
Got Late that evening

It was 6pm and Lehra was already late because she had to complete her pending work in the office. She left the office at 7 and went to the bus stop she regurly used to pass by a graveyard and see a Gardner there but today he was not there because she was late she reached the bus stop it was dark and no

one was present near by except a man who had a small shop which had no light .

Lehra waited for a while and noticed a dog which looked quite weak was staring at her from side .she finall asked the shop keeper that when will the next bus arrive for kerta the man replied in a uneasy way said it arrives at 9 some times.she asked then otherwise it would arrive late or early. He said that someone times it don't even arrives.

He started closing his shop and before leaving he gave some leftover food to the dog and left saying if it gets late go to city side

you may find a tixi from there.

It was almost 8 and i remembred that I did not eat my lunch fully today so I took out the food from my bag and gave it to the dog.It was 9.30 and no sing of the bus i was worried because the shop owner said it would arrive till 9.

Finally i thought of taking a taxi and when i stepped further the dog started barking and I did not know the reson .suddenly a old lady wearing white saari(Indian traditional dress)

seeing her i got a little confidence that someone is finally hear for the bus.

when she came a little closer I noticed that her cloths were dirty and she appeared too old I asked her are you also wating for the bus she did not reply she looked creepy bec she had white hair and her skin was dark ,dry ,and wrinkled .

She did not speak a word and i again i just left for the city but she called me and said where will you go in so late night.After hearing her voice i felt somewhat uncomfortable because I could not even describe how it was and i went back and asked her that if the bus was going to arrive or not.she said she had been wating very long for the bus but it never arrived.I asked her what did she mean by that

she said its too late and the bus will not arrive

when i saw the time it was 12!! I was totally

shoked that how did the time pass so fast the old lady sat there on the ground and i too sat down she said me i could sleep there if i wished to but i felt it odd.

After some time i started feeling sleepy and tried to lay like the old women but when i did she got up and said finally you are feeling sleepy and sat close to me and started to rub her hand on my head it was a very motherly feeling.I suddenly thought of the dog which was not there since i saw the old women i asked her did you see the dog which was hear when you came hear .she said thare is no dog hear then i said her that i gave it food and on and on.

I woke up. I was sellping near the grave yard and the gardned was there inside doing something i was totally out of my mind thinking that how on earth did i come hear and when did fall asleep the gardner saw me and asked me that why i had been sleeping hear that too near a graveyard didnt you feel scared.

Then i rembered that when i thought about the gardner and just reached the busstop what a terrible exprience the i saw the photo of the old women i asked him i saw her last night she was with me who is she.

The gardner asked me wether i was not joking

because she was his grandmother who died in an bus accident with he dog.

I was feeling something..... and fainted i woke up in the hospital and when i thought of asking about this to the shopowner near the busstop there was no shop there.

Sorry guys bec i used name as lehra un the biggining and used i later.

because this us my first time writing a story.