
With born

Once open a time there lived a happy family of six father mother three sisters n one brother.

They were poor but . ... .

Their father work's hard for their family to make them happy ☺️ .. .

There life was going well asusel.. .

Time was passing... .

Children were becoming younger n they started to hate their father.. .

Reason he was dirty he don't dressed well they were shame to call him as their father among their friends.. .

Time was passing.. .

One day there was a truing point for their family a bad truing point.. .

Their older sister got married ahaa ahahh I know it's normal.. but was not for them cos it was to early for her to be married they thought that she will look after them all as she was clever n good at study but she got married when she was in grade 12 . .

(Family dreams were sheeted)

Married for like ok for her brother but she was pragent too n she was still counting her class as she was given her final exam n so his brother also used to study at that same school n he was shamed about it but he tries to keep it simple but inner of he's heart it was not ..

Time was passing.. ... .

Baby was born a babyboy he was so cute n he was the perfect example of angel.. . Everyone was happy to see him every one loved him .. .

Time was passing.. ..

(Now he was the age of 6 7)

(till then that child was with them)

Sister relationship was becoming worst they now decided to have a divorce it was like someone had came n stab a broken mirror to their familys life as now that child was with his father now n they will not be able to see that angel again.. ..

Time was passing... ... .

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