
The Last Fragment Of The End

Imagine having the power to learn anything you want in a flash. You could become rich and famous, create groundbreaking research, or commit crimes with your extraordinary skills. But there is a catch. You lose all your emotions. You can’t feel joy, pain, love, or anything else. The only thing left is boredom. Boredom that torments you every second of your life. Boredom that makes you sick of breathing, eating, sleeping, and living. How would you cope with such a fate? Why did you receive this gift and this curse? What is the hidden purpose behind your existence? This is the story of Artham Lanis, a young man who lives beyond the limits of time and space. A man who is about to discover the truth that will change everything. “Will you accept my offer?” He didn’t hesitate. He didn’t doubt. He simply said, “Yes.” And with that word, he opened the door to a world of wonders and challenges. A world that would test his limits and show him things he never imagined. A world that would transform him forever.

Omaoma765 · Fantasy
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54 Chs

From Darkness to Light [1]

Artham whirled around, his eyes darting across the expansive grassland bathed in the soft glow of the starlit sky. A voice had spoken, its origin a mystery. It seemed to emanate from the very air around him, yet no speaker was in sight.

"Welcome, Artham," the voice echoed, its tone warm and tinged with a hint of amusement. "I'm pleased you arrived here."

Despite the voice's omnipresence, Artham found no trace of its source. It was as if the voice was both everywhere and nowhere,

Ignoring the enigma of the voice's origin, Artham focused on its message.

"What do you mean by 'welcome'? Where am I?" he queried, his voice echoing in the silent expanse.

"You have left your old world behind," the voice responded, its tone cryptic. "You now find yourself in a new realm. A realm of wonders and mysteries."

Artham's eyes gleamed with a mix of awe and curiosity.

"A realm of wonders and mysteries?" he echoed, his voice trembling with anticipation. "What does that mean?"

"This realm is a treasure trove of experiences," the voice explained. "It offers endless opportunities for exploration and discovery. You can traverse various multiverse, encounter diverse creatures and races, master unique arts and crafts, and uncover secrets and treasures beyond your wildest dreams. The choice is yours!"

A surge of excitement coursed through Artham, his heart pounding with the thrill of the unknown.

"Then tell me where it is, please!" he implored.

The voice paused, its silence hanging heavy in the air before it finally spoke. "Patience, Artham. All will be revealed in due time. But first, you must solve a riddle that is meant only for you."

"A riddle only for me?"

"What is something that you have to realize before you realize what you realized?"

Artham frowned. "What kind of riddle is that?"

"Just answer to the best of your ability."


"Incorrect. You have 2 attempts left. Here's a hint: the answer is a word with dual meanings. One interpretation pertains to sight, while the other relates to understanding."

"But vision can mean both something that you can see, such as an image or a sight, and something that you can understand, such as a plan or a goal."

Suddenly, the stars' light vanished. Even though the stars were still in the sky, the light was somehow blocked from the land itself. Leaving him in complete darkness.

"Indeed, but that was not the accurate answer for the riddle special only for you."

Artham's mind raced. 'The light is gone… wait… light?' he pondered.

"Could it be 'light'? Light can signify both something visible, like the sun or a lamp, and something comprehensible, like an idea or a solution."

"That was an insightful guess, but incorrect. You have one attempt left."

Artham glanced down at his body, noticing it had become as dark as a shadow. His form seemed to have vanished against the backdrop of the star-studded sky.

"Since when did my body…?" he trailed off, his voice filled with confusion.

"Do not fret. Your task is to move forward and seek your answer."

"But where do I begin? Where should I go? This place is shrouded in darkness. The only light comes from the stars above and their reflections on the grass."

"There is no set path, Artham. Trust your instincts, calm your mind, and let your heart guide you. Take your time to find your answer," the voice advised.

Artham took a deep breath, the scent of the dew-kissed grass filling his senses. He stood in the middle of the celestial meadow, captivated by its ethereal beauty. The stars, scattered across the velvet sky like diamonds, cast a mystical glow on the luminescent flora, transforming the landscape into a magical realm. Suddenly, a radiant white line descended from the heavens, landing before him and carving a path through the grassland.

"No predetermined path, huh?" Artham mused aloud, his gaze following the glowing trail.

With a nod of determination, Artham embarked on his walk, his heart brimming with anticipation. He marveled at the enchanting beauty of the starlit grassland, his senses heightened by the magic that seemed to permeate the air.

As he ventured forth, the soft rustle of the grass beneath his feet and the cool night air against his skin served as a constant reminder of his alien surroundings. He tasted the dew on his lips, a sweet reminder of the pristine nature of this realm.

Isolation enveloped him, the vast expanse devoid of any signs of life or civilization. The only guide through the darkness was the glowing white line that marked his path. It was as if he had stepped into an untouched, virgin world.

Artham's gaze drifted upwards, the night sky a mesmerizing spectacle of countless stars. Their faint light bathed the grassland in a gentle, otherworldly glow, adding to the surreal beauty of the landscape.

His eyes scanned the horizon, alert for any signs of movement or potential threats. Yet, the landscape remained eerily silent and desolate.

The soft whisper of the wind through the grass and the rhythmic thud of his heartbeat were the only sounds that punctuated the silence. His senses were heightened, every breath he took, every beat of his heart.

Questions swirled in Artham's mind, his curiosity piqued by the enigmatic figure's mention of a realm filled with new and exciting experiences. He wondered what this unfamiliar world held for him.

And then, as if in response to his silent query, the sky collapsed into nothingness.

A chilling wave of darkness swept over Artham, erasing all traces of his known existence. He felt himself spiraling into an infinite abyss, a void where nothing existed but emptiness. He was alone, isolated from any sensory input beyond his own existence.

Yet, he was not dead. The steady rhythm of his heartbeat and the warm rush of blood coursing through his veins served as a testament to his survival. His breath, synchronized with the silence, was a beacon of hope in the engulfing darkness.

Artham found himself alone in the void, a solitary existence amidst the nothingness. Yet, he was alive, and that gave him hope.

But for how long?

'How long have I been in this state? I've lost count… has it been an hour? A day? Or even longer? This feeling… should I just close my eyes forever and… huh?'

Then he saw it. A tiny spark of light, shone in the distance. It was faint at first, but it grew brighter and larger as he watched. It was like a star, a sun, a beacon of hope. It beckoned him, inviting him to come closer. It offered him a way out of the darkness.

What was this light? Where did it come from? What did it signify?

He reached out to touch it, but it seemed to be far away.

He felt drawn to the light, as if by a magnetic force. He moved towards it, leaving behind the shadows that had engulfed him. As he approached the light, he realized that it was not just a physical phenomenon, but a spiritual one. It was a manifestation of his inner self, his true self. It was the answer to his question.

The light revealed his true nature—a being of contrast, a creature of paradox. He was a speck of darkness in a sea of light, a drop of ink on a sheet of paper. He stood out from the rest, but he also belonged there. The light did not reject him or consume him; it embraced him and enhanced him. It made him more visible, more unique, more beautiful.

A tearing sound echoed through the void, and a rift appeared in the blinding whiteness. From it emerged a dazzling explosion of colors, like a rainbow breaking through storm clouds. These hues scattered gracefully, forming new shapes and patterns. The birth of a universe was unfolding before Artham's eyes.

From the fragments of colors, new galaxies, stars, and worlds sprang forth one by one, until they used up all the remaining pieces of the explosion. And from those worlds, life blossomed.

Artham's perception expanded beyond the limits of normal vision. He possessed a divine sight that allowed him to explore the unseen, transcending time and space. He could also control the flow of time, speeding it up or slowing it down as he wished. He was fascinated by the diversity and complexity of life in the universe.

Artham watched in rapt amazement as he witnessed the genesis of life itself. He observed the earliest microorganisms, tiny and inconspicuous, filling a world with their presence. These organisms evolved into more complex life forms, some crawling out of the water, some flying in the air, some walking on land. He could see them form societies and civilizations, some using magic, some using technology, some using both. He could see them rise and fall, some by their own mistakes, some by outside forces. He could see them disappear and reappear, some in different forms, some in different dimensions.

Yet, after witnessing this breathtaking tapestry, a familiar hollowness settled into his heart.

Artham sat in solitude, his eyes closed, lost in contemplation.

Could anything ever quench his eternal ennui, even after witnessing the universe's very inception?

Was he destined to yearn for something unattainable, or would oblivion be his only solace?

His introspection was abruptly interrupted by a voice that resonated from the beyond.

"Now, do you know the answer?" the voice inquired.

His eyes fluttered open, and he found himself back in the dark grassland, but with newfound clarity.

"The answer is 'realize'," he declared. "One interpretation is something visible, like reality or truth. The other is something comprehensible, like realization or awareness."

"Excellent," the voice responded. "Allow me to introduce myself. I am what you humans refer to as a 'God'. You are currently at a multidimensional nexus, a junction of different realities."