

"Hello, my name is Seo hee Yi and I am 17 years old. I want to get away from my life. I don't belong here and not in that world. My life is a total mess.

Everyone calls me a mistake.

My parents fight everytime. Their fight is that bad that you can see broken furniture and sometimes blood. It started when I was two years old.

My boyfriend left me because I am ugly and that he is to good for me.

My friends fight and I am the one who is the reason behind it.", the woman said and started to cry.

The female doctor, next to her, gave her tissues. She took them and smiled at her. Her smile was a thank-you to the doctor. She told her "I can't cry neither do anything. Only hide every feelings and pain I have because I don't want my little sister get sad because of me"

The pain in her voice, was only to hear.

The Doctor looked at her. She was very sorry for Seo .

"My Name is Eunbi. I work as a doctor, but I don't know how to help you.", she said in a disappointed voice.

Seo smiled to Eunbi and said her last words to Eunbi „Thank you for listening me and it's okay."

After those words, she left the room.