
The Last Fragment Of The End

Imagine having the power to learn anything you want in a flash. You could become rich and famous, create groundbreaking research, or commit crimes with your extraordinary skills. But there is a catch. You lose all your emotions. You can’t feel joy, pain, love, or anything else. The only thing left is boredom. Boredom that torments you every second of your life. Boredom that makes you sick of breathing, eating, sleeping, and living. How would you cope with such a fate? Why did you receive this gift and this curse? What is the hidden purpose behind your existence? This is the story of Artham Lanis, a young man who lives beyond the limits of time and space. A man who is about to discover the truth that will change everything. “Will you accept my offer?” He didn’t hesitate. He didn’t doubt. He simply said, “Yes.” And with that word, he opened the door to a world of wonders and challenges. A world that would test his limits and show him things he never imagined. A world that would transform him forever.

Omaoma765 · Fantasy
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54 Chs


Arthanis had saved them from the goblins attack. Miera and Ziera, grateful for their protector. But they did not know the truth. The man who they called Arthanis was an impostor. A visitor from another world, who had taken over the body and the identity of the real Arthanis.

And he had a hidden advantage: Mire, a voice in his head that acted like an Assistant AI, but more immersive. It provided him with information and analysis about this strange world and its perils. He was curious about everything he saw, and he hoped to learn more from these people who seemed to know the real Arthanis. They shared memories of a village where they all lived.

He tinkered with the carriage wheel, making it spin smoothly. He stole a glance at Miera. Her dark locks fell over her face, setting off her blue eyes. She wore a simple dress and a blue scarf. Her face was sweet and naïve, but it had faded. Fear and grief had clouded her eyes.

She leaned over the horse, which lay on the ground, panting. She offered it some cixonberries, a purple fruit that had healing properties. She also sprinkled some medicine grass on its wound, hoping to counteract the goblin's poison.

Arthanis studied her with interest and inquired, "So, what led you to this forest?"

Miera shivered as she remembered the horror. She said, "We were peacefully gathering the cixonberries and some medicine grass in the clearing when the goblins ambushed us. They shot Uncle Ofero with their poisoned arrow. We fled, but the arrow also struck the horse and made it run amok. We crashed, tumbled off the carriage, and they got us."

She gazed at her uncle, who was lying on a makeshift bed of leaves and branches. He was recovering after Arthanis gave him his red vial potion, his chest rising and falling slowly. Ziera, Miera's younger sister, was sitting next to him, holding his hand and murmuring prayers.

Arthanis nodded sympathetically, but he felt nothing more than curiosity. He had witnessed worse things in his previous world, but he did not want to ignore the dangers in this one. He had to pretend he cared, like he was the Arthanis they knew.

He scanned the surroundings, taking in the sights and sounds of the forest. The trees were towering and dense, blocking most of the sunlight. The air was moist and filled with the chirping of birds and insects. The ground was littered with fallen leaves and branches, making it hard to walk without making a noise.

He continued, feigning interest. He asked, "So, these goblins just attacked out of the blue? Did you notice any signs of other creatures besides the goblins?"

Miera shivered, holding her dirty dress close to her chest. Blood oozed from the cuts on her arms and legs, and dirt clung to her hair. She gazed at him with innocent eyes, but a frown creased her forehead. She said, "No, I think they attacked us because we are in their territory. We are on the eastern side of the forest where the goblin rules this side, while on the western side forest there is a kobold settlement. Um, why are you asking me that?"

She cocked her head, searching his face for clues.

He bit his lip, fighting the urge to tell her the truth. He was not the Arthanis she knew, but an impostor from another world. The words burned in his throat, but he forced them down.

He imagined what would happen if he confessed.

"Actually, I'm not the Arthanis you know. I'm someone from another world who took over his body. And I just want to know about this place."

She would gasp, her eyes widening in fear. She would recoil from him, clutching her dress. She would scream, "Wh-what? What are you talking about? You're not the real Arthanis? Then who are you, a monster that can steal someone's body and control it?"

Artham shook his head. The truth he had now was a dangerous weapon, one he could not use carelessly. After all, they were strangers, their lives intersecting briefly in the tapestry of life.

Why should he burden them with his reality, and face the inevitable fall? In short, if he felt that he had enough time for the lifespan that could be seen in the form of numbers before his eyes, he would definitely go away and have an adventure out there.

So, he decided to weave a web of lies, to impersonate the real Arthanis in every way. He mimicked his gestures, his speech, his personality. He was like a chameleon that could blend in with his surroundings, changing his colors to suit this new world and his new life.

But how much did he really know about the man whose body he had lived in?

Nothing. Absolutely nothing.

He was a stranger in a borrowed body, armed with nothing but fragmented memories triggered by unpredictable events. These memories were far from comforting, only serving to deepen his confusion. If not for the mental fortitude he had honed in his past life, he might have succumbed to madness.

So, if he didn't know what kind of man Arthanis was, then he just pretended to know, even though he didn't. It was a perplexing existence, but such was the life of Artham Lanis.

A paradox.

And as long as he remained unknown, he only needed to learn about the real Arthanis from someone else's perspective. And so, he hoped that his ignorance would not be exposed, or that his lies would not be uncovered. Perhaps he wondered how long he could keep up this charade and deceive the people who believed him. But underneath it all, he felt very confident in his talent.

His talent in deception was extraordinary, or maybe out of this world. He could lie with such conviction that he could even deceive himself, as he had done in his previous everyday life. Also, coupled with Mire, the holographic AI, the perfect analytical and logical machine ever known by him that could guide him, he was unstoppable.

[I was just curious about our current village situation. I've heard some rumors that they are planning something big. Something that could threaten our village and our lives.] Mire supplied him with an excuse.

"I was just curious about our current village situation. I've heard some rumors that they are planning something big. Something that could threaten our village and our lives," he said to Miera, putting on a serious face.

Miera gasped, her face turning pale. She said, "Ah, I see. You're right. This is because of me." She lowered her head and clenched her fists. "It's all my fault. I should have been more careful. I should have listened to Uncle Ofero. He told me not to go too far into the forest. He said it was too dangerous. But I wanted to get more cixonberries and some medicine grass for my sick mother. I wanted to make her better. And now uncle Ofero is lying there, unconscious. And you… you risked your life to save us."

She looked up at him, tears in her eyes.

He smiled gently and said, "It's okay. Everything is fine now. You did nothing wrong. You were just trying to help your mother. You're a brave and kind girl." He touches her shoulder lightly, trying to comfort her.

He was lying, of course. He didn't care about her or her mother. He only cared about himself and his interests. He had saved them for his own benefit, not out of altruism. He had told her a bunch of nonsense to quell her curiosity and make her trust him. He had manipulated her emotions with his words and gestures.

But she didn't know that. She didn't notice the slight quiver in his voice, the droplets of sweat on his brow, or the flash of guilt in his eyes. She trusted him too much to doubt him about anything.

He smirked inwardly as he finished repairing the carriage. 'She swallowed my lies without question. How naive can she be? Does she really think I'm her prince on a white horse, her hero? Or is she just too overwhelmed by her regret for the accident? Either way, it works in my favor..'

He looked into Miera's eyes and saw a flicker of recognition. She was beginning to see Arthanis in him, not knowing the truth that lurked beneath the surface. And for now, that was enough. He would continue to play the part, to live this borrowed life, until the time was right to reveal the truth or remain silent forever. But for now, he was Arthanis, and that was all that mattered.

'Mire, can you save all the information we gathered?'

[Mire has already written the information.]

He turned to Miera and said, "Okay, shall we head back? I've fixed the wheel. We need to hurry before more goblins show up."

She nodded in agreement, her voice barely audible. "Yes."

Mire's voice echoed in his mind, [Master, do you even know the way to the village?]

Arthanis froze, realizing he hadn't thought of that.

'You don't know?'

[No. The previous owner's memory was not retrievable because of the absolute command he gave.]

'Absolute command, I see… then…'

"Oh, Miera, can I ask you to drive the carriage? I think I hurt my hand when I broke the prison that held you and Ziera. I'll go in the carriage with Zera to guard them in the back."

Miera nodded, "Yes, I can."

Arthanis gave her a reassuring smile. "Okay then, I'll carry Uncle Ofero into the carriage. Just wait there."

He lifted the unconscious man and placed him gently on the carriage.

A moment later, the rhythmic clatter of the horse-drawn carriage echoed through the air, punctuating the silence of the forest as it jolted along the uneven road. The horse, once weakened by goblin poison, had regained its vitality after consuming the cixonberries . It now pulled the battered carriage with renewed vigor, carrying Arthanis, Miera, Ziera, and the unconscious Ofero back to their village.

Arthanis sat in the back of the carriage, his brow furrowed in concentration as he tried to recall the winding forest path. His thoughts were interrupted by Ziera's anxious voice.

"Brother Arthanis," she said, her small face creased with worry. "Uncle Ofero is groaning."

Without a word, Arthanis moved closer to inspect Ofero.

'Mire, scan.' he thought.


[Scan Completed.]

[The scan showed no physical damage as severe as before. It was just Ofero's body reflexes moving to regain consciousness. He's about to wake up in 10 seconds.]

A smile tugged at the corners of Arthanis's mouth as he turned to the worried girl. "He's fine, Ziera. He's just about to wake up. Watch closely. 3… 2… 1…"

He snapped his fingers, and as if on cue, Ofero groaned again and slowly opened his eyes. He blinked a few times, trying to adjust to the light.

Ziera gasped, amazed by Arthanis's prediction. "Woah! It happened just like you said!"

Ofero's gaze flickered between Arthanis and Ziera, confusion and relief playing across his features. Before he could utter a word, Ziera threw her arms around him, her relief palpable.

"Uncle Ofero!" she exclaimed, her voice choked with emotion. "You're okay!"

Ofero tried to respond, but his voice was barely a whisper. "Ziera, you're safe! But where is Mier- Ugh!" He attempted to sit up, but a sharp pain in his abdomen made him gasp and fall back.

Arthanis gently nudged Ziera aside, her small arms wrapped tightly around Ofero. "Stay down," he advised, his voice calm and steady. "Miera is fine. She's guiding the horse up front."

Ziera's face lit up at his words, her worry replaced by a bright smile. "Yeah, sister's doing great!" she chimed in, her voice echoing with relief.

Ofero turned his gaze towards Arthanis, his eyes filled with gratitude. "Thank you for saving us, Arthanis," he rasped, his voice barely above a whisper. "I… I don't know what would have happened to them if you hadn't arrived in time."

Arthanis shook his head, dismissing his thanks with a wave of his hand. "Everything is fine now," he reassured him. "Just get some rest."

Just then, a voice echoed from the front of the carriage.