details but to be able to translate that into reality just with my voice! The things I could do or make in mere seconds!)

[Well, gods are gods for a reason, right? By the way, it won't work if you whisper, so try whispering and increase your volume bit by bit while trying not to use 'Command'. You should be able to figure it out pretty quick.]

(Ok, let me try this...)

"test, test, test, Test, Test, TEST, TEST!"

"I got it!"

[Nicely done! Let's get back on topic now that you have this figured out.]

"Topic, topic... a home! That's right. How?"

Looking around, I see basically nothing, I don't know where exactly I should find a home here.

[Well, you have a few options, ranking from easy to hard. The first would be to make your own little pocket dimension. It would have space for something like a castle or a big house, what ever you prefer to live in. The second option would be a plane. You remember how some brain-dead people back in your old world said that the planet they were on was flat? Well, that is actually possible. The plane you would make would be expandable later on by adding new layers under of over the current plane, pretty much indefinitely. The third, and arguably the hardest option for a new god, would be to make a planet. Now you would think that this might be easy, just imagine some rocks, press them together hard enough, and you have a planet. But you would have to account for tectonic, wind currents, water flow, a good balance between terrains to have as much bio diversity as possible etc etc etc. So, which one would you like to do?]

"There are, again, no consequences should I fail, right?"

[Not really, all you would have to do should you fail is clean up the mess afterwards.]

Thinking about my options, I cross out number 2 immediately. Who wants layered worlds? How would the sun an moon work? Would every layer need one of each? Would they interfere with each other? Who wants to look up outside and see a dirt ceiling?

Thinking about the first option, it sounds really nice, but also very restrictive. There will come a point when i won't be able to do anything with it anymore because its full. So i scraped number 1 too. That leaves the last and hardest option. Making a planet.

"Yosh! I decided!"

[And what did you decide on lucy?]

"I will make my own Planet!!"
