
Chapter 1

"Why was I even chosen as the avatar?" was a question that ran through Aang's head for the longest of times. Chosen at birth with no choice nor decision in the matter, this title and responsibility were far too much for him, and he himself knew that, but regardless, he tried his best to live up to these titles and responsibilities.

Being such a genius in airbending, at the young age of six, he already surpassed the other benders his age and twice his age tremendously, and by the age of twelve, he had surpassed even his teacher, as after doing so, he had achieved his mastery tattoos when he mastered thirty-five of the thirty-six tiers of airbending and invented a new airbending technique, the "air scooter." But even with such achievements, he still felt as if the title and obligations that he had to live up to were still far too much for him.

As the boy grew more prestigious, this feeling of guilt for not being able to live up to his people's expectations increased. It had reached such a point that he was forced to smile fake smiles; this guilt was eating at his core. This feeling was slowly overpowering his mind, and with each passing day, it became more and more apparent. This was until the boy struck his breaking point. The stress and guilt that built up from not being able to live up to his people's expectations had won, and due to this, he had finally determined a decision, one that would not only free him of the guilt he had but also relieve his stress. He should run away and enter hiding, all until he believed he'd be able to live up to their expectations and follow through with his responsibilities. As such, when evening struck, he had disappeared, but little did he know his disappearance would soon bring forth more despair.

As Aang ran away, the Avatar State, a powerful and rare manifestation of the Avatar's immense power and knowledge, was triggered. The sudden disappearance of the Avatar had caused an imbalance in the world, leading to the emergence of the Fire Nation, who had been plotting to take over the world for years. The absence of the Avatar had allowed them to unleash their full force, bringing destruction to the world and causing chaos to the four nations.

Meanwhile, Aang had found refuge in an icy cocoon that had preserved him for over a hundred years. It wasn't until he was discovered by two siblings, Katara and Sokka, that he learned of the Fire Nation's conquest and the devastation it had brought upon the world. As the Avatar, it was his duty to restore balance to the world and put an end to the Fire Nation's tyranny.

A/N: This is a simple test; I want to test the likeability possible for the idea that I have. As such, the next chapter will either be longer or shorter depending on the support.

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