
The Last Dragonborn

A man with no memories wakes up in a forest and goes on different adventures in a somewhat familiar/unfamiliar land. - It’s my first writing attempt so don’t expect too much, there might be plot holes here and there. - English is not my first language so feel free to correct my mistakes. - I own nothing. - It’s been a while since I’ve played Skyrim so I might ask for your help for some stuff. - I wanted to write a Skyrim fic of my own after reading Four Walking Disasters on ff.net. If you are looking for a good Skyrim fic I recommend it. Give it a go. - I can’t make any promises about the update schedule since I’m just writing whenever I feel inspired and whenever I’m free. - Slow-paced at the beginning.

Shelooked18 · Video Games
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27 Chs

Unbound 2

"Alaric… My name is Alaric." Right. That is my name. At least I won't die without knowing who I am.

"You picked a wrong time to come home to Skyrim, kinsman." The soldier said with a noticeable sadness in this tone. "Yeah, I figured." I replied.

"Captain, what should we do? He is not on the list." Then he asked to the Captain who was standing right next to him.

"Forget the list, he goes to the block." And of course, there is no way out for me.

"By your orders, Captain. I'm sorry. At least you will die here, in your homeland. Follow the Captain, Alaric." The soldier said after turning towards me.

"That doesn't make it any better." I said and followed the Captain to the chopping block and stood next to the other prisoners.

There, I saw General Tullius standing before Ulfric. "Ulfric Stormcloak. Some here in Helgen call you a hero, but a hero doesn't use a power like the Voice to murder his king and usurp his throne." He said with neutrality in his tone.

"Hmmh." Ulfric tried to say something but all that came out was grunting noises because of the cover on his mouth. Now that I took a look at it, I could feel some kind of energy from the cloth gagging his mouth.

Magical cloth? For covering his mouth? But why?

"You started this war, plunged Skyrim into chaos and now the Empire is going to put you down, and restore the peace." General Tullius continued.

But then, a distant sound rang down the mountain. It was too far away to make out what the sound or what made the sound was.

"What was that?" The soldier from before asked. "It's nothing. Carry on." But General Tullius gave it no heed and declared.

"Yes, General Tullius." The Imperial Captain saluted and looked towards a woman in priest robes. "Give them their last rites."

The priestess walked towards the chopping block, faced us, the prisoners, and raised her hands to pray. "As we commend your souls to Aetherius, blessings of the Eight Divines upon you, for you are the salt and earth of Nirn, our beloved--" But she couldn't finish her rites for one of the Stormcloak prisoners from a different carriage stepped forward.

"For the love of Talos, shut up and let's get this over with." He approached the block with anger and the priestess made way. "As you wish…"

He laid his head on the block and looked towards the executioner. "Come on, I haven't got all morning. My ancestors are smiling at me, Imperials. Can you say the same?" He berated with courage.

Then the executioner, with a nod from the General Tullius, proceeded to behead the Stormcloak soldier.


I couldn't say I didn't feel any sort of admiration towards the beheaded soldier for his bravery in the face of his death.

"You Imperial Bastards!"


"Death to the Stormcloaks!"

"As fearless in death as he was in life."

The decapitation of the Stormcloak soldier elicited different responses from different camps.

"Next, Ulfric Stormcloak." The Imperial Captain said.

But the sound from before rang out again but this time much closer and it could be made out as a somewhat cry this time. I still couldn't figure out what was making the cry but I felt something weird about it. My heart started beating like crazy in my chest.

"There it is again. Did you hear that?"

"I said, next, Ulfric Stormcloak."

Then Ulfric was brought to the block, but it wasn't meant to be as a large creature swoop over from the southern mountain peaks, barreling towards Helgen, barreling towards us."

"What in Oblivion is that?!" General Tullius shouted.

I was watching the creature approach with an unbelievable speed. I couldn't take my eyes of it, my heart started beating even faster like it was anticipating the creature.

"Sentries! What do you see?!" The Imperial Captain shouted towards the archers on the roofs but no reply came.

"It's in the clouds!" A soldier said.

But the creature was close enough to make a sense of it. It landed on the tower right behind the block, where Ulfric's head was placed at.

Impenetrable looking black scales, a huge reptilian head, and wings that shouldn't have been able to fly because of the natural laws, but apparently it completely disregarded those laws.

"A dragon!"

{**v S*** **h!}

The dragon 'shouted' something towards the crowd and all hell broke loose.




Explosions occurred everywhere around me, with the last one being too close for comfort, but I stood there watching the dragon in a daze. But thankfully Ralof grabbed me in the arm. "Hey, kinsman. Come on! The gods won't give us another chance."

I woke up from my daze and followed right after him. We ran with the other prisoners. Everyone was scattered with the soldiers now trying to push the dragon away to no avail. No arrows made a scratch and no magic made a dent in its scales.

"Get in! Quick!" I looked towards the front and saw that we were heading towards a tower where the other prisoners were hiding in.

We got in and the doors were shut closed. The tower was filled with other Stormcloak soldiers and their leader who now had his mouth free.

"Jarl Ulfric! What is that thing? Could the legends be true?" Ralof asked.

"Legends don't burn down villages. There are still my brothers and sisters out there, I will not leave until I get them to safety, Ralof you are with me, Vilod take care of the wounded, and you, there is a hole on wall up in the tower, if you can jump across to the inn, you can get closer to the exit. We need to move, now!" Ulfric said with a deep voice.

They left the tower and I was left pondering his words with the wounded soldiers now filling the room. I headed up the stairs and found the hole.

After taking a look at the distance I needed to jump to reach the inn across, I knew I could do it.

So, I took a few steps back, took a deep breath, ran and jumped.


I couldn't cushion my fall but I made it. I landed on the roof but I didn't waste any time. I jumped down and started gunning for the exit but someone grabbed me on my collar and yanked me back. It was the Imperial soldier that was standing next to the Captain.

"Take cover!" He shouted and ducked under a makeshift barricade with me.


Just in time for a blast of fire to sail above our heads. If he didn't grab me just now, maybe I would have turned into a charcoal.

"Still alive Alaric? Keep close to me if you want to keep it that way." He said and turned towards one of the villagers with a child. "Gunnar take care of the boy. I have to find General Tullius and join the defense."

"Gods guide you Hadvar." The man said.

So the name of the Imperial soldier is Hadvar, eh?

Hadvar started running and I followed right after him. Escaping by myself was a suicide at this point. We ran and ran, ducked under something whenever we felt the fire coming and deflected the debris falling on top of us from the destroyed buildings.

"Stay close to the wall!" Hadvar shouted while we were running through a narrow passage. And I did hug the wall just in time for a claw to crush the place I was standing at before.

Two claws appeared on top of the wall with the head following right after them.

{Yol Toor!}

The blast of fire was much stronger this time. Like, if the first one was fire, this one was inferno.

We waited until the dragon had its fun of destroying everything before it took to the skies once more.

"Quickly, follow me!" Hadvar said.

After running for a while, we reached the main gate but it was a carnage. The gate had crumbled.

No way out that way.

The soldiers were firing arrows and spells in vain. The dragon didn't even notice them let alone wound it.

"Into the keep, soldiers, we're leaving." General Tullius was at the main gate too and shouted towards the soldiers. Guess they are giving up too.

"Yes, sir! It's you and me Alaric. Let's go." Hadvar said after hearing the order.

We kept running and finally reached the keep and with it a little bit of relief from making it there 'till this far.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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