
The Last Dragon on Earth

The Last Dragon On Earth

Book 1

A world with dragons. Amazing creatures with mythical powers. Some beautiful some not. Some dragon live a normal life but some don't. This group of dragon work for a evil queen that want to rule over all the land. They killed and killed. They think that their job is done. But 1 dragon egg was hidden and can be the hero of the dragon world. 2 months later… a giant rock was falling out of the sky. Small ones at first and then it gets bigger and bigger and then the dragon land was soaked in tears.

The Start of the Day

"Joe it's time for school make sure you don't wake Emma up." "What do we have for breakfast today" said Joe running down the stairs with excitement. "Today for breakfast we have scrambled eggs, peas, and bread. "That's awesome mom I love you so much. I will be heading to the bus stop, goodbye Sweetie. "Wow I have a sweet mom while eating the toast with eggs and peas.

The School Bus

So now the bus was coming and so joe went on and got in his seat

"Hey man how are you doing" said Joe. "Hey Joe how's it going Is everything good"."yay man sister is great mom is great the whole family is good". Hey dude we're here at State York university.

The morning class

"Hello class my name if Mrs Edward." "Also where is Joe." I'm here Mrs Edward". "Joe today you will be leaving at 12:30 you have something to be taking care of". "Ok Mrs Edward" said Joe while thinking about what that will be. I never thought that mom will take me out of school for something while thinking hard of what happen because his mom will only do that if something is super bad.


"Joe get readly your going to be leaving in a couple seconds. RIng RING the phone ring Joe must leave for something. Hey mom why are, no time to talk there is something you must see. "Wait up mom why are we leave" said Joe while scared because of how is his mom acting.

In the Car

"Mom why did you make me leave early today." "Joe there is something mager we need to do." "What is it what is it" said Joe getting more excited. "Joe this is something no one can know about." "Your and I found something you kids to to check out." "Mom is it something I can't tell others." "Never tell anyone about this." "We found a Dragon's den underground in the back of our house.

The Den

"Mom how many dragons are there". There is only one dragon in the den Joe." "This dragon will stay in this and everyone forget about" said papa. "No we need to take care for it so it can grow up" said Joe as he walking around thinking if he said the right thing. "How do we care for it". "We can feed it some meat and other kinds. When Joe's mom, dad, and sister was bring the dragon inside to feed it Joe was looking around for clues that might help him know how did it appear.

The missing clue

As Joe walked around the gigantic cave he sees many pictures of the past of the dragon world. There was a gigantic tunnel that has many time lines from the past to the preavent. All the writing on the stone was not our language that we have. At the end of the tunnel that a cooling place. So Joe grabbed some of the mist and is going to see what it does. After many tests Joe figure out that it triggers a part of the brain so that you never age. When you walk out of the mist you will age but if your in the mist you will not age.

The Rock cravings

The next thing that Joe what to check on is the rock cravings in the tunnel. The first thing Joe thought is just drawings of the fake past time. But as Joe keep reading and reading and looking as the picture. At last Joe finally found what the rock was trying to say. The Rick was trying to say that a evil queen wanting to rule the whole world. It was over 2 million years ago.

A new beginning

"Hey Joe come inside" said his mom. "Hey mom I think we should name him". "That is a great idea" said his whole family. Lets name him Rex. "Yes rex will be a great name." So get ready for a new beginning!

A New Beginning