
The Last Dragonborn

A man with no memories wakes up in a forest and goes on different adventures in a somewhat familiar/unfamiliar land. - It’s my first writing attempt so don’t expect too much, there might be plot holes here and there. - English is not my first language so feel free to correct my mistakes. - I own nothing. - It’s been a while since I’ve played Skyrim so I might ask for your help for some stuff. - I wanted to write a Skyrim fic of my own after reading Four Walking Disasters on ff.net. If you are looking for a good Skyrim fic I recommend it. Give it a go. - I can’t make any promises about the update schedule since I’m just writing whenever I feel inspired and whenever I’m free. - Slow-paced at the beginning.

Shelooked18 · Video Games
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27 Chs

Whiterun 3

After searching every nook and cranny, I still couldn't find my horse, so I had no other choice than continue the rest of my travels on foot.

Another six weeks spent in the wilds and finally I reached Whiterun.

"I'm fine with all the dungeon crawling but all that trip back and forth is starting to get on my nerves."

I entered through the gates and made my way towards Jorrvaskr. I needed some rest.

There were not many Companions in Jorvaskr, probably most of them were out doing jobs.

I grabbed an ale and sat on a chair.

"Alaric, the Jarl is summoning you to Dragonsreach."

But of course, no rest for the wicked.

"What is the Jarl summoning me for?"

"I don't know. They didn't say anything. But with the absence Aela, Skjor and the rest, they are calling you. Most likely it is going to be dangerous quest, so they need someone of a high caliber."

"Sigh fine."

I downed my ale, got up and headed towards the Dragonsreach. Let's see what the Jarl needs.

I was stopped by the guards in front of the gates, but after informing them of my situation, I was allowed entry.

After ascending the stairs, I finally could see the Jarl.

He looked like a man in his fifties with white hair and dignified aura. He was dressed in luxurious clothes befitting his status as a Jarl of a hold. He was speaking to someone, likely his advisor, about issues regarding the safety of the hold.

"I only council caution. We cannot afford to act rashly in times like these."

"What would you have me do, then? Nothing?"

"My lord, please. This is no time for rash action. I just think we need more action before we act. I just..."

Right next to him was a dunmer woman. She had red hair and red eyes, was donned in plated leather armor and had an exquisitely enchanted blade on her hip.

I could tell with a look that the sword was of a high grade.

While I was observing the happenings in the hall, the Jarl Balgruuf finished his conversation with the man and turned to me.

"And you are?"

"Alaric of the Companions my Jarl."

"Ah good. The rising star of the Companions. I heard a lot about you this year young man. Rumor has it that you were unmatched with your two blades."

"They are exaggerations my Jarl. I still have much to learn."

"And modest too. You are a blessing to our Hold my friend. There is something you could do for me. Suitable for someone of your particular talents, perhaps. Proventus, bring our friend to Farengar. He's been looking into a matter related to these dragons and...rumors of dragons."

"Yes, my lord."

The man standing next to the Jarl bowed to him and escorted me to a room in the Dragonsreach.

There was a man dressed in a mage's robe. He was standing before and enchanting table and working on a blade.

There was a pile of unenchanted swords right next to the enchanting table.

"Farengar, the Jarl has found someone that could help you with your dragon project. Go ahead and fill him in with all the details."

The man lifted his head from the enchanting table and turned towards me. Looked me over once and said;

"So the Jarl thinks you can be of use to me? Oh yes, he must be referring to my research into the dragons. Yes, I could use someone to fetch something for me. Well, when I say fetch, I really mean delve into a dangerous ruin in search of an ancient stone tablet that may or may not actually be there."

"What does this have to do with dragons?"

"Ah, no mere brute mercenary, but a thinker -- perhaps even a scholar? You see, when the stories of dragons began to circulate, many dismissed them as mere fantasties, rumors. Impossibilities. One sure mark of a fool is to dismiss anything that falls outside his experience as being impossible. But I began to search for information about dragons -- where had they gone all those years ago? And where were they coming from?"

This guys definitely had some attitude problems.

"I, ah, learned of a certain stone tablet said to be housed in Bleak Falls Barrow -- a "Dragonstone," said to contain a map of dragon burial sites. Go to Bleak Falls Barrow, find this tablet -- no doubt in the main chamber -- and bring it to me. Simplicity itself."

I put a hand to my chin, "hmm, what can you tell me about Bleak Falls Barrow? Where is it located"

"An old tomb, built by the ancient Nords, perhaps dating back to the Dragon War itself. Ah. Maybe you just want to know how to get there. It's near Riverwood, a miserable little village a few miles south of here. I'm sure some of the locals can point you in the right direction once you get there."

"Dragon War? What is that?"

"I'm not surprised you've never heard of it. Even I used to think it was just a myth. But not anymore. The Dragon War was a real event, although only the barest glimmer of the actual events has come down to us. Far back in the Mythic Era, the dragons were worshipped as gods in Skyrim. Many of the monumental ruins that still dot the landscape were, in fact, built as temples to the dragons. The details are lost, but at some point the Nords rebelled. After a long and terrible war, the Nords overthrew their dragon overlords."

"So, were all the dragons killed in the Dragon War?"

"Oh, no. Many were killed, of course. But many survived into historical times. Why, this very palace was built by one of Balgruuf's ancestors to hold a captive dragon. Hence its name -- Dragonsreach. If you are done asking questions, off to Bleak Falls Barrow with you. The Jarl is not a patient man. Neither am I, come to think of it." With a shoo shoo gesture, I was rudely invited out of the room.

I accepted that I would not be able to get any answers to my questions anymore, so I left the Dragonsreach to set upon my next journey.

But first, I needed a good sleep. And Jorrvaskr had just that.

The next day, First thing in the morning, I replenished my supplies for the journey ahead and purchased a new horse which I named Roach once again.

After that, I was in the wilds once more.

The familiar farms appeared in my vision once more.

The patrolling guards who were everywhere in the city became rarer and rarer as I got further away from the city until they couldn't be seen anymore.

The roads became deserted and empty of people. It was during such an instance that I met those repulsive guys.

Dressed in their luxurious and embroidered garbs, Thalmor agents were escorting a Nord.

The man was bound on his wrists and the Thalmor agent on the horse was pulling on his ropes every time he looked like he was going to fall.

He fell down in a few instances but they didn't even bother for a while and dragged him on the ground. And once he looked like he reached his limits, they would heal him and forcefully make him stand on his feet.

I couldn't stand that sight any longer. It was brutal.

So I drew my falchions. I could use my new blade, whose name was Goldbrand according to Master Gyron, but I actually got used to the feel of these two blades. They felt more comfortable in my hands. Of course if the situation required it, I wouldn't hesitate to use the Goldbrand.

There were five people in the entourage. One mage, three warriors and a captive.

Mage had priority. That was the bastard that was pulling the rope.

So, I turned my sight towards him.

"Fus Ro!"

They didn't expect my ambush. The mage could do nothing but be flung away against the mighty force.

But I didn't let up. With a burst, I was right next to the fallen mage and with a swing, his head was severed.

Then I turned my sight towards the other enemies who finally came to their senses.

I had to get the captive away from them in case they use him as a hostage.


I released a fire breath to a warrior that was standing a little further from the group and appeared right in front of the captive instantly.

Thalmor warriors couldn't react in time until I grabbed the man and sprinted away. As soon as I grabbed him, I noticed that he was on his last legs. He couldn't hold on much longer. I tried giving him a few potions but they didn't work. He was half dead already.

His life force was slipping away at every moment. Even the most potent potions couldn't revive the dead.

"It is okay. I know, I'm dying, brother. Please, will you listen, to a request, from a man, on his last legs?"

"Tell me."

"I don't, wish to, die like this. Let me, die with a, blade in my hands. Let me, take one of, those Thalmor bastards' life."

I hesitated for a bit upon hearing his request. He was very weak at the moment. Likely he couldn't even swing a blade much less kill an armored opponent but it was the wish of a man wanting to die an honorable death. Who am I to deny his request?

I cut his bindings and pulled him up.

Then, I grabbed Goldbrand from my storage and offered it to the man. He didn't have any change of expression upon seeing a blade of the highest quality. He merely nodded his head with utmost gratitude and turned towards the approaching enemies.

I knew that he couldn't even swing the blade, so I grabbed the pommel from next to him and readied my magicka for a devastating attack in a single swing.

Once the Thalmor agents came close enough, I started pumping the blade with all of my magicka.

The man understood what I was trying to do and swung the sword horizontally with all his remaining strength.

The result was destruction of all the life in front of us.

The grass, trees, Thalmor agents, all that remained of them were ashes.

The man slumped on the ground once he saw that scene.

"Thank you, brother. Will you give, me your name, so that, I can sing your name, in the halls, of Sovngarde."

"Alaric. Don't forget to include how handsome I am." I said with a smile.

"Hahaha don't worry, Everyone will know, Alaric, Wulfharth." Then his eyes lost their shine.

I stood there for a few moment and dug a grave for the man with a sigh.

Yea, I’m not really sure about this chapter either. If you have any ideas, let me know.

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